Vision and Values


Our Aims
· To ensure that each child is given full entitlement to the National Curriculum.
· To ensure equal opportunities for all.
· To value all pupils equally and ensure that curriculum provision takes account of each
individual child's age, stage of development and ability.
· To create a consistently happy, stimulating learning environment which is both
challenging and supportive and encourages independence throughout the school.
· To create an atmosphere where staff work together as a team sharing ideas and
expertise, ensuring staff development and mutual support.
· To set and maintain high standards and expectations so that children are helped to
achieve their maximum potential.
· To liaise with outside agencies and, when needed, to arrange access to a range of
specialist services to support children with Special Educational Needs.
· To foster a close relationship between school and the community through the
development of home/school links, giving opportunities for parental involvement in
the life of the school and in the education of their own children.
· To promote the development of the school as a resource for the community and the
community as a resource for the school.
· To further develop links and networks between the community including other
primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and local agencies.
· To develop a curriculum that draws on and relates to the wider world wherever
· To continue to develop environmental sustainability.

Our Values

Lyme Community Primary School



At Lyme we believe that, in accordance with our vision and values, all staff will work collaboratively and constructively with children to ensure they understand the expectations we have for them in terms of their behaviour and conduct in school. This is based on a commitment to spend time ensuring that children are given clear boundaries, encouraged to reflect on and learn about how their behaviour affects others and to support them in developing empathy with those around them. This will be fostered within a calm and purposeful environment in which the development of respectful relationships is seen as a priority. We will communicate clearly with parents about important issues or events regarding the behaviour of their children and work in partnership with them to support their children.


Please read our full Behaviour Policy in the 'Statutory Information' section. 


Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD