Y4: Gallery

Y4 Assembly - Ancient Egypt

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:15pm

Year 4 Class Assembly

Today the Year 4 children delievered an amazing performance in their class assembly. They spoke loudly and clearly and sang beautifully. A brillaint showcase of all their learning.


Date: 9th Jun 2019 @ 10:21am

The year 3 and 4 children had lots of fun in their science workshops this week. They have been creating their own digestive systems and making lava lamps; which has helped them develop their understanding of the human body and the properties of materials. Lots of fantstic results through their hard work!

The James Roby 'Tag' Rugby festival.

Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 3:50pm

Some Children were selected today to represent Lyme at the James Roby 'Tag' Rugby trophy at Newton Storm RLFC. Team Lyme did us proud scoring lots of tries and making some fantastic tackles. The children then got to meet St.Helens rugby legend James Roby and Saints Mascot Boots. Great team work Lyme!

The Water Cycle

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:58pm

The Water Cycle

As part of our Geography topic, the water cycle, we have been learning about where water comes from, how it gets to our homes and school and why we can drink it straight from the tap. We found out that most of our water comes from reservoirs which can be dirty and definitely not drinkable. 

Year 4 were challenged to filter a beaker of dirty water and make it as clean as possible using a variety of utensils. They all really enjoyed getting messy and unbelievably managed to keep most of the water in their beakers!

The North West - Liverpool

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 3:36pm

At the beginning of this term Y4 went to the Museum of Liverpool to discover how Liverpool became one of the world’s great ports and how this shaped the city of today.  Pupils explored the trade goods wall to identify examples of imports and exports to and from Liverpool.

An important part of the trip involved exploring the significance of the River Mersey to Liverpool and the city’s geographic location.  The growth of Liverpool’s docks was explored as a whole class timeline activity.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and were intrigued to find out just how important the North-West is and was to the rest of the world.

Science - sound

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 2:51pm

Over the past couple of weeks, Y4 have been carefully learning about how sound is made, how sound travels, how a string telephone works and what the pitch of a sound is. 

We carried out a few experiments. We investigated how string telephones work and then how we could change the pitch of a sound using straw trumpets. 

Katie Y4 - "It was fun using the string telephones. I found out that the sound travelled better when the string was pulled tight. I think it was because the string was easier to vibrate when it was straight."

Harley W Y4 - "Making the straw trumpets (or Strumpets!) was really funny because every time you cut the straw and made it shorter, the sound got higher and higher."

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - The Write Stuff

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:46pm

In Y4 we have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl to help us to write descriptive sentences.

We have used the FANTASTICS emojis to track Charlie's thoughts and feelings as we moved through the initial plot; then we have tasted different kinds of chocolate to generate powerful adjectives to describe taste and design our own chocolate bar. So far, we have written sentences using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, repetition for effect, similes and adventurous vocabulary - it is really helping our writing skills to develop!

Roman Artefact Dig

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:23pm

Last week, Y4 spent some time being archeologists, digging for Roman artefacts. We then looked closely at our discoveries to see what we could infer about the past.

Y4 visit to Chester 18.9.18

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:06pm

This half term our Learning Challenge question is: Why were the Romans so powerful? To help us to find out the answer, we visited Chester on Tuesday 18th September to take part in a Roman Soldier Patrol and experience the Dewa Centre.

The Roman Soldier was incredibly strict! He took us on a walk around the streets of Chester - visiting the Roman Gardens and the Ampitheatre. We used our shields to make a 'tortoise shell', which the Roman soldiers would have used to help to protect themselves in battle.

In the Dewa Centre, we were transported back in history to the Roman times. Our discoveries helped us to understand just why the Romans are referred to as being rotten.... shared baths, 'poo sponges' and disgusting food!

We have started using our learning back in class and have written fantastic recounts about our visit - some examples are coming soon!

Maths Board Games!

Date: 24th Jul 2018 @ 1:39pm

Maths Board Games!

Over the last couple of days, Y5 have been working very hard creating Maths board games that show off all they have learnt this year. The board games are bright, fun and challenging! Y5 have created a range of questions that players must answer to progress in the game including fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions. 

We have invited Y4 into our class today to test them out! The Y4 children have thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, learning about new mathematical content and having fun at the same time!

Here are a few pictures of our afternoon...  laughyes

How do living things survive?

Date: 19th Jul 2018 @ 4:19pm

For our final topic we have been learning about animals including humans and living things in their habitats. We have had some outdoor fun by creating our own digestive system and going on an invertebrate hunt. Today we found many invertebrates in our school environment. Beware some images contain spiders.

Ranger Walk

Date: 8th Jun 2018 @ 4:07pm

Scott the Ranger took Year 4 on a fantastic and informative walk around Lyme Country Park today to learn all about animals and their habitats. We saw some baby frogs, dragon flies and horses as well as many other interesting species.

Smoking Talk

Date: 6th Jun 2018 @ 3:30pm

Year 4 had a visit today from the NHS Stop smoking team. The children were given information about what smoking can do to you and they asked many questions. The team very kindly answered all their queries and concerns about smoking. Children who asked for information have been given details about who you can contact to help stop smoking or you can contact NHS Smokefree St Helens on 01744 586247 if you have any further questions about stopping smoking. 

Bridge Building

Date: 4th Jun 2018 @ 2:38pm

As part of our Design Technology lessons we designed, built and evaluated bridges using a hydraulic system. The children enjoyed building their bridges and many solved design issues within the lesson to create a working bridge.

Awesome Ancient Egyptian Assembly

Date: 20th May 2018 @ 11:39am

Well done Year 4 on an amazing Ancient Egyptian Assembly. You worked so hard and I am incredibly proud of each and everyone of you. Here are a few pictures of the assembly.

Why were the Ancient Egyptians Awesome?

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 3:56pm

To start our topic on the Ancient Egyptians we made bread and Papyrus paper. The Ancient Egyptians had bread with almost every meal. Year 4 mixed and kneaded the ingredients and then shaped their bread into their own unique shape. We had a mixture of plaits and rolls.

In the afternoon, we made Papyrus paper which we will be using to write like an Egyptian. It was a messy day but lots of fun. 

States of Matter

Date: 29th Mar 2018 @ 4:19pm

Well done to all the children who completed this half term's home learning project. We had a number of board games as well as facts about states of matter and a very detailed poster of the water cycle.

To end our topic on States of Matter, the children made their very own water cycle. The children enjoyed watching how the water cycle works.

Here are some photos.

Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament

Date: 21st Mar 2018 @ 3:04pm

A select number of boys from year 5 and year 4 participated in a football tournament today. The standard of play was fantastic. The boys did really well finishing 3rd in our group. 

Afterwards, we played a couple of friendlies against other schools and managed to keep two clean sheets. Well done!


What is the State of Matter?

Date: 11th Mar 2018 @ 7:21pm

To introduce our new Science topic 'States of Matter', we melted chocolate and made cornflake cakes. We tested how quick dark, milk and white chocolate melt and then observed the chocolate turning back into a solid. 

We also watched a balloon inflate with only yeast, sugar and water. 

We had lots of fun and enjoyed the cornflake cakes afterwards.

How does sound travel?

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 7:03pm

In our Science lessons, we have been learning about sound. We have been looking at how we hear sound and how sound travels. To identify how the pitch of a sound changes, we made pan pipes with straws and tried to change the pitch by adjusting the size of the straw. To help us understand how sound travels we made string telephones. We found out that if the string was tight we could hear better. Here are some pictures.

Liverpool Museum

Date: 22nd Jan 2018 @ 4:03pm

On Wednesday 17th January, Year 4 visited the Museum of Liverpool. This was part of our Learning Challenge for this term is 'Why is the North West so Important?' and during our visit we learnt about how Liverpool became so important. Liverpool was one of the main trading ports in the UK and we found out about imports and exports.

We all had a fun day and here are some pictures.


Date: 18th Dec 2017 @ 3:57pm

The Year 4 children had an amazing time making Christmas scenes that lit up  using a complete circuit.

Art Lesson

Date: 10th Dec 2017 @ 12:17pm

Year 4 have been looking at the famous artist Claude Monet. 

We looked at examples of his work, in particular, the famous Water Lily Pond painting.

We then experimented mixing colours and this week we created our own interpretation of the Water Lily Pond painting. 

We followed the style of Monet which involved painting using our fingers. The children had fun and created some amazing art work.

Trip to Chester

Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:55pm

To start off our Learning Challenge 'Why was the Roman Empire so Powerful?' Year 4 visited the Dewa Museum in Chester. The day began with a tour around the Roman walls by a Roman solider. The children were shown the remains of the Roman theatre and were given training on how to be a Roman soldier. After lunch the children enjoyed a tour of the museum and they were shown artifacts from Roman times and experienced how a Roman Soldier lived. Here are some photos from the day.

End of topic WOW day

Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:46pm

To complete our Roman topic, Year 4 had a day of creative art and cooking.  We made a Spaghetti Bolognese which the children took home and enjoyed.  Whilst the children were cooking, the others in class made Roman mosaics using real mosaic tiles.  The children enjoyed the day.

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Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD