




Hi, I’m Mrs Lawrenson and I am the subject leader for Art at Lyme Community Primary School. I am passionate about all forms of Art, I have a GCSE in Art and particularly love using my sketch book to gather ideas and explore. I believe that children should have opportunities to express themselves freely and creatively, enabling them to try and adapt their own ideas to reach their full potential. This ‘freedom to be creative’ is something which is introduced in Foundation Stage but all too often can be lost as children grow older. At Lyme we recognise this, and instead, we promote a ‘have a go’ attitude and equip our children with the tools and knowledge to gain inner confidence and develop their creative skills to progress year on year.  

With this in mind, we have carefully planned our Art curriculum at Lyme Community Primary School to offer a high-quality Art education supported by Kapow, which enables our children to be inspired, allow them to think innovatively and develop an artistic process. We want to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Each pupil from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, has their own sketch book, and as pupils progress, they are encouraged to think critically, and develop a deeper understanding of Art. Our children learn to make informed judgement's, aesthetic and practical decisions. They also explore ideas and meanings through the study of famous artists. We enhance our curriculum by arranging a series of special events, visits, visitors and whole school celebrations such as ‘Arts Week’. We have links to local High schools and utilise these opportunities whenever possible.  

To ensure that learning is meaningful, we also offer a range of CPD opportunities for all staff and have a culture of knowledge sharing across the school. Through this collective learning, I am proud that our team is always striving to be the best that it can be and we are currently working hard towards our Arts Mark award.  




A curriculum designed for Lyme Community Primary School


Purpose of study

Throughout their time at Lyme Community Primary School children are provided with a variety of fun, relevant and exciting topic based experiences which enhance their natural desire to stimulate creativity, imagination and inventiveness. They are given the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express responses to ideas and experiences in a visual form.

Our Art curriculum, using the Kapow Primary scheme, is designed to progressively develop children skills in Art and design. Visual art is an exciting practical area of learning which challenges all pupils. The subject fosters an understanding and enjoyment of art, craft and design and shows development of ideas and their own skills, through the use of a sketchbook. It develops their ability to observe, investigate, respond to and record the world around them through a growing variety of forms and media. Visual art develops the use of a range of tools, media and processes. It develops an understanding of the work of artists, crafts people and designers and pupils can apply this knowledge to their own work.

Pupils in Early Years are given opportunities to be imaginative by representing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art. They are given the freedom to freely explore resources and pursue their own creative interests and talents in addition to the planned learning experiences. There is an emphasis on independence and self-initiated learning.

In KS1 children are given opportunities to use sketch books to record their observations and improve their mastery of art and design techniques. They will use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. They are taught to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Children will develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They will learn about the work of a range of artists, making links to their own work.

In KS2 children are given opportunities to use sketch books to record their observations and improve their mastery of art and design techniques. These include drawing, painting and sculpture using a range of materials. Pupils will continue to look at the work of great artists, architects and designers in history. Art is used as a means of sharing talents and gives children opportunities and experiences to develop holistically.

At Lyme, children are given the opportunity to explore art in more detail through arts week. Each class will focus on an aspect of art and look at a particular artist. This is often used in conjunction with other subjects such as dance, drama and music to develop more meaningful learning experiences.

Assessment and Curriculum Planning

Here at Lyme Community Primary School we believe children should be taught to evaluate their art work, using this as a platform from which to develop their spoken language, vocabulary, creativity and skill. In Early Years, children are assessed against the EYFS age related criteria within the strand of Expressive Arts and Design, though aspects of creativity and inventiveness can be seen in all areas of the creative curriculum.

In KS1 & 2, children complete a Kapow quiz and knowledge catcher at the start of each unit to inform curriculum planning and the end to identify progression. This enables teachers to monitor which pupils are working towards their age related expectations and who may be exceeding these goals. This information is then used to outline how additional support or challenge can be provided in order to meet the needs of our pupils. This is recorded in SIMS and used by teachers when reporting to parents.



The following links may inspire you to get creative!


Files to Download

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD