Y5: Gallery
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 7:39am
The Year 5 children in school had fun (and relaxation) practising some fantastic yoga moves as part of Children's Mental Health week.
Date: 4th Feb 2020 @ 3:55pm
Year 4 and 5 DT Workshop
We had a fantasic time exploring our skills for design and engineering through our DT experience day. The children learnt about motors, gears, pulleys, levers and sensors by creating a motorised lock to control water levels with sensors and their own robotic alligators which move in response to motion.
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm
Science Week 2020
This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic.
Year 1 - Animals inc Humans
Year 2 - Animals inc Humans
Year 3 - Forces and Magnets
Year 4 - States of Matter
Year 5 - Forces
Year 6 - Light
Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!
Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.
We hope you've enjoyed it!
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:18pm
The children enjoyed looking at some World War 2 artefacts this afternoon. They were trying to work out what the objects were and what they could be used for. They had some brilliat ideas which we will explore going forward in our histoiry lessons.
Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 8:06am
Year 5 had lots of fun exploring space and learning about the life of an astronaut on their trip to Jodrell Bank this week. We learnt all about our British astronaut Tim Peake and the training he had to undertake for his mission on the International Space Station. We also had a competition to see who could perform the best moon landing using a raw egg! The children worked brilliantly in their groups and created some fanatastic landing vessels using string, paper, balloons and cotton wool. Well done Year 5!
Date: 3rd Oct 2019 @ 4:32pm
Year 5 worked on enterprise project ideas with Natalie from St Helens Chamber this morning - this involved learning facts and figures about the town we live in, how companies brand products to sell, discussing fundraising activties and telling us all about the charity we will be helping to raise money for: Hope House, a place for homeless people to eat, shower and clean their clothes.
We have had some fantastic, creative ideas! Once we have agreed on our fundraising projects we will share them!
Date: 17th Sep 2019 @ 4:45pm
Year 5 have been investigating how the Earth moves in relation to the sun. We took advantage of some September sunshine and marked our shadows, which were cast on the playground, at different intervals during the day. The children then measured and observed the differences in the shadows and used this to draw conclusions about how the Earth moves.
Super investigating!
Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:00pm
The Year 5 and 6 children were excellent ambassadors for our school when they attended the Netball tournement at De La Salle school last Friday. They played well and displayed excellent skills and sprotsmanship. Well done!
Date: 9th Jun 2019 @ 7:44am
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic (and slightly messy ) time exploring the properties of materials; using slime, milk, bubbles and colour. They recorded what they had observed and thought carefully about the 'science' they could see happening. The children used some excellent scientific language to record their ideas.
Date: 24th May 2019 @ 2:00pm
Myself and Mrs Millener are incredibly proud of our year 5 children for delivering absolutely magnificent performances in our Saxon assembly this morning. They spoke clearly, acted their socks off and sang their hearts out. Well done Year 5, each and every one of you are superstars and should feel very proud.
Mrs Jones
Date: 1st May 2019 @ 3:57pm
A Fanatstic time was had by all when year 5 went back in time to meet the Saxons at Tatton Park. The children looked superb dressed in their Saxon outfits (A big thanks to all the parents for their help with this!) They took part in many activities including weaving, bread making and learning how to use shields when in battle. We learnt so much and have brought back lots of interesting facts to use in our Saxon assembly later this half term,
Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:43pm
Year 5 have had lots of fun converting, comparing and sequencing fractions today. They have worked in partners on practical activities, explained their thinking verbally and have shown their working out on the tables!
Tables are now clean but their minds are full!
Helping the younger children with their reading!
Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 2:24pm
On Friday afternoons some of the Year 5 children have been coming down to Reception to read to the children and listen to Reception children read their books. All the children know how important it is to practise their reading and have really enjoyed sharing their books with the older children!
Date: 18th Jan 2019 @ 12:59pm
Year 5 learned so much in our healthy eating workshop with Mr Healthy this week! They had a lot of fun finding out all about what our bodies needs to stay healthy. We thought about; the food groups and the types of foods we need, the impact these foods have on our bodies, all the different types of fruit to encourage us to aim for '7 a Day' and how to move more to keep us fit.
There were lots of fun games and activities meaning a very enjoyable day was had by all!
The children have also got some 'Staying Healthy' booklets to share at home.
Date: 3rd Oct 2018 @ 1:38pm
Year 5 had an absolutely fantastic time at Jodrell Bank yesterday! We found out lots of information and amazing facts about space, astronauts and our whole solar system. We conducted lots of experimants to investigate gravity, the impact of meteors and light, as well as trying to build circuits wearing astronaut gloves and seeing if we were healthy enough to become an astronaut. At the end of the day we loved exploring the space exhibition with all its interactive games and displays.
Date: 24th Jul 2018 @ 1:39pm
Maths Board Games!
Over the last couple of days, Y5 have been working very hard creating Maths board games that show off all they have learnt this year. The board games are bright, fun and challenging! Y5 have created a range of questions that players must answer to progress in the game including fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions.
We have invited Y4 into our class today to test them out! The Y4 children have thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, learning about new mathematical content and having fun at the same time!
Here are a few pictures of our afternoon...
Date: 13th Jun 2018 @ 4:14pm
The Whittle Cup is a touch-rugby tournament that has been running for over 10 years now and is held at Newton Storm Cricket Club.
Today, we sent a team to compete with some of the best young players in St Helens. After winning our first game and losing our second in a closely fought contest, the team were full of optimism. We went on to win 3 more games after that and narrowly missed qualifying for the knockout stages.
The team behaved superbly and even got to meet and play with some of the Saints players. We all had a great day!
Thank you to the parents who came and supported the team as well!
Mr Leather
Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament
Date: 21st Mar 2018 @ 3:04pm
A select number of boys from year 5 and year 4 participated in a football tournament today. The standard of play was fantastic. The boys did really well finishing 3rd in our group.
Afterwards, we played a couple of friendlies against other schools and managed to keep two clean sheets. Well done!
Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 1:57pm
Today, we celebrated World Book Day!
We read the story 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore' which the children loved!
Well done to everyone who came dressed up. There were some fantastic characters in class today.
Mr Leather (Burt)
Date: 25th Jan 2018 @ 4:57pm
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
The children have been preparing, chopping, slicing, dicing and mixing with the help of 'The Junior Chef Academy' this afternoon. They made szechuan noodles as part of the 'A taste of China' lesson. The children were instructed step by step through the recipe by our Chef and given the opportunity to show off their cooking skills!
They had a great time and didnt stop smiling and laughing throughout the lesson. We definitely have a few future Jamie Olivers on our hands in Y5!
Date: 24th Jan 2018 @ 3:33pm
This week we have focussed on the traditional poem 'The HighwayMan'.
We have explored the different themes and discovered what story is being told. Today, we looked at how the main characters felt during the story and how these feelings effected their thoughts and actions.
We used props and costumes to change into the main characters. Once we had 'The HighwayMan' and the other characters in the room, we asked lots of questions about how they were feeling in different situations!
Date: 19th Dec 2017 @ 4:15pm
This half term, we have worked very hard learning all about World War 2. We decided as a class that we would like to focus on the evacuation of children from city areas in our assembly. Y5 thought that this was the most relatable part of our learning and became one of the most interesting aspects of our WW2 topic.
The assembly was about two young children and their journey from a city to the countryside. It helped the other children understand what these children went through and sacrifices parents had to make. We loved performing, singing and educating everyone on this very important section of our history!
Date: 28th Nov 2017 @ 12:19pm
As part of our World War 2 topic, we have been looking at the lives of evacuees. We have found out that a lot of evacuees used to write in journals or diaries so we have decided to write some diary extracts as if WE were evacuees.
Today's lesson involved researching the different features of a diary exctract and talking about how emotive language would have been used in a diary.
Date: 17th Nov 2017 @ 3:43pm
In English, Y5 have been learning about how to build suspense in their writing. We have explored a story called 'Francis' which is about a girl who rows her boat into the middle of a lake and hears knocks on the bottom of the boat. We have listened to how the narrator reads the story and found where the author has built tension.
The first time we heard the story we turned the lights off and made the room really spooky. We turned our tables upside down and pretended that we were in the boat instead of Francis!
Date: 19th Jul 2017 @ 11:32am
Y5 children have been busy making Maths Board Games for the Y3 children in the past week.
Keibhy Powell in Y5 said, " First we looked at different types of board games which gave us inspiration and ideas for our own. We then planned our board games in our books and wrote down the instructions. After that, we looked at the Y3 maths curriculum and this was how we found out questions to ask the children. We then made it in real-life and made 3d touches to them to make them look more appealing."
Joel Thompson in Y3 said, "I really enjoyed the board games. They are really fun and no one is playing unfairly. I've been learning a lot of things like 6 X 50 is 300 and it was easy to work out!"
The children have all worked very hard and had a great time this morning.