Our Gallery

Our First Weeks in FS.

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 12:15pm

Over the last few weeks, the children have been exploring the indoor and outdoor areas and getting used to the routines.   They are all settling well.  Here are some of the things they have been doing.

Democracy in Y3: Pupil Voice groups

Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 9:35am

This week, Y3 have been talking about what democracy means ready for the election of our pupil voice groups. We worked in teams to decide what qualities would be needed to be on the following councils: Student. Eco, Reading, Rights-Respecting, Sports and Online Safety. Each member of the class made a short video (some examples are below) to share with the class - then we voted! Well done to all the children for developing their confidence to speak in front of the camera and congratulations to our newly elected councillors - more on this next week!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Chocolate tasting!

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 4:09pm

Chocolate Tasting!

Today, Year 4 created their own chocolate bars! We decided the best way to do this was to research how our favourite chocolate bars tasted. After every kind of chocolate bar, we discussed how they tasted and how they felt in our mouths... did they melt? pop? crunch? etc. We collected all of the describing words on the board to use later!

After this, we looked at the wrappers for our favourite chocolate bars and discussed how they were designed and what they have in common. We then designed our own chocolate bars using some our describing words and what we had learnt from our research.

The children seemed to enjoy the lesson!



Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:57pm

This morning, Year 1 and Year 2 have visited St Helens Town Hall to take part in 'Songfest 2022'.

Songfest is a celebration of music and this year's theme was 'Music Matters'.

Before the trip, all the children made their own musical instrument.

At the event, children participated in a range of activities - singing / playing musical instruments and playing music related games.

The teachers from the Music Service said that we were one of the best groups they had heard!

It was a wonderful event. 

Equality and Diversity assembly

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:56pm

Children from our Student Council and Rights-Respecting group dellivered an assembly to KS1 and 2 this week on equality and diversity. They talked to their peers about the Women's Euros and the Commonwealth Games - both being held in the UK this time - and how both competitions are a celebration of inclusion and aiming high to achieve our dreams.

Student Voice Showcase: Governing Body Presentation

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:53pm

Members of our Student Council, Eco Team and Rights-Respecting Ambassadors presented at the final Governing Body meeting of the year this week to talk about what they have achieved over the past 2 years. They were praised by the Chair of the meeting, Mrs Cottrell!

The Eco Team's final job of the year!

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:21pm

Members of our Eco Team carried out the final litter pick of the year last week. They also picked lots of blackcurrants off the bushes and used them to make fruit crumbles to take home.

We are very proud of how our fruit trees are looking in the planters this summer and look forward to picking the apples and pears in the autumn. 

Student Voice at work!

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:13pm

Members of our Student Council and Rights-Respecting team have met several times over the last couple of weeks to work on a special project: to write a child-friendly version of our Equality Policy. They have thought about the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act and created images and examples to teach all age groups across school about inclusion  and discrimination. As we are a UNICEF Rights-Respecting school, the pupils have included the relevant rights of the child to the examples in the policy. This will be published to share with stakeholders in September. 

RSE Day in Year 1

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 12:08pm

Y1 thought about 'what makes them sparkle' for RSE Day this year. They enjoyed talking about what makes them special and unique.

Year 5 Careers' Fayre

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 3:00pm

As part of their sessions on 'Why Work?', run by the St Helens Chamber of Cmmerce, the children had the fantastic opporrtunity to meet some business people from the local area. The business people discussed their different careers and how they got to do what they do. They gave our children food for thought about where they may see their future careers. The chldren, in turn, engaged well and asked some very ineteresting questions. 

Musical Instruments

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 12:46pm

This week, Year 1 will be taking part in 'Songfest' at St Helens Town Hall.

Some of us have made musical instruments (at home) so we can take them to the town hall when we go.

We are all looking forward to the trip and to playing our musical instruments.

Science Show - KS1 and Foundation Stage

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 10:47am

This morning, KS1 and Foundation Stage have enjoyed watching the Science Show.

They participated in a range of activities - all linked to 'working scientifically'.

It was fun ! 

Forest School

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 2:05pm

This was our last Forest School session of the year. The children have had lots of fun exploring the forest through the different seasons and making different things each week.  We'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Mr Brooks for leading our learning in Forest School.


Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 2:09pm

Year 2 have been learning about plants in science.  They have planted and been looking after their own broad bean plants.  The children can say what plants need to stay healthy and can say why plants are unhealthy. 

Snail Sculptures

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 4:44pm

Today, Year 1 have been creating their own snail sculptures.

First of all, we looked at images of different snails – then, we discussed the patterns on their shells.  We used our sketching skills to create our own design – using lines, curls and circles.

After that, we used moulding clay to create our snail sculpture – using etching tools to create a pattern.

It was fun!

Y2 residential to Colomendy

Date: 2nd Jul 2022 @ 7:26pm

We had a fantastic night away at Kingswood Colomendy with some of our Year 2 children. They took part in lots of exciting activities: the 3G Giant Swing, Aeroball, Orienteering, Crate Stack and the Scrapheap Challenge- some of the children's rockets travelled over 400 metres! We also used materials in the environment to create animal art work- there were some very imaginative ideas! All of the children were fabulous and such excellent ambassadors for our school. 

Forest School

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 1:27pm

This week in Forest School the children made their own Dreamcatchers.  A Dreamcatcher is a protective talisman that is used to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams. The charm was usually used for young children and hung above their cots or beds.  

Arts Week in Y1

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 12:49pm

This week has been Arts Week in school.

In Year 1, we have been studying landscapes – by a range of artists including Van Gogh’s ‘Fishing Boats on the Beach’.  Then we have created our own beach landscapes – using a variety skills including:-

* Sketching
* Collaging
* Painting with watercolours
* Colour mixing – with black and white – to make darker or lighter tones.

We know that you have to create a horizon line when creating a landscape picture.

Year 1 worked hard on their art activities this week and they have created some great masterpieces.

Well done Year 1! 


Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 12:15pm

In Year 2 we researched the French artist Henri Matisse.  We explored colour and shape to create our own pieces of art work in his style.  Our colourful work is on display in our classroom. 

RSE DAY 2022

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 12:04pm

Celebrating Differences - Everyone Can Sparkle! is the theme for RSE Day this year. In Year 2 we watched a live assembly and spoke about what made us sparkle and what makes us unique.  We made 'sparkly' flags to celebrate our differences and created a class paper chain too! 


Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 4:40pm

At our Starbooks cafe this week Year 5 were given the title of a book - I ATE SUNSHINE FOR BREAKFAST.  They predicted what the book might be about and everyone expected the book to be a fiction text.  However the book was an information text - a celebration of plants around the world. 

'I Ate Sunshine For Breakfast' is the winner of the Garden Media Guild Awards. 

The children read extracts of the text to find out key facts about plants and nature.  They used collage materials to present some of the fascinating facts from the book in an artistic way.  The hot chocolate and cookies went down a treat too! 




Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 2:13pm

In PICTURE NEWS we watched a video about the 'Monk Skin Tone Scale' which is being used to help the Google search engine be more inclusive of different skin tones.  Crayola have created coloured pencils and crayons to reflect a wide range of skin tones and we used these to create our own self-portarits. 

Summer Fair

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 9:36am


Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 11:51am

Year 2 are learning how to play the cornet with Mr Chadwick.   


Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 4:59pm

At Starbooks this afternoon Year 4 enjoyed talking about the pictures in the wordless story 'FLOTSAM' by David Wiesner.  Flotsam is a book about a young boy who stumbles across a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera as he is collecting flotsam that has been washed ashore. 

We looked at the pictures to music and discussed what was happening in them.  Using a page of the story as inspiration of our artwork we created fish collages using recycled materials.  We use plastic bags, bottle tops and cotton buds - things that sometimes end up in our seas and oceans. 


Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD