Y3 2024 - 2025
Y3: Gallery items
Mrs Reid
Welcome to Year 3!
We are a class of 28 7 and 8 year olds - our teacher is Mrs Reid and our Teaching Assistants are Miss Hughes and Mrs Pallett-Prince.
We do PE on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday morning we must wear our school PE kit on those days (a white t-shirt, red shorts/black joggers/leggings, our school jumper/cardigan and black pumps/trainers).
Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following THURSDAY. Children will also visit our well stocked library to choose a book to enjoy at home and they can change it once they have finished it.
Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned the following THURSDAY.
Throughout the year we will be learning lots of new things such as - How do we know the Stone Age exsisted? Where do rocks and fossils come from? How (and why) have some people served God? How can we be a good friend?
Throughout the year we will add photos to this page to showcase our learning!