Mayor and Mayoress' visit

Lesson: PSHE and citizenship

Class: Whole School Gallery Items Year: 2023 - 2024

We were delighted to have a visit from the Mayor, Lynn Clarke, and Mayoress, Hayley Clarke, this week. They were accompanied by Mayor's Cadet, Emily, who is a former Lyme pupil and the daughter of our Chair of Governors, Caroline Unsworth. They presented this week's achievement certificates and Headteacher's awards during our celebration assembly and talked to the children about how they serve the community in their roles. After assembly, 
our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors talked about our recent reaccreditation of the UNICEF gold award and how they are teaching our community about children's rights. Members of The Singing Stars showed off our art display, including playground mural, and talked about our recent Artsmark Award. Madam Mayor was keen to hear about our PATHs curriculum and how we are hoping to be awarded model school status this year - our B's Buddies spoke about their role in using PATHs during break and lunchtimes to support other children. Some of our Y5 pupil gave our visitors a tour around school giving children from each class the chance to ask them some questions.
Madam Mayor commented that: 'The children were an absolute credit to the school and had lots of interesting questions for us.'

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD