Our Gallery
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 7:39am
The Year 5 children in school had fun (and relaxation) practising some fantastic yoga moves as part of Children's Mental Health week.
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 3:57pm
This half term has been a productive one so far for the Eco Team! We have delivered an assembly about National Tree Week and are patiently awaiting the delivery of our fruit trees and hedgerows! Following on from that we shared an assembly about The Eco Award and gave our class mates, who are in school and those who are working at home, the opportunity to complete a questionnaire about which of the 'eco areas' we feel are the most important to us that we could work towards. We held our first virtual meeting and started to think about our project ideas as we plan our journey towards the renewal of 'The Green Flag'.
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 2:54pm
In Design and Technology Year 2 have designed and made their own vegetable spring rolls. Today they used equipment safely to cut, grate and fry vegetables. To celebrate we had a Chinese banquet and even tried hard to use chopsticks. We enjoyed opening our fortune cookies at the end.
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 6:23pm
The Foundation Stage children are working hard at home and in school. Here is a selection of some of their work.
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:47pm
The Year 3 children have been learning about rocks and the rock cycle. To help show how rocks are formed and how the rock cycle works, some children at home and those in school made chocolate rocks. It was a lot of fun and very tasty.
Here is how we demonstrated the rock cycle :
Step 1 - Create some magma by melting all of the chocolate. Allow it to flow, like lava which has erupted from a volcano. Allow your lava flow to cool so that you have a solid igneous choc rock!
Step 2 - Expose your chocolate rock to the harsh conditions of the Earth’s surface, or in this case, a cheese grater! Erode your rock and turn it into chocolate ‘sediment’. Your sedimentary rock will be made up of three different sedimentary layers: chocolate sediment, cocoa pop sediment and marshmallow sediment.
Step 3 - This step requires a little more imagination than the previous steps. You cannot add enough sedimentary layers to generate enough heat and pressure to alter our ‘sedimentary rock’. We need an oven to do this for us. Fold the mixture and this misshapen feature looks quite a lot like those found in metamorphic rocks.
Step 4 - Enjoy your chocolate rocks.
Here are some pictures of some of the children at home and in school.
Children's Mental Health Week - Y1
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 6:36am
As a start to some of our learning for Children's Mental Health Week, Y1 have been discussing positive affirmations and the importance of being 'loved' and how they care / show love for others.
We have then produced posters 'I Am Loved'.
Take a look at some of our work.
Sensory investigation: fruit tasting!
Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:04am
In Year 1, we carried out a sensory investigation - using adjectives to describe the appearance, texture and taste of different fruits to help us decide what we will include in our fruit salad/kebab next week.
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 3:13pm
In Geography Year 2 are learning all about China. Today we found out about the capital city of China, Beijing. We compared China to our capital city of London. We sorted photographs of the capital cities into two groups.
Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 11:01am
Year 1 have made a great start to their online / home learning.
They have been very busy working on lots of things - including listening to the story 'The Invisible String'. working on their number bonds, finding out about life in The Arctic, learning about The Seasons, making pictures and lists about things that make us happy and things that are beautiful in the world.
Here is just a small sample of some of the work we have been doing.
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 5:53pm
In our Science Lesson we have been learning all about Day and Night.
We know that we live on planet Earth and that the Earth spins around. When the sun shines on our part of planet Earth it is daytime. When the sun does not shine on our part of planet Earth it is nightime.
We also looked at different activities and sorted them into daytime, nightime or both.
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 5:48pm
In our PATHs Lesson today we have been learning that : Sharing is Caring.
Twiggle and Henrietta showed us how they share - then we played some games with our friends to show that we could share and play nicely with each other. It was fun !
Date: 4th Jan 2021 @ 1:17pm
During the Autumn term, Year 3 looked at the different types of natural disasters. The whole class really enjoyed the topic with lots of children continuing their studies at home.
In English, we also wrote our own story based on a natural disaster and the book 'The Flood'.
In Geography we looked at the Earths layers, created a model of the earth and even exploded our own volcano.
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 12:14pm
Year 2 have designed and made Christmas decorations in Design and Technology. Take a look at their beautiful finished products!
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 9:25am
This term, each class have talked about the UNCRC - the rights of the child - then discussed which are the most important to them and created their class charter. Our Rights-Respecting Ambassadors will be responsible for making sure that they are used in class.
Send My Friend To School campaign 2020
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 9:14am
As a Rights-Respecting School we have taken part in this year's 'Send My Friend to School' Campaign again with the focus being sending ALL children to school. We have done lots of work in school about children's rights and how some children (in other countries, but also in the UK) are not able to attend school currently due to a variety of reasons - one being the current pandemic.
We have emailed our local MP, Mr. Conor McGinn, to invite him to attend a virtual assembly in January.
Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?
Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 4:32pm
Our finished Viking Longships.
Why Is Jesus Special To Christmas?
Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 5:00pm
Why Is Jesus Special To Christmas?
In our RE lessons we have been learning about why Jesus is special to Christmas. We have listened to The Nativity Story, then we have sequenced this in groups. We have also talked about why Jesus was a special baby and why he is special to Christmas.
Today, we have looked at lots of different types of Christmas cards - then we have sorted them in to groups - Religious / Not Religious. We were able to say why some cards had a religious picture and message and others did not.
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:26pm
Every year during Democracy Week, the Local Authority organises a Junior Democracy Debate for representatives from year six classes throughout all the primary schools in St Helens
This year, they still wanted to help give the opportunity to primary aged children to learn about democracy and have the opportunity to debate.
This week, our Year 6 class have taken part in this activity - led by their Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors. They were given 10 topics to think about and choose the 4 which they were the most interested in. The following were chosen:
1.Leisure and culture Art, sport and music are great for mental and physical health. Lots of services which give young people an opportunity to take part in leisure and culture are at risk of closing.
2. Improve places to go and things to do for young people Young people should be involved in deciding what youth activities and services should be available.
3. Access to technology and broadband for learning More learning is happening online but not all young people have access to the right technology and broadband. If learning becomes a mixture of classroom and online then all young people need access technology and broadband.
4. Homelessness COVID-19 might make renting and owning a home less secure, so plans should be in place and money available to ensure nobody becomes homeless.
Each group spent time discussing the key issues around each topic then presented to their classmates - who asked them questions. Each child then cast a vote as to the topic that they felt mattered the most to them - this was homelessness. The children discussed some points and had some interesting ideas - it was impressive to hear them link their discussions to the rights of the child and human rights.
The RRS Ambassadors will feed this back at their next meeting and this will be a focus for discussion and actions moving forward. The results were also sent to the Town Hall, who will collate the results and feedback from all schools across the LA.
Moving pictures: Aliens Love Underpants!
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:11pm
This half term we listened to the story 'Aliens Love Underpants', we looked carefully at how the illustrator had drawn each alien. Then we looked at some different books that contained levers and sliders. We learned how to make our own slider - by creating a slit - and levers - by using a split pin as a pivot. We designed our own moving alien picture - thinking carefully which materials we would use and writing them in a list. Using the skills we had been taught about sliders and levers, we made our designs thinking about how to make parts of our picture move. Finally we evaluated our finished products - saying what we liked about them and what we would improve; then we gave some feedback to a friend about theirs.
Why do Christians have advent calendars?
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:04pm
Today we retold the story of the first Christmas to check that we remembered it from last week! We used puppets to help us.
Then we talked about why Christians use advent calendars to count down to Christmas Day – to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.
We made our own advent calendar by drawing pictures from the nativity story and things that people do to celebrate Christmas. We used our phonics and finger spaces to write a sentence with our picture and wrote a number between 1 and 24 on the front.
At the end of the day we ordered the numbers and said that people would be getting more excited the nearer to the 24th it gets!
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 4:20pm
Today is Human Rights Day. Every class in the school have had an assembly to talk about celebrating this day as the day the declaration was agreed. In Year 1, we talked about the difference between wants and needs and decided which picture card to put in each group. Then we talked about the things we need being rights - we already know that children have rights and now we know that adults to do.
Date: 7th Dec 2020 @ 8:51am
Today we have talked about why Christians celebrate Christmas. We listened to the story of the first Christmas and used actions to help us. Then we acted it out using puppets.
In small groups we cut out pictures from the story, put them in order and then told Mrs. Roberts what happened at the beginning, the middle and the end.
We showed that we remembered it by retelling it to Nursery in the afternoon. Then we listened to another story – Jesus’ Christmas Party.
We know that Christians celebrate Christmas because it was when Jesus was born.
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 10:51am
Christmas has arrived. We have turned our summer house into Santa’s Grotto. The children can’t wait to be Santa’s helpers on Monday. Here are some of our other Christmas activities so far.