When the Eco Team met Sir William Worsley

Class: Whole School Gallery Items Year: 2018 - 2019

The Eco-Team were invited by Scott Lancaster, Lyme’s Park Ranger, to meet with Sir William Worsley (‘tree champion’ from The Woodland Trust) about the new trees planted in Lyme Country Park. They also took part in a tree identifcation activity which they have brought back to school to share with the other children in their role as Eco ambassadors. 

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD