Tooth Decay Experiment - Y4

Lesson: Science

Class: Y4 Year: 2018 - 2019

EGGciting EGGsperiment


This week Y4 have been looking at how to take care of their teeth and the effects of tooth decay. We placed 6 hard-bolied eggs in a variety of liquids to see what effect they would have over the course of a week. 

To make it a fair test, the children checked that we were using the same sized jug with the same amount of liquid, made sure that the eggs were exactly the same size and weight and were placed into the liquid at the same time. 

The children were given oppurtunity to predict what effects the liquid would have on the egg and also made observations throughout the week. 

As you can see in our pictures, the results were pretty interesting. We have decided that fizzy drinks should be banned forever!   

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Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD