Y6: Gallery


Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 4:09pm

Year 6 enjoying their sessions with Dan and Lisa from KABS. 

Rainforest Frogs

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:53pm

During our Design and Technology lessons we have designed and created our own beanbag frogs. 

Sports Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:44pm

Year 6 enjoying Sports Day. 

Arts Week

Date: 28th Jun 2021 @ 4:43pm

We have enjoyed a fun-filled week, learning a variety of different art skills and techniques. We have looked at a range of different artists such as: Kathe Kollwitz, Henri Rousseau and Romero Britto to inspire us to create our own master pieces. 

World Poetry Day

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 5:07pm

This week we have been celebrating World Poetry Day. We have done many things such as reading, performing and writing poems. Have a read of some of our examples.

World Book Day

Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 11:56am

We celebrated World Book Day by coming to school in our pyjamas to fit in with the book 'Dreamer'.

The Dreamer is a written and illustrated picture book about a world where we all care for each other, for animals, plants and places.

This book inspired us to think about endangered animals. 

We also enjoyed a Teams meeting with the children at home. 


Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 1:25pm

In Lyme, our children absolutely love Maths! On World Maths Day, we asked our KS2 children to tell us why.

Lockdown Learning

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 12:30pm


Tamgram is an ancient Chinese shape puzzle. This fits in well with out learning in maths because this week we have been looking at polygons. 

Wonderful and creative shapes and pictures can be made with these polygons by moving them around. 

Can you guess from our photographs what we have made?


Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?

Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 4:32pm

Our finished Viking Longships.

Democracy Debate 2020

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:26pm

Every year during Democracy Week, the Local Authority organises a Junior Democracy Debate for representatives from year six classes throughout all the primary schools in St Helens

This year, they still wanted to help give the opportunity to primary aged children to learn about democracy and have the opportunity to debate. 

This week, our Year 6 class have taken part in this activity - led by their Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors. They were given 10 topics to think about and choose the 4 which they were the most interested in. The following were chosen:

1.Leisure and culture Art, sport and music are great for mental and physical health. Lots of services which give young people an opportunity to take part in leisure and culture are at risk of closing.

2. Improve places to go and things to do for young people Young people should be involved in deciding what youth activities and services should be available.

3.  Access to technology and broadband for learning More learning is happening online but not all young people have access to the right technology and broadband. If learning becomes a mixture of classroom and online then all young people need access technology and broadband.

4. Homelessness COVID-19 might make renting and owning a home less secure, so plans should be in place and money available to ensure nobody becomes homeless.

Each group spent time discussing the key issues around each topic then presented to their classmates - who asked them questions. Each child then cast a vote as to the topic that they felt mattered the most to them - this was homelessness. The children discussed some points and had some interesting ideas - it was impressive to hear them link their discussions to the rights of the child and human rights.


The RRS Ambassadors will feed this back at their next meeting and this will be a focus for discussion and actions moving forward. The results were also sent to the Town Hall, who will collate the results and feedback from all schools across the LA. 


Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 3:46pm

We are thrilled with our finished dragon eyes.


Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 10:07am

We are now experts in Dragonology!

We have enjoyed the role of becoming dragonologists in Year 6. We have been writing our own reports about dragons. We have linked our Art and English sessions together and have loved drawing and designing our own dragon eyes.

Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:52pm

We have been enjoying our DT sessions. During these lessons we have been designing and creating our own Viking Longships. Keep a look out for our final masterpieces.

Sports Relief

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 11:23am

We had a great time raising money for Sports Relief!

Check out our hula hooping skills.

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 10:14am

To finish off our topic 'Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?' We have enjoyed playing a version of a ball game that the Ancient Mayans would have played called Pok-A-Tok. This game is thought to have been invented around 200 BC.


Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:30pm

There have been book characters galore in Year 6 today!

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 2:57pm

Year 6 superstars: Poppy, Jake H, Joel T, Jonah and Laylah!

Thank you for completing a home learning project for this half term. Well done! They look great!

Science Week 2020!

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm

Science Week 2020

This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic. 

Year 1 - Animals inc Humans

Year 2 - Animals inc Humans

Year 3 - Forces and Magnets

Year 4 - States of Matter

Year 5 - Forces

Year 6 - Light

Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!

Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.

We hope you've enjoyed it!

Light - Investigating shadows

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 3:53pm

Y6 carried out an investigation to see 'How shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes?'

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 1:46pm

Take a look at our finished art work.

Science Week

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:01pm

Our investigation question for today was:

'Which objects produce the darkest shadows?'

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 10:07am

We have been enjoying our art lesson this week. We are creating a 2D picture of the Kukulkan Temple using lots of different techniques. We will update our page once we have the finished masterpieces.

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 4:07pm

The Mayans were one of the first civilsations to discover chocolate. To start our new topic we have had a great afternoon tasting a range of chocolates.

Viking Longships

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 3:44pm

Take a look at our finished Viking Longships.

Viking Longships

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 3:33pm

We have been enjoying designing and creating our own Viking Longships.

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD