Early Years: Gallery

Funky Fingers

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 10:32am

The children are enjoying developing their fine motor skills during our Funky Fingers sessions.


Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 9:42am

We had lots of fun making shape pictures using circles and triangles. Can you guess what we made?

Fun in Foundation Stage

Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 7:00pm

We are all really enjoying being at school!

Foundation Stage's Easter Bonnet Parade (from afar!)

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 2:35pm

A huge well done and thank you to all the children who made an Easter Bonnet and sent us their pictures!

After (very little deliberation) we decided that they were all so fantastic that everyone should get a prize! We will work on getting these to you next week.

Stay safe and have a great weekend everyone.

Breakfast with Books

Date: 10th Mar 2020 @ 3:59pm

A huge thank you to everyone who came and took advantage of our Breakfast with Books mornings in Foundation Stage!! If you found it helpful and would like us to do something similiar again please let us know!

World Book Day in FS

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:26pm

We looked at the book ‘Once Upon a Time..’ by Nick Sharratt.  We were able to change the story by choosing where the princess lived, what kind of pet she had and what she wished for when a witch granted her three wishes.  

We also talked about what the children would wish for. Here are some of their ideas:-

a castle

a unicorn

a really fast car

a trampoline 

a brand new scooter

Peppa pig

a horse


Tasting Coconut and our new Chalkboard Wall

Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 4:09pm

We had a coconut in our Curiosity Cube last week, and enjoyed learning about where they come from. We opened it up (with help from a hammer!) and tried eating what was inside! Some of us enjoyed it but most said it wasn't very tasty!


We've also painted the wall in our new deconstructed role-play area with chalkboard paint, so it's finally ok to write on the walls!

Making Playdough

Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 4:04pm

We've been making playdough this morning with Mrs Bloxham. We used loads of different things to change the colour and smell of it! Can you make some at home?

Do burgers melt?

Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 3:58pm

In Reception we've been reading the story 'Attack of the Cheeseburgers'! Our favourite part was near the end when the rain came and melted all the burgers. But we didn't think that was possible! So today we got some burgers and poured some 'rain' (tap water because it was our first dry day in weeks!!) on them to see what would happen! Do you think they melted?

Nope! But did the buns did go soggy and fall apart. So if you are being chased by some giant cheeseburgers, running in to the rain might just save you!

Pancake Day!

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 4:23pm

We've really enjoyed making pancakes with the children in FS today! We read the instructions, got all the ingredients ready and off we went! They were really tasty!

Deconstructed Roleplay

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 8:33am

Thank you to everyone who has sent in some big boxes for us (we can always use more REALLY BIG ONES!). We've changed our home corner so that the children are just using boxes and other resources to make the things they need for the their role play! On Friday they were pretending to be pirates, using the boxes as boats and making swords and outfits! Who knows what they will choose to play as today!

Science Week in FS

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:30am

We've been performing lots of different experiments, from the fun mentos and coke, to seeing what melts the ice the fastest! Ask us about the amazing "jumping colours" as well!

Science Experiments with Adrian!

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:18am

We've had a fantastic morning performing some different experiments with Adrian. We've been finding out about materials that float or sink! Seeing which shape rolls the best! And which material is the most "absorbent".

We've learned 5 very important scientific words: predict; test; measure; classify and observe. Can you remember what they all mean?

It’s been snowing?!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 2:56pm

The children were very excited to find it had been snowing in a Foundation Stage! They of course knew it wasn't cold enough for snow and we showed them the 'fake' snow Mrs Bloxham had got. They loved the feeling of it and talking about how strange it was to feel warm 'snow'. You can get your own in most shops and have a white Christmas without the cold!

It’s been snowing?!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 2:56pm

The children were very excited to find it had been snowing in a Foundation Stage! They of course knew it wasn't cold enough for snow and we showed them the 'fake' snow Mrs Bloxham had got. They loved the feeling of it and talking about how strange it was to feel warm 'snow'. You can get your own in most shops and have a white Christmas without the cold!

FS Nativity

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 12:01pm

What a fantastic time we had performing our Nativity 'The Bossy King' for parents and family this week! Don't forget to order your DVD if you want before we finish for Christmas, they make fantastic presents!!

And we had some juice and biscuits afterwards to unwind, because we deserved it!

FS World Children's Day

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:45pm

We were very lucky to have some of our Rights Respect Ambassadors to come and teach us about our rights in FS. After talking about them with us they challenged us to draw some pictures to illustrate them. We chose to do "the right to be heard" and "the right to an education". We drew pictures of us talking to our friends or parents, and pictures of us in school (we need to practise drawing Mrs McDemott and Mr Widdowson, our arms do not come out of our legs!)


Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 10:24am

Thanks to the £4000 grant we were awarded from winning the Tesco Bags for Help scheme, the new canopy and Reading/Writing Shed are now completed in the Foundation Stage outside area! The children have been making great use of the covered spaces, especially in this recent bad weather. 

Children in Need in FS!

Date: 15th Nov 2019 @ 12:44pm

We've had a great time making ome Pudsey Buscuits and hats in Foundation Stage! We will bring our hats home but unfortunately we ate all the buscuits, oops!

FS Autumn and Muddy Walk!

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 12:53pm

We had a great (if a bit cold) time on our Autumn walk! We saw loads of trees that were changing because of the time of the year and got to look at some of the birds in our area! Thank you to all the parents who came with us!

Bonfire Night Celebrations

Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 4:17pm

Today in Foundation Stage we had our very own bonfire! We built it outside and talked about how to be safe around a real flame! We knew to not touch it or even get too close and talked about what we should wear to keep us safe! We toasted some marshmallows and had a great time.

Pumpkin Carving in FS

Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 5:22pm

We had a lot of fun scooping the insides of the pumpkins out and talking about how it felt in our hands! We then looked at some designs and drew a face for the teachers to cut out. Mr Widdowson's attempt was not very good!


We also made some spooky food with Mrs Bloxham. What made it spooky? The Taste!

Making funny faces! (Out of shapes!)

Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 11:29am

We've been making some funny faces using the 2D shapes we've been learning about. We wonder if you can make any at home?

More Experiments in FS!

Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 8:26am

This week our Science Experiment was to fill a bag with water and stick some sharp pencils through it! The children thought it would "explode" or "pop" but it actually did nothing! (until we took the pencils out!)


One of the bags did already have a little hole so it leaked through there so we are going to retry this tomorrow with a leakproof bag!

Nursery Singing for French Day!!

Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 4:23pm

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UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD