Our Gallery
Date: 27th Mar 2018 @ 12:14pm
Over the half term the children were given the challenge of completing their home school projects. They could either:
1) create a minature garden
2) Create artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy
3) create a food diary/ poster about healthy eating.
Take a look at all of our hard work!
Date: 23rd Mar 2018 @ 3:02pm
Mrs Fittock and the Y6s very kindly came to visit Y2 and tell them some of their very scary suspense stories! Some were funny, some were terrifing but all of them were fantastic!
Date: 23rd Mar 2018 @ 1:15pm
We took part in SONGFEST to celebrate 150 years of St Helen's history. Take a look at some of the pictures and videos of us singing. We also made a very impressive barge and won the rely race! Well done Jacob, Thomas and Olivia!
NSPCC assemblies 15.3.18: Speak out, stay safe!
Date: 22nd Mar 2018 @ 12:30pm
Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament
Date: 21st Mar 2018 @ 3:04pm
A select number of boys from year 5 and year 4 participated in a football tournament today. The standard of play was fantastic. The boys did really well finishing 3rd in our group.
Afterwards, we played a couple of friendlies against other schools and managed to keep two clean sheets. Well done!
Stay and Play in Foundation Stage.
Date: 20th Mar 2018 @ 8:48pm
We had lots of fun when our parents and carers came to Stay and Play. The concept is to allow you to experience teaching approaches in the Early Years, observe your child in their classroom and take part in their learning with them.
Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 12:54pm
This week we had some Evil Peas come in and make a big mess in Foundation Stage! When the children came in they were shocked to find such a mess! (which they blamed on Mr Widdowson at first!) After checking the footage from the cameras we discovered that the mess was caused by some Evil Peas. All the children worked together to make traps to catch them and signs to warn them to stay away. The following night we caught some peas and luckily none have been back since!
Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:54pm
What's that rumble in the jungle?
Today we have enjoyed painting our maps.
Date: 12th Mar 2018 @ 5:24pm
Year 6 had a great day dressed like some of their favourite book characters.
What's that rumble in the jungle?
Date: 12th Mar 2018 @ 5:07pm
What's that rumble in the jungle?
Where are the rainforest?
We had a great time using salt dough to create a
continent map showing topography, rainforests, major rivers and counties.
We are looking forward to painting our creations once
they are dry.
Date: 11th Mar 2018 @ 7:21pm
To introduce our new Science topic 'States of Matter', we melted chocolate and made cornflake cakes. We tested how quick dark, milk and white chocolate melt and then observed the chocolate turning back into a solid.
We also watched a balloon inflate with only yeast, sugar and water.
We had lots of fun and enjoyed the cornflake cakes afterwards.
Date: 5th Mar 2018 @ 5:23pm
To end our topic on the Mayans, we held a Pok-a-Tok tournament. Pok-a-Tok is
an ancient Mayan team game. Pok-a-Tok is like a cross between volleyball
and basketball—except much, much more difficult to play. The object of
the game was for the two opposing side to try and hit the ball into a
hoop placed at both ends of the playing field.
World Book Day in Foundation Stage
Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 3:50pm
World Book Day fun in Foundation Stage
Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 1:57pm
Today, we celebrated World Book Day!
We read the story 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore' which the children loved!
Well done to everyone who came dressed up. There were some fantastic characters in class today.
Mr Leather (Burt)
Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 7:03pm
In our Science lessons, we have been learning about sound. We have been looking at how we hear sound and how sound travels. To identify how the pitch of a sound changes, we made pan pipes with straws and tried to change the pitch by adjusting the size of the straw. To help us understand how sound travels we made string telephones. We found out that if the string was tight we could hear better. Here are some pictures.
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 5:16pm
Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?
Take a look at our home learning projects.
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 1:29pm
As a 'Final Ta Dah' to our LCC on the Stone Age the children made stewed fruit as they would have eaten at that time. They used lots of lovely berries, nuts and honey and then wrote instructions on how to make it. Most of them thoroughly enjoyed it; others were not so sure as seen in the pictures below!
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 1:19pm
Year 3 had a fantastic time when the 'Chef Academy' visited our school. They showed lots of enthusiasm and their cooking skills were fabulous! They made sweet chilli noodles which looked delicious and I am sure they tasted it too!
Learning Challenge Curriculum Home Learning Projects Spring 1 2018
Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 3:04pm
Some of the fabulous home learning projects made this half term. Thank you parents and carers for your help and support!
Rights-Respecting Ambassadors Visit to Grange Valley Primary School 6.2.18
Date: 7th Feb 2018 @ 11:18am
Four members of our Rights-Respecting Steering Group led an assembly for the whole school at Grange Valley Primary School, Haydock this morning (6.2.18) to tell the children there all about the UNCRC. As well as introducing the children to some of the articles, they talked about who UNICEF are, what the RIghts-Respecting Schools Award is and what we have done at Lyme to promote everyone's knowledge and understanding of children's rights. After the assembly, they met with the Deputy Headteacher to talk about their work in more detail. She was very impressed and invited the children back next term to talk to the Y4 and Y5 children about starting on their rights-respecting journey.
Well done Emily, Reece, Brodie and Morgan! Not only were you fabulous ambassadors for children's rights but also for Lyme.
Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 4:59pm
We had a fantastic time with the RRS children who came to talk to us about the Rights we have in school. We then had to draw something that we liked from school and some even won a prize!
Well done to Amelia Moorcroft who won the prize for her rights poster! Her Mum uploaded a photo to SPTO to say how pleased she was with her prize!
Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 12:56pm
Rights_Respecting Steering Group lessons - Article 30 - 29.1.17
Date: 1st Feb 2018 @ 4:32pm
During the week beginning 29th January, some members of our Steering Group have taught lessons to Y1-6 about article 30 - every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family.
Nursery and Reception enjoyed an excellent session from two of our Year 6 students, who introduced them to Alice and Alex, our Rights-Respecting mascots. Alex the teddy bear will be making visits home with our Foundation Stage children to take photos linked to some of their rights - nutritious food, clean water, play, education and a clean environment.
The photographs show our teachers in the making!!