Early Years: Gallery

Glitter Playdough Workshop

Date: 6th Mar 2019 @ 2:38pm

We had geat fun this morning making glitter dough and some of us even managed to stay clean!!


Chicks in Foundation Stage

Date: 5th Mar 2019 @ 2:06pm

Lots of learning in Foundation Stage!

Date: 15th Feb 2019 @ 11:45am

We've been taking advantage of the nicer weather (since the snow!) in Foundation Stage. We've been practising our reading and writing inside and out! We've been challenging each other with tricky obstacle courses (making sure they are safe of course!) And in Reception we've been learning some new board games, which we've really enjoyed. We hope we can play more board games at home with you!

Fun in the snow!

Date: 30th Jan 2019 @ 7:29pm

We had a great day in the snow in Foundation Stage, playing and learning to do lots of things! We found out the best shape of snowball to make (a sphere!), we used positional language to talk about where our target for the snowball was (usually Mr Widdowson!), we practised our fine and gross motor skills, we talked about how to stay healthy with exercise and why it was important to keep warm, and a lot more!

'Peace at Last' by Reception

Date: 29th Jan 2019 @ 3:36pm

Watch as Reception perform their story map of 'Peace at Last'. Our next step is to change the story, we are thinking of different places Mr Bear could go and what would be keeping him awake there!

Happy Birthday Mrs Bloxham!

Date: 23rd Jan 2019 @ 4:55pm

We had brilliant time celebrating Mrs Bloxham’s birthday today. We’ve made cards, banners, badges and more for her! We then all got together to sing happy birthday and give her a present.

Helping the younger children with their reading!

Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 2:24pm

On Friday afternoons some of the Year 5 children have been coming down to Reception to read to the children and listen to Reception children read their books. All the children know how important it is to practise their reading and have really enjoyed sharing their books with the older children!

Foundation Stage party!

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 1:51pm

We’ve had a fantastic day in Foundation Stage, playing party games, dancing to our favourite Christmas songs and having a visit from the big man Santa himself! 

Posting our letters to Father Christmas!

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 3:51pm

In Reception we wrote some letters to Father Christmas and today took them to the post box (we didn't want them to arrive late!) We are keeping our fingers crossed that we get everything we have asked for!

A special visitor in Foundation Stage!

Date: 4th Dec 2018 @ 9:17am

We came into a great big mess in Foundation Stage this morning, but the children didn’t make it (for a change!). Instead we discovered that we’ve got our own special Elf! He’s come to watch over us and check we are all being good (which we all are anyway except Mrs Bloxham) and trying our hardest.


Update 19/12/18: We came in to school to find the Elf had taken all the pens away (because we keep leaving the lids off them!) At the end of the day we went on a hunt to find him. We followed the trail of pens to find that he had left the pens for us on the big play ground and a message!

Stay and Play in Foundation Stage

Date: 20th Nov 2018 @ 12:51pm

Foundation Stage’s Autumn Walk

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 2:16pm

We had a fantastic time walking around the local area, looking at how the leaves are changing and falling off the trees. We got to see some different animals but the highlight was getting to stroke Dolly’s horse at the stables, so thank you Dolly and Mum!

Singing in Nursery

Date: 2nd Nov 2018 @ 11:47am

We’ve got some fantastic singers in Nursery, don’t you agree?

Halloween in Foundation Stage!

Date: 2nd Nov 2018 @ 11:02am

We’ve had a fantastic day celebrating Halloween in Foundation Stage. The children all look fantastic (and scary!). We’ve played party games, showed off our best dance moves and eaten a sweet (or two).

YR Perform their story map of The Little Red Hen

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 3:30pm



A fantastic start in Foundation Stage

Date: 30th Sep 2018 @ 4:36pm

Here are some pictures from the first few fantastic weeks we have had in Foundation Stage!

Foundation Stage hit the beach

Date: 5th Jul 2018 @ 2:45pm

We’ve had a fab day at the beach. We’ve played football, frisbee and had some races. We then had our lunch and went for a walk. It took us a long time but we finally made it to the sea. Problem was we had to be back at the coach soon! After a dash back (and a quick ice cream stop) we came back home. We had a great day and are all very tired!

Wedding Fever

Date: 5th Jun 2018 @ 4:32pm

We had Wedding Fever in Foundation Stage as we prepared for the Royal Wedding! We set up seats, wrote invites, made rings and dresses and then it began! Children loved walking down the aisle to profress in front of all the children that they were going to be "best friends forever!".

Foundation Stage at 'Imagine That'

Date: 24th Apr 2018 @ 3:28pm

Egg Hunting in Foundation Stage

Date: 17th Apr 2018 @ 4:33pm

Stay and Play in Foundation Stage.

Date: 20th Mar 2018 @ 8:48pm

We had lots of fun when our parents and carers came to Stay and Play.  The concept is to allow you to experience teaching approaches in the Early Years, observe your child in their classroom and take part in their learning with them.

Invasion of the Evil Peas

Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 12:54pm

This week we had some Evil Peas come in and make a big mess in Foundation Stage! When the children came in they were shocked to find such a mess! (which they blamed on Mr Widdowson at first!) After checking the footage from the cameras we discovered that the mess was caused by some Evil Peas. All the children worked together to make traps to catch them and signs to warn them to stay away. The following night we caught some peas and luckily none have been back since!

World Book Day in Foundation Stage

Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 3:50pm

World Book Day fun in Foundation Stage

Rights in Reception

Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 4:59pm

We had a fantastic time with the RRS children who came to talk to us about the Rights we have in school. We then had to draw something that we liked from school and some even won a prize!

Well done to Amelia Moorcroft who won the prize for her rights poster! Her Mum uploaded a photo to SPTO to say how pleased she was with her prize!

Chef Academy

Date: 30th Jan 2018 @ 8:27am

We had a fantastic morning with the Chef Academy, learning to make Berry Brulee!

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD