Our Gallery


Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 4:40pm

At our Starbooks cafe this week Year 5 were given the title of a book - I ATE SUNSHINE FOR BREAKFAST.  They predicted what the book might be about and everyone expected the book to be a fiction text.  However the book was an information text - a celebration of plants around the world. 

'I Ate Sunshine For Breakfast' is the winner of the Garden Media Guild Awards. 

The children read extracts of the text to find out key facts about plants and nature.  They used collage materials to present some of the fascinating facts from the book in an artistic way.  The hot chocolate and cookies went down a treat too! 




Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 2:13pm

In PICTURE NEWS we watched a video about the 'Monk Skin Tone Scale' which is being used to help the Google search engine be more inclusive of different skin tones.  Crayola have created coloured pencils and crayons to reflect a wide range of skin tones and we used these to create our own self-portarits. 

Summer Fair

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 9:36am


Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 11:51am

Year 2 are learning how to play the cornet with Mr Chadwick.   


Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 4:59pm

At Starbooks this afternoon Year 4 enjoyed talking about the pictures in the wordless story 'FLOTSAM' by David Wiesner.  Flotsam is a book about a young boy who stumbles across a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera as he is collecting flotsam that has been washed ashore. 

We looked at the pictures to music and discussed what was happening in them.  Using a page of the story as inspiration of our artwork we created fish collages using recycled materials.  We use plastic bags, bottle tops and cotton buds - things that sometimes end up in our seas and oceans. 



Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 4:10pm

This afternoon, Year 2 enjoyed listening to the final few chapters of our class novel 'FRED Wizard in Training'. Then they designed and created their own magic wands. Finally, they enjoyed a treat of a hot drink and a cookie. It was fun! 

Boccia and Ultimate Frisbee

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 4:04pm

Today, Y1 have enjoyed play Boccia and Ultimate Frisbee - as part of their learning in Sports Week.

They enjoyed both of the activities! 


Sports Week 2022 - RACE FOR LIFE!

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 3:51pm


This week has been Lyme's sports week!

During the week, the children were exposed to a few sports that they may not have chance to play outside of school. One of the sports the children played was Ultimate (Ultimate Frisbee). The children loved the fast pace of the game and how they have to work as a team to get the frisbee over the line! Another sport was Orienteering. This sport was the polar opposite to ultimate frisbee. Children had to use maps to navigate around the school grounds and find a number of markers. When they found a marker, they would stamp the special pattern onto their sheet. When all of the markers had been found, the children returned to their teacher. Lastly, KS1 were introduced to Boccia. This is a game similar to bowls. However, it is played sitting down. This game is played in the paralympics at an international level. The children enjoyed the game and loved trying to get their balls as close as they could to the marker. 

On Monday, Year 6 played at a football tournament were top goal scorers in the entire tournament. Unfortunately, they were knocked out on penalties in the semi-finals. This doesn't reflect how one-sided the semi-final actually was. Lyme hit the post and bar several times but again, unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side. I would like to congratulate Year 6 on their effort during the tournament and in particularly their behaviour which was fantastic throughout. 

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Tara Jones and Katie Mottershead who both play for Saints women's team. Tara is also an England international and is in the squad again to play France tomorrow (on Skysports Arena, 18th June at 5.30pm). Tara and Katie were inspiring and a lot of the children were lucky enough to get their picture taken with the pair. 

Lastly, the whole school took part in the race for life today. Each pupil has trained all week to perform this race and they should all be so proud. Every child that completed the race received a medal for their hard work. 

Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic sport's week. We hope you enjoyed it!

Sports Week

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 3:35pm

Year 3 have had a great week during sports week. We have had a go at playing ultimate frisbee and orienteering as well as running or walking a daily mile every day. 

Y1 Race For Life

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 12:37pm

As part of Sports Week Y1 participated in their Race for Life this morning - it was fun - even in the heat!

They all showed perseverance and kept going - raising lots of money for cancer research.

Well Done Year 1. 

Y2 Race for Life

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 11:48am

Year 2 took part in the Race for Life this morning to raise money for cancer research.  Thank you for your sponsors! 

Forest School

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 10:21am

This week at Forest School it was about Nature Watch.  The children played 'Hungry Birds'.  They had to find different coloured worms off the trees and unfasten them.  They then played 'Hide and Seek' where they had to find a place to go and listen to nature.


Date: 15th Jun 2022 @ 4:41pm

At our Starbooks cafe this afternoon Year 3 listened to the award winning story 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward. 

The children enjoyed hot drinks and biscuits as they discussed their favourite books.  

Then they used a wide variety of materials to make TIN TOUCANS from the story.  



Year 5 Sports Day

Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 4:03pm

The sun was shining as the children enjoyed a fabuous Sports Day! 

Year 2 Boccia

Date: 14th Jun 2022 @ 3:35pm

Today, Year 2 had their first go at a new sport - Boccia. 

They practised their skills by rolling the coloured balls towards the target. It was fun to play a new team game. 

KS1 Daily Mile

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 12:16pm

Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their first activity of Sports Week this morning - 8 laps around the track for the Daily Mile!

Foundation Stage Sports Day

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 1:16pm

The children had great fun at sports day. They took part in a range of activities including, javelin, sack race and a running race. They were all good sports. 

Forest School

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 1:13pm

During the Forest School session this week the children looked for signs of summer.  They made their own ink from blackberries and used quills to draw and write with it.

Year 2 Sports Day

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 12:52pm

Year 2 enjoyed their sports day today.  They took part in throwing, jumping and running challenges and worked well in their teams.  Everyone cheered for their teams and was a good sport! 

Year 1 Sports Day

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 12:41pm

Year 1 enjoyed Sports Day today.

They participated in a range of events - Javelin, Sprint Races, Long Jump, Bean Bag Throwing and Sack Race.

They showed great sportsmanship - encouraging each other in their house teams.  

Everyone in Y1 tried their best - It was fun!

Building Bridges

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 10:29am

Year 5 have been exploring different types of bridge structures as part of their DT topic. They have used kebab sticks and masking tape to create a Truss bridge structure. It took a lot of hard work and perseverance but they made some fantastic models and were very proud of their achievements.

Our Visit to the World of Glass

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 10:16am

We had such a great day at the World of Glass in St Helens. 

We took a look around the museums, watched a fantastic glassblowing demonstration and then took a trip underground to explore the tunnels and a Victorian furnace.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 10:30am

We enjoyed a week of celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Year 6 focused on the 1960's decade. We looked at art from the 60's and listened to the music that was popular at the time. Most of the children are now fans of the Beatles. We researched key events that happened during this period. We ended the week with a little party.  

Jubilee Celebrations in FS

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 6:09pm

The children have really enjoyed finding out about The Queen this week.  They have loved dressing up and pretending to be The Queen sitting on the throne, painting her portrait, making crowns, writing facts about her and much more.  The week was finished off with a lovely picnic. 

KS1 celebrations for the Jubilee

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 8:29am

Year 1 and 2 had a fabulous time celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee yesterday! We had a an indoor street party - ate party food, listened to music from different decades and waved our Union Jack flags!

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Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD