Y4: Gallery

World Book Day - Saints Visit

Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 10:32am

As part of World Book Day, we have been visited by two Saints players (Alfie Sinclair and Ciaran Nolan).

We had the opportunity to ask them questions about 'reading' and 'rugby'.

They told us they like to read a little every day as it helps them to relax. 


Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:54pm

A marvellous, mathematical time was had by all across the school today as we exhibited our 'Crazy Rockstar' hairstyles all in aid of an amazing cause; the NSPCC. The children looked FABULOUS and had obviously put a lot of effort into creating their styles. They also took part in many maths related games and activities as well as a national times table competition on Times Table Rockstars.

Our newly appointed maths ambassadors treated us to an assembly with some fun competitions.

Thank you everyone for your support - we raised £140 for the NSPCC. 

National Storytelling Week

Date: 5th Feb 2025 @ 4:30pm

This week is National Storytelling week and our Reading Ambassadors have been very busy visiting classes to share a love of stories and storytelling. 

In a special assembly we spoke about stories that have passages into magical worlds and characters that have special superpowers.  Our Reading Ambassadors hope to inspire children to take part in our REIMAGINE YOUR WORLD competition which is the theme for National Storytelling Week this year.  


Y4 Learning Walls

Date: 5th Feb 2025 @ 3:41pm

Take a look at some of our Learning Questions from this half term:-

English - Information Reports - All About Polar Bears
MfL - Family members and body parts
RE - Is sacrifice an important part of religious life?
PSHRE - How can we manage our feelings?
History - What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Greeks? 

World Religion Day

Date: 20th Jan 2025 @ 4:28pm

Today, our assembly was all about 'World Religion Day'.

World Religion Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday in January - so this year it was on Sunday 19th January 2025.

The aim of World Religion Day is to promote peace and understanding amongst all the the different faiths of the world.

During the assembly, we watched a video all about World Religion Day and listened to song all about tolerance - helping us to understand how we need to share respect and tolerance to all people no matter of their religion.

Then, two students Kai in Y5 and Mikaeel in Y6 shared why their religions are important to them.


DT - Torches

Date: 7th Jan 2025 @ 1:57pm

As part of our DT Learning - we have started our unit of work on 'Torches'.

We have worked with partner to make a circuit with a switch - so we can turn the power on and off. 

Then, we designed and made our own torches. 

Y4 Learning Walls

Date: 16th Dec 2024 @ 3:57pm

Another very busy half term - take a look at some of our Learning Walls:-

English - Leaf - Writing an outsider narrative
Maths - Multiplication and division
MFL - Class room commands and names of places (nouns)
History - What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
PATHS - Understanding our feelings and emotions
RE - How and why might Christians use the Bible?
PSHRE - How do we treat each other with respect? 

Y3 and Y4 Cross Stitch Club

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 8:58am

Some members of Y3 and Y4 have participated in Cross Stitch Club this half term.

They have learned some new skills and all the children enjoyed the club.

Their final piece was a Christmas Tree design. 

Y4 Autumn 1 Learning

Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 8:42am

Year 4 have had a very busy half term - take a look at some of our Learning Walls.

Maths: Place Value / Addition & Subtraction / Times Tables
Science: Why are all animals different?
RE: What might a Hindu learn through celebrating Diwali?
PSHRE: What strengths, skills and interest do we have?
PATHS: Learning about our feelings and emotions
English: The Whale - Setting Narrative and Newspaper Report

Harvest Festival

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 6:46pm

Today, Reverend Chris came into school to lead an assembly - all about Harvest Festival.

We have also collected items as part of our Harvest Festival - these donations will be delivered to our local foodbank so that people in our community can benefit.

Y4 - The Hummingbird Project

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 2:37pm

Today, Year 4 met Ian from The Hummingbird Project.

Over the next few weeks the children will be working on a project - all about learning ways to feel happier.

The sessions will consist of:-
* Feeling happy
* Being kind and thoughtful
* Slowing down
* What makes you mentally strong
* Feeling good about the future
* Where to find help if you are feeling unhappy

The session finished with a mindfulness activity - remembering your happy place.

The challenge for the week is - think about the three favourite things that make you happy. 

Y4's Brass Band Day

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 4:49pm

Y4 enjoyed a full day at Valley Brass this week. This involved tuition from Mr Chadwick and members of his band. Members of our Brass Band and Y4 class then performed at the Town Hall. They joined Valley Brass to share several pieces of muisc with a large audience, including the Mayor and her Consort. 

Y4 day at Valley Brass

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 9:16am

Y4 enjoyed a full day at Valley Brass this week. This involved tuition from Mr Chadwick and members of his band. Some of the children performed with his band at the Town Hall in the evening. 

School Sleepover

Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 10:12am

A fantastic time was had by all who attended our first 'Sleepover' since lockdown. The evening consisted of team games, a campfire toasting marshmallows and hot chocolate and a movie. The children particpated well in all the activities and particularly enjoyed the campfire song of 'Boomerang'. Thank you to all who came to help raise all important funds for our school. 

Y4 visit to Liverpool

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 10:07am

Year 4 had a brilliant time in Liverpool this week, developing their knowledge and understanding of both the River Mersey as an important geographical feature and of the Ancient Egyptians., They enjoyed a self-directed museum visit at Liverpool Museum, walked along the River Mersey and finished the day taking part in an Ancient Egyptians workshop at The World Museum - Geography and History experiences in one day!


Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 4:56pm

Another fantastic 'Article of the Month' assembly delivered by our Rights Respecting Team. This month's article is 'Article 23 -  A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence'. The ambassadors did an amazing job of educating our school and introducing this month's activities. 

Y4 Lego Robotics

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 1:36pm

Y4 really enjoyed their afternoon with Nick from Junior STEM this week. They used their Maths, Design and Computing skills to build a lego model that they could control using the I-pad.


Reading Ambassador Meeting

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:28pm

Today our reading ambassadors met to discuss their ideas for World Book Day which we will be celebrating on Friday 8th March. 

They created posters for the event and displayed them around the school. 

National Storytelling Week

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:25pm

This week has been National Storytelling Week.  Our reading ambassadors led storytelling sessions in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.  In our assembly on Thursday we spoke about the skills needed to be a good storyteller.  We looked at celebrity storytellers such as musicians, dancers, actors, singers and authors. 

We are all storytellers! 

Viking Gary - Year 4

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 1:17pm


Once again, Viking Gary visited our school and worked with our year 4 class. The children had the best time learning about old norse traditions and practicing how to form a sheild wall. Year 4 loved the whole day and I'm sure they will be telling our year 3 class just how much fun they will have next year!

National Compliments Day - whole school assembly

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:51pm

Wednesday 24th February was Natonal Compliments Day.  Today we had an assembly to celebrate the process of complimenting and self complimenting.  Some of our children shared their own compliments and we watched a video 'The Reflection in Me' about a girl who listens to what her reflection tells her about herself. 

The main message was to value ourselves and that when we are kind to ourselves, we feel happier and brighter in general. 



World Religion Day

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 4:54pm

Today, the children have participated in an assembly all about World Religion Day.

They have listened to some Learning Clips about different religions across the world.

Then, we talked about the similarities in the religions - with love and care being a central theme to all religions. 

The Christmas Story ... Knock Knock

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 12:18pm

Today, Reverend Chris came to re-tell The Christmas Story to the children.

He re-told the story in the form of 'Knock Knock' - and he acted out all the characters in the story.  All the children found it entertaining and it certainly was a different way to re-tell the Christmas Story.

His assembly was finished with a prayer of reflection. 

Electricity investigation

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 11:51am

Inter Faith Week Assembly

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 3:27pm

Today, Years 1 to 6 have participated in Inter Faith Week Assembly.

Inter Faith Week occurs every November (for 8 days following Rememberance Sunday).  The children have thought and reflected on:-

* Friendships amongst different faiths - what this means and how they could be a better friend.

* Social and Community Action Projects - the children watched a video about the creation of the Watford Peace Garden.

In conjuction with the Rights Respecting Team and Miss Evans, the children have been asked to think about:-

What could we do as a school to make to make our community a better place for people of all faiths and religions?

The children have been asked to send their ideas to Miss Evans and the RRS Team before Monday 11th December, 2023.

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD