Standards and Quality Committee

Terms of Reference for the Standards and Quality Committee


As agreed at the first meeting of the year and Chair to be elected.


The quorum for committee meetings is a minimum of 4 members excluding the Headteacher.  (The committee shall not meet without the Headteacher, or a substitute nominated by the Headteacher, being present.)


Delegated responsibilities

·       To monitor progress on priorities in the School Improvement Plan.

·       To review the staffing structure when vacancies occur, and at least annually in relation to priorities for school improvement.

·       To agree procedures for the appointment of school staff, in line with School Staffing Regulations.

·       To ensure that every member of staff has a job description and that job descriptions are reviewed when vacancies occur.

·       To ensure, via reports from the Headteacher, that the Performance Management policy is implemented throughout the school, and that all staff are included in the system of performance review.

·       Ensure the school website is provided with appropriate text for Pupil Premium and Sport funding, allocation and impact.                    

·       To consider the award of additional points of responsibility/management points to teachers.

·       To consider policy documents and to report to the full Governing Body on whether they have been adopted.

·       With the assistance of staff, to provide information on how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced.

·       To review the policy and provision for Religious Education and Collective Worship.

·       To review the policy and provision for sex education.

·       To ensure that the requirements for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are met.

·       To ensure that the school meets the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.

·       Monitor and review pupil progress and attainment:

  • On a termly and annual basis according to phase/class

  • Of specific groups such as those who are the ‘Most Able’, ‘Pupil Premium’, SEN, EAL, LAC, by ethnicity and gender etc.

  • By comparing school performance to national benchmarks (Dashboard, FFT) and to similar schools

  • By identifying trends over time (normally 3 years)

  • Monitor and review the breadth and balance of the school’s curriculum

  • Ensure the school curriculum addresses the expectations of relevant National Curriculum requirements

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD