Reading Ambassadors
Meet our Reading Ambassadors for the 2024-25 academic year. These children have been chosen for their love of reading and willingness to share this passion with others. Our Reading Ambassadors promote reading throughout the school in lots of ways.
Roles and Responsibilities
- To promote a love of reading across the school.
- Recommend books to others and talk about their favourite authors.
- Demonstrate exemplary reading behaviours and be an excellent role model to others.
- Support pupils with reading outdoors at lunch times.
- Keep the library and other book areas tidy.
- Be the voice of pupils across the school.
- Read with children in different classes.
Assemblies and themed weeks
They orgainsie whole-school assemblies and communicate key messages about reading to the school. We meet half termly to plan for themed week such as World Book Day, National Storytelling Week and Poetry Week.
Restocking our library
Each year, the ambassadors visit online book stores to restock our library with newly released books and those that need replacing. They consider the views of their whole class when selecting new titles.
Story time
Each half term, our ambassadors support with story time sessions across the school.