RSE consultation for parents 02.03.20
Lesson: PSHE and citizenship
Class: Whole School Gallery Items Year: 2019 - 2020
From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education will be statutory in primary and secondary schools.
At Lyme we are 'an early-adopter' school, which means that we are starting to use the new curriculum this academic year. As part of the provess we have:
*Shared and discussed the curriculum and resources with staff.
*Created an RSE Policy which reflects the changes in the curriculum and how we will teach it at Lyme and shared this with staff and governors.
Last night we held a parental consulation meeting to talk about the changes, share the policy, curriculum and resources. Thank you to those who made it! We will be sending home a leaflet to explain the changes and where further information can be found. In addition to this, we will be sending out a questionnaire to gain views on our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum and any further support needed.
Any questions - please come and see Mrs. Roberts.