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Sports Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 8:31am

Well done to all of year 3 for participating in our sports day. You all did amazing and we had a fantastic time. Here are some pictures of the class in action. 

Y1 Sports Day

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 4:22pm

Year 1 enjoyed their Sports Day today! They took part in lots of different activities - the relay, egg and spoon and sack races; nerf throwing; long jumping and bean bag target games. There was lots of team spirit - cheering each other on and helping their team mates get into their sacks! Well done Year 1!


Date: 30th Jun 2021 @ 8:57am

The children have been exploring the idea that 'Every Picture Tells a Story' this week and have looked at the work of many different artists and discussed the messages those artists have been trying to convey. They have thenm created their own pictures using the skills they have observed and practised. 

Arts Week

Date: 28th Jun 2021 @ 4:43pm

We have enjoyed a fun-filled week, learning a variety of different art skills and techniques. We have looked at a range of different artists such as: Kathe Kollwitz, Henri Rousseau and Romero Britto to inspire us to create our own master pieces. 

Arts Week

Date: 28th Jun 2021 @ 4:02pm

To end our Arts week, year 3 made puppet mice. This was linked to the story 'The dark at the top of the stairs'. The children used their skills of tone and tint to get the right colour. The finished mice looked amazing. Well done everyone!!!

Arts Week in Foundation Stage

Date: 27th Jun 2021 @ 10:39am

This week has been Arts Week and Health and Well-being Week.   For Arts Week we looked at two artists who used circles in their work-Kandinsky and Hundertwasser.  We were then inspired to create our own art using different mediums. 

For Health and Well-being  Week the children have taken part in a range of activities including yoga, mindful colouring, meditation, dancing and learning about Our LIves.  We looked at the routines and patterns of a typical day, why hygiene is important and how all families are different.


Arts Week 2021 in Year 1

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:12pm

Year 1 have enjoyed a fun-filled week, learning a variety of different art skills and techniques. 

We used the work of Beatriz Milhazes as a stimulus, using circle shapes to create an abstract composition in pairs.

Then we explored different kinds of lines - wavy, vertical, horizontal and cross hatch. Using the work of Bridget Riley, we created our own line composition on black card using chalks - piecing them together as a class composition.

In our next lesson we used our line drawing skills to create a collaborative piece of art with an underwater theme, inspired by the work of David Hockney and Vija Celmins. We experimented with a variety of materials - chalks, oil pastel, cryaons, coloured pencils and felt tip pens.

At the end of the week, we did a colour mixing investigation - making primary and secondary colours using play dough and paint. Using our knowledge of colour, we then created some art work based on a study of the artist Jasper Johns. 

We have some very talented artists in our Year 1 class and have been impressed at how well they have all worked together to make their compositions!

Arts Week 2021

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 3:47pm


This week has been Health and Well-being week and Arts week. In Art, we have been practicing Art and Design skills. We have created an optical illusion inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda. The children have also designed their own willow pattern style plates based on a tale of their choice, first drawing three key characters, then going over the details with ink, before finally using a wash in lighter tones of blue.

In music, last term we learned the song 'Blackbird' by The Beatles. We found the 'pulse' of the song and then sang it. 

Colour Mixing

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 12:08pm

Year 2 have explored colour mixing as part of Arts Week. They have found out how to make tones and tints and have created their own colour wheels.  They mixed their own secondary colours to paint a 'Colour Field' in the style of the artist Mark Rothko. 

Paper Sculpture

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 3:54pm

Year 2 explored different ways of manipulating paper to create their own very unique 3D paper sculptures. 

Arts Week

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 2:29pm

This week has been Health and Wellbeing week and Arts week. In art, we have been learning about the artist Carl Giles and created our own cartoon picture. Here are some examples of our art work so far. 

In music, last term we learned the song 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley. We sang the song and played along with glockenspiels. We also learned how to sign the song. This week we will be learning a new song 'Bringing us Together' and also learning how to sign this song. Here are some pictures of the children signing. 

Year 2 SongFest

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm

Today, Year 2 took part in the Song Fest which had the theme - WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE!  We sang songs about water, played games and danced and had such good fun! Our pirate vistors said that we were the BEST SINGERS that they had ever heard.  


Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 12:09pm

Year 1 have had a wonderful time celebrating the theme of 'Wonderful Water'.

We have been learning all about the different ways we use water.  Then we have sang lots of songs all about water.

* It's always wet

* 8 days in the sea
* The deep blue sea
* Oh what a lovely thing to do
* Wonderful water
* Splish splash

" 8 days in the sea" was our favourite. 

Y1 Special People

Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 1:13pm

Today we have been learning about Special People in our community such as teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters and vets.  We have worked in a group to talk about what they do - then we presented our information to the rest of the class. 


Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 8:46am

Year 5 explored the work of the artist Frida Kahlo who creates a lot of self portraits with monkeys in the background. The children then designed and sculptured their own clay monkeys with characters that represented them. There were some absolutely gorgeous creations and lots of cheeky mmonkeys too! :) 

Maths - Angles and Turns

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 8:42am

Angles and Turns

We have recently been learning about angles and turns. In order to understand anti-clock wise and clockwise turning along with 1/2 turns, 1/4 turns and 3/4 turns, we played a game of Simon says on the playground. If you turned the wrong way or turned too much or too little you were out!

The children had a great time learning outside!

Planting seeds and forest art

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 12:24pm

Year 2 planted their own sunflower seeds today and had great fun decorating the trees outside their classroom. 

Year 2 Brass Band

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 12:20pm

Year 2 enjoyed their first brass band lesson today. 

Learning in the great outdoors!

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 3:26pm

Year 2 were introduced to their new learning challenge today: What do plants need to grow well? 

We went outside to identify plants and trees in our school grounds and observed them closely.  We also made detailed drawings and began to label the different parts.  It was lovely to learn outdoors in the sunshine! 

Design Technology

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 7:15pm

In Design Technology Year 2 have designed and made their own moving vehicles.  

FS Minibeast Hunt

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 9:16pm

We went on a minibeast hunt and found lots of different minibeasts. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 8:57pm

We read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.  We found out that caterpillars turn into butterflies.  We now have our own caterpillars so that we can watch them change into butterflies.  Keep checking back so that you can see too.

Sorting Animals

Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:45pm

I can sort animals into groups.

Today, we have been learning about animals and we talked about their features.  Then, we sorted them into groups

Who is the best Queen?

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 4:20pm

Our History Learning Challenge for this half term is : Who is the best Queen?

Today, we have started to learn about what a monarch is and what a monarch does.  We know that a monarch is a person who rules a country and our monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.

Then, we worked in a group to discuss some laws - and decided whether they would be good or bad ideas.

Also, some of us were in the


Date: 19th Apr 2021 @ 4:48pm

Today, we have talked about the different roles we all have within our families and friends.  Then, we have discussed how others might see us.  We have also talked about the roles of different people within the community and how these people help us.  Then, we worked as a group to discuss these roles.

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD