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Fire Service Visit to FS

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 9:38am

As part of our work on People Who Help Us, we had some special visitors this week—the Fire Service visited us on Wednesday morning. Firstly, they spoke to the children about their job, and then they went out to look at the fire truck. There was great excitement when they were allowed to have a go of the hose.

Nursery Tales Toolkit

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 8:46pm

We enjoy using Tales Toolkit in our Nursery. This week, the children had a lot of fun creating their own stories inspired by the characters from the focus story 'Shark in the Park' by Nick Sharratt. They were able to identify the characters, setting, problem, and solution. Some of the ideas that the children came up with were water angels, fishing, rowing a boat to get away from the shark, recycling our rubbish to protect the creatures under the sea, and a friendly shark. 

Foundation Stage Intra-sports Competition

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 3:46pm

Foundation Stage children had lots of fun completing different pirate themed challenges as part of their Intra-sports competition.  

Y5 Crucial Crew

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 3:41pm

Y2 Intra school sports competition

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 1:36pm

Year 2 took part in an intra school sports competition today.  They completed lots of fitness challenges with a fun pirate theme. 

Y3 - Mr Leather's PE Challenge Day

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 10:17am

This morning, Y3 have participated in Mr Leather's PE Challenge Day.

They had to complete:-


Press Ups


Mountain Climbers

and finally ... The Plank Challenge.

Evie C and Mia both managed over 4 minutes !!! WOW !!!

Reading Ambassador Meeting

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:28pm

Today our reading ambassadors met to discuss their ideas for World Book Day which we will be celebrating on Friday 8th March. 

They created posters for the event and displayed them around the school. 

National Storytelling Week

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:25pm

This week has been National Storytelling Week.  Our reading ambassadors led storytelling sessions in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.  In our assembly on Thursday we spoke about the skills needed to be a good storyteller.  We looked at celebrity storytellers such as musicians, dancers, actors, singers and authors. 

We are all storytellers! 


Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:21pm

In our reading lessons this week Year 2 have read the poem of THE SPIDER AND THE FLY. In the poem the spider COMPLIMENTS the fly to lure her into his den. 

The children made compliments sheets for the fly. This links wonderfully to our quote of the month for January - Mirror, mirror on the wall, give a compliment and that's not all. 

Y3 Basketball

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:08pm

This half term, Year 3 have been learning new skills in their PE lessons.

They have been learning the skills needed to play basketball - they have developed their skills of dribbling, passing, throwing and catching.

Year 3 ... A busy half term

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:04pm

Year 3 have been very busy this half term.

Take a look at some of our learning walls:-

* English - Information Report Writing (Foxes)
* Science - How do things move?
* History - What did the Romans do for us? 
* RE - What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
* PSHRE - What are families like? 
* Computing - Online Safety and Spreadsheets 
* Music - We have been singing songs about family and friends. 

Viking Gary - Year 4

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 1:17pm


Once again, Viking Gary visited our school and worked with our year 4 class. The children had the best time learning about old norse traditions and practicing how to form a sheild wall. Year 4 loved the whole day and I'm sure they will be telling our year 3 class just how much fun they will have next year!

National Compliments Day - whole school assembly

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:51pm

Wednesday 24th February was Natonal Compliments Day.  Today we had an assembly to celebrate the process of complimenting and self complimenting.  Some of our children shared their own compliments and we watched a video 'The Reflection in Me' about a girl who listens to what her reflection tells her about herself. 

The main message was to value ourselves and that when we are kind to ourselves, we feel happier and brighter in general. 



Numbots - number fun in Y2

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:46pm

Year 2 enjoyed playing number games on NUMBOTS to help improve their rapid recall of number facts. 

Map it out - Art in Y2

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 2:06pm

Year 2 have used maps as inspiration for their artwork. Take a look at their colourful maps taking shape. 

FS Fun in the Snow

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 9:07pm

The children had great fun in the snow on Tuesday.

World Religion Day

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 4:54pm

Today, the children have participated in an assembly all about World Religion Day.

They have listened to some Learning Clips about different religions across the world.

Then, we talked about the similarities in the religions - with love and care being a central theme to all religions. 

Mindfulness in Year 3

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 3:55pm

In our assembly time today we discussed all about mindfulness - living in the moment and how to try and not worry about the future or the past.

Then, we tried out some mindfulness exercises - Rainbow Relaxtion.


Foundation Stage Christmas Party

Date: 29th Dec 2023 @ 2:40pm

Everyone had lots of fun at the Christmas party. We even had a very special visitor.

Year 1 Christmas fun!

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 3:57pm

Today we all had so much fun!

First, Father Christmas came to visit us and brought us all a present. Then, we danced and played some party games and finally we had our party food.

Happy Christmas everyone from all the staff in Year 1!

Y2 Party

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 12:39pm

Year 2 had a fun filled day today at our end of term party. 

Y3 Autumn Term 2 Learning

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 4:26pm

Y3 have worked extremely hard this half term.  Take a look at some of our Learning Walls:-

RE: Why is the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) an example for Muslims?
PSHRE: What keeps us safe?
Geography: Why are there different climate zones across the world?
Science: How do we see?
Computing: Touch Typing Skills
English: Fox - A fable narrative

The Christmas Story ... Knock Knock

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 12:18pm

Today, Reverend Chris came to re-tell The Christmas Story to the children.

He re-told the story in the form of 'Knock Knock' - and he acted out all the characters in the story.  All the children found it entertaining and it certainly was a different way to re-tell the Christmas Story.

His assembly was finished with a prayer of reflection. 

Y2 Design Technology

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 11:39am

Year 2 have designed and made their own beautiful hanging decorations.  Take a look at their amazing finished products.  They had to sew two pieces of felt together using a running stitch which was quite tricky.  Then they decorated and evaluated their designs. 

Foundation Stage Nativity

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 8:25am

The children were all fantastic in their Nativity- Baarmy Bethlehem.  Have a look at our photos.

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD