Y4: Gallery

Tongan Player Visit

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 4:37pm

Tongan Rugby Team Visit


Some of our students had the fantastic oppurtunity today to meet some professional Tongan rugby league players. These players will be representing Tonga in the rugby league world cup. Their first match is on Tuesday 18th October so we are very lucky that they have taken time out of their busy schedule to come and visit us. 

The children were very excited and got to ask the players lots of questions. At the end of the session, the players signed posters for the children and got photographs taken with them!

We'd like to thank the players once again. The children loved it!

Timetable Battleships!

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 8:53am

Timetable Battleships!!!

In year 4, we focus a lot throughout the year on timetables as at the end of this year we need to know all of them from 1x1 to 12x12. We're always looking at different and fun ways of learning and practising them.

The children had a great time playing battleships and have asked to play it again soon!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Chocolate tasting!

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 4:09pm

Chocolate Tasting!

Today, Year 4 created their own chocolate bars! We decided the best way to do this was to research how our favourite chocolate bars tasted. After every kind of chocolate bar, we discussed how they tasted and how they felt in our mouths... did they melt? pop? crunch? etc. We collected all of the describing words on the board to use later!

After this, we looked at the wrappers for our favourite chocolate bars and discussed how they were designed and what they have in common. We then designed our own chocolate bars using some our describing words and what we had learnt from our research.

The children seemed to enjoy the lesson!


Summer Fair

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 9:36am


Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 4:59pm

At Starbooks this afternoon Year 4 enjoyed talking about the pictures in the wordless story 'FLOTSAM' by David Wiesner.  Flotsam is a book about a young boy who stumbles across a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera as he is collecting flotsam that has been washed ashore. 

We looked at the pictures to music and discussed what was happening in them.  Using a page of the story as inspiration of our artwork we created fish collages using recycled materials.  We use plastic bags, bottle tops and cotton buds - things that sometimes end up in our seas and oceans. 


Sports Week 2022 - RACE FOR LIFE!

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 3:51pm


This week has been Lyme's sports week!

During the week, the children were exposed to a few sports that they may not have chance to play outside of school. One of the sports the children played was Ultimate (Ultimate Frisbee). The children loved the fast pace of the game and how they have to work as a team to get the frisbee over the line! Another sport was Orienteering. This sport was the polar opposite to ultimate frisbee. Children had to use maps to navigate around the school grounds and find a number of markers. When they found a marker, they would stamp the special pattern onto their sheet. When all of the markers had been found, the children returned to their teacher. Lastly, KS1 were introduced to Boccia. This is a game similar to bowls. However, it is played sitting down. This game is played in the paralympics at an international level. The children enjoyed the game and loved trying to get their balls as close as they could to the marker. 

On Monday, Year 6 played at a football tournament were top goal scorers in the entire tournament. Unfortunately, they were knocked out on penalties in the semi-finals. This doesn't reflect how one-sided the semi-final actually was. Lyme hit the post and bar several times but again, unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side. I would like to congratulate Year 6 on their effort during the tournament and in particularly their behaviour which was fantastic throughout. 

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Tara Jones and Katie Mottershead who both play for Saints women's team. Tara is also an England international and is in the squad again to play France tomorrow (on Skysports Arena, 18th June at 5.30pm). Tara and Katie were inspiring and a lot of the children were lucky enough to get their picture taken with the pair. 

Lastly, the whole school took part in the race for life today. Each pupil has trained all week to perform this race and they should all be so proud. Every child that completed the race received a medal for their hard work. 

Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic sport's week. We hope you enjoyed it!

Year 4 - Maths Time Games

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 11:48am

Time Board Games!


Today, year 4 have been revising how to tell the time in 5 minute intervals. This is a year 3 objective but it is always worth recapping it to make sure we have a solid understanding!

We decided to do this by playing a telling the time board game! The children loved playing this game and learnt a lot from it!

Our Eco Action team have been busy again!

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:19pm

Representatives from our Eco Action team met after school this week to continue with the litter pick they started before the holidays - this included the entrance to Lyme Park too. They will be meeting again next week to weed the planters and to set up a mini greenhouse to grow tomatoes in.


Have a look at the photos of our beautiful planters - the fruit trees we planted last year are doing well and are covered in blossom!

Y4 Sponsored Read

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 9:16am

Year 4 enjoyed 30 minutes of quiet reading this morning to raise money for the Red Cross Ukrainian Appeal Fund.


Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:45pm

Today our amazing reading ambassadors supported reading events across the school. Our Year 1 and 2 children visited foundation stage to join in story and library time. 

Our Y3, 4 and 5  children supported events in Key Stage 1 and lower key stage 2. 

Our Y6 children helped to set up the story spoon competition and delivered the certificates and prizes to the classes. 




Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:30pm

Wow! What an amazing response we had to our story spoon competition. Here are some photos of the fabulous entries. Thank you to everyone who took part. The children enjoyed looking at all of the wonderful creations and talking about the stories that the characters were from. 

The names of the winners will be on our newsletter. 

Well done everyone! 

Y4 visit to Liverpool

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:48pm

As part of their Geography learning, Year 4 will be visited The Museum of Liverpool and The Maritime Museum this week. They took part in a workshop, ‘Gateway to the World’ at The Museum of Liverpool and then did a self-led tour at The Maritime Museum: looking at local history and the Titanic exhibitions. Each workshop support the children’s learning about: Physical Geography - the River Mersey; Human Geography -types of settlements along a river and economic activity including trade links; Locational Geography such as the location of famous rivers, seas and oceans. They also saw the River Mersey first-hand and looked at the locks at the Albert Dock as they walked between museums.

Year 5 Football Tournament

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 5:09pm

Year 5 Football Tournament 

Today, year 5 and two pupils from year 4 participated in a football tournament. The children were respectful, showed good sportsmanship, manners and displayed plenty of footballing talent. After only losing one match in the group stages, we progressed to the semi-finals. We won the semi-final match after a fantastic goal from Nathan. Unfortunately, the final didn't go the same way and the children finished in second place! However, the children should be so proud of themselves after a fantastic effort all afternoon. 

Coming second out of sixteen other schools is something to be extremely proud of!

STEM Lego Robotics

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 11:42am


Today, we had a visit from Nick who works for Lego STEM Robotics. The children began by using an app to write diiferent algorithms and create a fun ride for their lego characters to go on. After they had spent a bit of time exploring the technology and practicing how to use it, the children were set a number of challenges to complete. These consisted of making the ride go faster/slower, adding sound effects, changing the colour of the lights on the ride etc. 

After that, Nick gave the children a set of instructions to follow. These instructions enabled the children to create a robot lion that could stand on its front paws! The children loved creating their robots and programming them to do all kinds of different things!

We've had a roar-some time this morning!

The Year of Reading

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 3:34pm

This week we had a special assembly to celebrate reading.  Each class has decorated their door to showcase their class novel and author for this half term. We have now set up a Reading Council and two ambassadors have been chosen as representatives for each class.  On Thursday we had our first meeting and came up with lots of exciting reading events that we would like to do over the coming months. 

Evie and Rosie in Key Stage 1 were excited to take home our TRENDING BOOK today - 'The Dragon with the Blazing Bottom' by Tom Fletcher. 

We can't wait to get dressed up for World Book Day that we will be celebrating on Friday 4th March. 

States of Matter experiment

Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 4:44pm


This half term, year 4 are learning about states of matter. After discovering what the properties were for each different state, I set year 4 a challenge. I gave them an empty bottle of water, a balloon filled with baking powder, some white vinegar and a funnel. The children poured the correct amount of white vinegar into the bottle and then attached the balloon to the top. After a countdown, the children tipped the contents of the balloon into the vinegar. All of a sudden, the vinegar began to fizz and the balloon began to inflate. The challenge was for the children to tell me what happened using their knowledge of states of matter. Ask your child to see if they can remember what happened and why!

Christmas Card Mood Boards!

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 2:51pm

Christmas Mood Boards

Year 4 are creating electronic Christmas cards. In order to create a Christmas-themed card, year 4 have explored different Christmas themes. After doing this, we created a mood board to help us match colours, find colour schemes and generate ideas for our cards. 

21 Best Christmas Themes - Fun Holiday Party Ideas

Electricity Workshop

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 2:03pm


Last week, Year 4 had a visit from a mad Scientist! The mad scientist showed the children anything and everything they would ever need to know about electricity. We explored how strong static electricity can be, investigated conductors and insulators,  made circuits, discussed the dangers of electricity and much more!

The children were buzzing with excitement and even managed to teach the scientist a few things about electricity!

Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images

Viking Gary

Date: 8th Dec 2021 @ 4:10pm

The Vikings!


On Friday, year 4 were lucky enough to have a visit from a real-life VIKING!!!

The children noticed that our classroom was a bit different to usual. It had animal skins hung up, giant horns, banners with Viking runes on and more. Viking Gary had come to speak to the children and show them lots of ancient artefacts from Viking times.

During the afternoon, we had an arts and crafts session where we created clay Viking lamps as well as performing a bit of roleplay as Viking warriors (using swords and shields!!)

The children had a great time and learnt lots!

Eco challenge!

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 10:24am

The Eco Action Team have been very busy over the past few weeks. Along with Mr Brooks, they have built some planters using old pallets and filled them wirth compost and bulbs ready for the Spring. The crocus bulbs were given to school by the Rotary Club as part of their campaign to eradicate polio across the world. 

The original planters were very overgrown and were in need to of a tidy up - they have weeded them ready for the Spring.

They have also carried out a litter pick on the field - especially after all the windy weather we have had recently. 

Multiplication Facts

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 11:52am

Multiplication facts - 3's, 6's and 9's


During our maths lessons this week, Year 4 have been explictly learning about the 3 times table, the 6 times table and the 9 timestable. We have looked at different strategies when working out our answers. This can involve different timestables that we are more confident with such as using the 3's to help work out the 6's and the 10's to help work out your 9's. 

Today, we used those strategies to play multiplication board games. The board games only had the 3, 6 and 9 timestables on them in order to help the children practice.

Anti-Bullying Week 2021

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 1:33pm

Anti-Bullying Week 2021

Today, we brought all of our learning together and created some posters using this years slogan, 'One Kind Word'.

We tried to make the posters as bright and colourful as possible as well as sending a message of kindness to anyone who sees them!


Well done, Year 4! 

Illusion Art

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 8:41am

Illusion Art

Inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda, the children in year 4 carefully cut two images into strips and by alternating them side by side, in sequential order, and then folding, they have created an optical illusion piece of art!!

Multiplication Fact Games

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 8:34am

Times Tables

Year 4 loved playing our times tables board games. This is a great way to have fun while learning.

Arts Week 2021

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 3:47pm


This week has been Health and Well-being week and Arts week. In Art, we have been practicing Art and Design skills. We have created an optical illusion inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda. The children have also designed their own willow pattern style plates based on a tale of their choice, first drawing three key characters, then going over the details with ink, before finally using a wash in lighter tones of blue.

In music, last term we learned the song 'Blackbird' by The Beatles. We found the 'pulse' of the song and then sang it. 

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD