How and Why some people serve God?

Lesson: Religious education

Class: Y3 Year: 2022 - 2023

Year 3 had a special visitor today - Rev Chris Stafford came to visit us so the children could consolidate their understanding of our learning question : How and Why some people serve God?

First of all, Rev Chris explained all about the clothes he wears:-
* His cassock is black - which represents Christians believing that Jesus died on Good Friday.
* His robes are white - which represents Easter.
* His stoles (like a scarf) are all different colours to represent different parts of the Christian calendar.
* His green stole is worn most of the time.
* The purple stole represents Advent and Lent.
* The pictures on the white stole represent The Easter Story.
* The red stole is worn the least.

He showed the children the special objects that are used in Communion.

He told us that Christians believe that through the cross you travel to God.

Then, we learnt about belonging in God's family and we had a mock baptism.

Finally, Rev Chris answered lots of the children's questions.

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Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD