Our Gallery
Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 9:14am
Our Learning Challenge this half term has been : Why is Australia called the Land Down Under?
For our home learning we have been creative and made items related to Australia. Have a look through the pictures to see how creative we have been.
Date: 6th Feb 2017 @ 9:57am
Each class has discussed the articles from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. They have chosen the ones they feel are the most important to them and agreed them as their class charter.
Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 1:18pm
We had lots of fun today at our party. Reef Reptiles were really good and we had some very brave children and staff. Have a look through our pictures.
Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 4:56pm
To finish our Learning Challege: Where do you want to live in the world? we made masks - just like the masks they have in Rio, South America when they celebrate the Rio Carnival.
We held our own mini carnival in class - It was fun!
Have a look at the pictures to see our masks.
Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 1:41pm
We had laughter, tears and audience particpation this year for our Nursery and Reception classes Nativity.
Thanks to all the families who came and made these such special performances.
Year 2 Home Learning Autumn Term 2 2016
Date: 8th Dec 2016 @ 5:14pm
Thank you to all the children who completed their Home Learning for our Learning Challenge: Where in the world do you want to live?
I am sure you'll agree they've all worked very hard on their projects - well done Year 2.
Autumn 2 Learning Challenge Curriculum Exhibition
Date: 8th Dec 2016 @ 3:08pm
Well done to all our children and their families who worked so hard on the half term projects.
As always, all your hard work and effort paid off with some truly inspirational exhibits.
Thank you so much for supporting your child's learning. The interest you take at home is statistically proven to make a positive difference to your child's attitude to learning and education, raising their aspirations and helpingthem achieve more.
Mrs Cribb
Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 10:01am
Thanks to all the parents and grandparents that came to 'Stay and Play'.
Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 10:35am
As part of our Learning Challenge question 'Where do you want to live in the world?' we have been learning all about life in Europe and some European food.
We have designed and made our own pizzas - it was great fun! They tasted even better.
Have a look at the pictures to see.
Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 3:00pm
Here is our home learning projects from Autumn 1 on 'Our Local Area'.
Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 8:21am
On Tuesday 1st November, we had a really fun drama lesson exploring the the first scene of Macbeth. We discussed the three witches. How they would move, how they would act and how they would speak. The children performed the first act in threes.
Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 8:12am
On Wednesday 2nd November, year 5 visited our local library. We discovered lots of information and even wrote a letter as if we were writing to a soldier in the war.
Fantastic aliens made by Year 1 for their homework challenge.
Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 2:29pm
Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 12:28pm
Y3 and Y4 have enjoyed taking part in the Yoga Bananas technique yoga sessions this Autumn half term. They have been learning about the different yoga asanas (poses) and breathing techniques through story, songs, games, partner activities and relaxation activities. They practiced using all they had learnt in the last session completing the Yoga Olympic Games.
Book Start Reception Library Visit
Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 12:08pm
YR enjoyed their walk to the local library to take part in the Book Start Reading Session. They listened to the story Kitchen Disco and got their very own story book to keep. The children sang songs and explored the childrens fiction and non-fiction areas of the library.
Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 3:12pm
We were thrilled with Faith and Cadan in Y6 who represented Lyme at the recent Democracy Debate at the Town Hall.
The Mayor of St Helens was on hand to present the prize to the winning debating team. Cadan was thrilled to be on that team!
Macmillan Nurses Coffee Morning
Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 10:37am
Thank you so much to our wonderful community who supported our fundraising today for the Macmillan Nurses. The donated cakes were delicious.
The Queen's 90th Birthday Concert
Date: 14th Jun 2016 @ 7:39am
We got all patriotic for the Queen on June 10th. Our Brass Band played and our children sang. We finished off with a rousing rendition of The National Anthem.
Date: 14th Jun 2016 @ 7:32am
The sun shone as we took part in Olympic themed events for this year's Sports Day. Thankyou to all the staff who worked so hard to make the day such a success and all the parents' who came along to spectate. The UNICORN team took the honours on the day (for the second year running) but everyone can be proud of all their efforts.
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:42pm
Sport Relief fun in Foundation Stage
Date: 18th Mar 2016 @ 2:37pm
The Foundation Stage enjoyed some sporty activities for Sport Relief this morning. Mrs Cribb even joined in too!