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Foundation Stage go on an Autumn Walk

Date: 12th Oct 2017 @ 4:44pm

Foundation Stage had a fantastic time on going on an Autumn Walk. We enjoyed getting to see some animals, looking at how the trees were changing and best of all, splashing in the mud!

Maths Board Games 2

Date: 19th Jul 2017 @ 11:32am

Y5 children have been busy making Maths Board Games for the Y3 children in the past week. 

Keibhy Powell in Y5 said, " First we looked at different types of board games which gave us inspiration and ideas for our own. We then planned our board games in our books and wrote down the instructions. After that, we looked at the Y3 maths curriculum and this was how we found out questions to ask the children. We then made it in real-life and made 3d touches to them to make them look more appealing."

Joel Thompson in Y3 said, "I really enjoyed the board games. They are really fun and no one is playing unfairly. I've been learning a lot of things like 6 X 50 is 300 and it was easy to work out!"


The children have all worked very hard and had a great time this morning.

Enterprise Fair

Date: 10th Jul 2017 @ 11:41am

Thank you to all the children and staff involved in setting up the Enterprise Fair on Friday! We raised over £600 for school fund. Congratulations to our winners  - Year 6!

Lytham St Annes Trip to the Beach

Date: 7th Jul 2017 @ 11:18am

We had lots of fun at the beach.

Numbers Count

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 11:20am

Some of our Year 3 children have been taking part in Numbers Count since the Spring Term.

Numbers Count is a fun and exciting way for children to make accelerated progress in their Maths learning.  Each child on their Numbers Count journey receives 1 to 1 direct teaching for 40 sessions - 3 sessions per week.  

Today we have celebrated the achievements of the children who have been participating in Numbers Count with our SENCo - Miss Burns.  Some of the children's family members came to support them and to see how far they have progressed.  It was a wonderful morning to see the children's achievements and for the children to share their experiences while celebrating their success smiley.

Stars of the Future

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 9:32pm

RRS assembly 28.6.17

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 2:24pm

Well done to members of our RRS Steering Group for planning and leading the KS2 assembly this week all about articles 29 and 31!

Musical Extravaganza 28.6.17

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 1:38pm

Well done to all the children who performed in our Musical Extravaganza yesterday evening. Thank you to Mr Chadwick and Mrs Brooks for organising the event and to all the families who came along to support the children.

Arts Week 2016-17

Date: 28th Jun 2017 @ 9:12pm

Our children, and staff, have really enjoyed Arts Week so far! They have had the opportunity to practice a variety of visual arts skills, such as drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and photography.

The finished products are excellent!

Lyme's Got Talent 27.6.17

Date: 28th Jun 2017 @ 8:30pm

Well done to all the fantastic acts who performed at Lyme's Got Talent yesterday! Thank you to our very proactive Student Council for helping to judge the auditions and for presenting the show and to our lovely judges: Mrs Cribb, Mrs Lammond and Mrs Marshall.

Congratulations to our winners: 1st place - Megan G (floor gymnastics), 2nd place - Josh and Zak (guitar, drums and singing), 3rd place - George (comedian).

That's The Way To Do It!!!

Date: 8th Jun 2017 @ 4:11pm

As a start to our Learning Challenge we have enjoyed an afternoon of seaside entertainment.

First of all we enjoyed our very own knickerbocker glory ice-creams, this was followed by a sing song - OH I DO LIKE TO BE BESIDE THE SEASIDE ...

We were very lucky as we then got to watch our very own Punch and Judy show - It was such fun and everyone laughed - It made us all smile.   Also, we got to experience how they put on a Punch and Judy show and we even got to try some of the puppets.

Have a look at some of the photographs to see how much we enjoyed it.


Plants, Plants and Plants

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 4:11pm

In Year 2 we have been investigating: Do roots always grown down and shoots always grow up?

For our home learning we were asked to show our understanding of plants.

Some of us created mini-gardens, planted flowers and created art work linked to our Learning Challenge question.

Take a look at some of the photos or have a look outside of our classroom for our projects.



Maths Board Games

Date: 19th May 2017 @ 2:24pm

As a treat at the end of assessment week, the children played maths board games. These board games challenge the childrens' timestable knowledge. The majority are strategy games which makes the children think about other players answers and not only their own. They involve working out multiple sums at once and making connections using the inverse operation.

Global Citizenship Day planning 17.5.17

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 5:23pm

Anglo-Saxon Day

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 10:30am

We has an Anglo-Saxon expert came to our class and taught us how to make Anglo-Saxon shields and brooches.The children had a great day and all learnt a lot about the Anglo-Saxons.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 10:00am

As a whole school project, each class read the Elves and the Shoemaker and used this as a focus for their writing. In Y5, we decided to have a look at whether it was unfair or not that the Elves were working for the shoemaker. We had a discussion using P4C (Philosophy for Children) and came to the conclusion that the elves had poor working conditions, no pay, unsocialble hours and many more. A lot of the children noticed that this related to some of the articles that we have been looking at in our Values lessons. We produced news reports, newspaper articles and diary entries from the elves. 

Beowulf (Talk for Writing)

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 9:09am

We read the story of Beowulf as part of our Anglo-Saxon topic. We retold the story using actions and story maps which helped us to remember it. This meant we could concentrate on the quality of our writing rather than trying to remember the story.

Crime and Punishment Projects

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 8:59am

Home School Learning Projects.

PCSO Visit to the Foundation Stage

Date: 3rd May 2017 @ 7:52pm

The PCSO came to visit us.  She told us lots of interesting things about the police.  

The Easter Bunny

Date: 31st Mar 2017 @ 8:31pm

The Easter Bunny came early to Lyme with special treats for the children 🐰🐣😀.

Stay and Play

Date: 10th Mar 2017 @ 11:59am

Thanks to all who came to Stay and Play.  The children really enjoyed showing you what they do at school.

Rights-Respecting School Steering Group Assesmbly: Article 24 (8.3.17)

Date: 8th Mar 2017 @ 3:01pm

Two members of our RRS Steering Group led an assembly to teach KS2 about Article 24 of the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child. The worked really hard to research the facts and create their own Powerpoint presentation.

Pancake Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2017 @ 11:32am

We made pancakes.  They were yummy!!

World Book Day Fun

Date: 3rd Mar 2017 @ 10:39am

Have a look at some of our World Book Day activities.

Stars of the Future

Date: 23rd Feb 2017 @ 4:35pm

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UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD