Our Gallery
Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 4:27pm
Check out our photographs of our fantastic day spent with a real life Viking.
Our Viking Home Learning Projects
Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 3:58pm
Year 6 have enjoyed continuing their learning at home. Take a look at their handy work.
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 9:05pm
The children in Year 3 had a fantastic time practising their estimation skills. These skills are so important for maths; to help them identify errors and make sensible guesses about what calculations will equal. The children worked in teams to estimate a variety of things; from letters on a page to pockets in the class. They showed an excellent understanding and used some fantastic strategies!
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 5:30pm
We really enjoyed our day out at Hope taking part in the Maths Challenge.
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:38pm
During Anti-bullying Week, Y1 explored the subject through the story of Humpty Dumpty. In these photos you can see the children acting out the story. The King's Men were bullying Humpty because they pushed him off the wall and laughed at him SEVERAL TIMES ON PURPOSE. Year 1 decided that the King should be told what his men were doing, and that they should be made to apologise and make friends with Humpty. The children then related this to what they should do if this was happening to them or one of their friends.
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:19pm
Year 1 have been learning about what life was like more than one hundred years ago, and how Cinderella would have done the housework for her mean stepmother! We did some washing using a tub, washboard and poss stick, just like poor CInderella. It was very hard work!
Stay and Play in Foundation Stage.
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:18pm
Our parents came to Stay and Play this week. They were able to experience what it is like in school. They all had lots of fun!
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:17pm
Through our new topic- What is our school made of? We have started looking more at the objects around us and what they are made of. We also started looking at the properties they have. In little groups, we went around the school and used the IPADs to take photos of our findings. We also started looking at the materials origin and we were shocked to find out toothpaste is made from chalk! YUCK!
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 4:07pm
We decided as a Class to focus on Zero Hunger. We thought about how we can work towards this goal as a class. We decided that we will not waste our food and will make sure that we will help the homeless by giving tinned food to food banks. We now have our Global Glasses on to show how we now see the world- what do you think?
Outdoor Learning in Foundation Stage
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:59pm
Look at all the different learning that has been taking place outside in our Foundation Stage!
We've been practising recognising our 2D shapes and putting them in to patterns. We have also been practising (safely!) using hammers and screw drivers with the woods, and using magnets to take them out. We've really enjoyed using our Writing Shed, which became a Witches House near Halloween, and wrote lots of recipes for magic potions! We have especially enjoyed climbing, balancing and moving over and around the different things we have outside, developing our gross motor skills and practising being safe!
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:58pm
Look at what we have been learning about in Maths.
Video message to Zorg the Alien
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:52pm
We made a video message to tell Zorg how to get to our school. Please click on the gallery to view the video.
Autumn 1- The Great Fire Of London Project
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:52pm
Throughout the first half term we looked at The Great fire of London. During this time we worked on our home project and focused on making our own Tudor Houses. Come and take a look at our masterpieces.
Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:41pm
We had a lovely time at the Cinderella Ball. Each couple was announced by the Master of Ceremonies (Miss Costello) as they arrived. Everyone danced to the music, which was a waltz by the composer Strauss. King Harry made a royal proclamation and Prince Charming (Nathan) danced with Cinderella. The servants (Mrs Brooks and Mrs Brown) served the refreshments, which were pink champagne (lemonade) and cakes. When the clock struck midnight, CInderella ran out, leaving her sparkly slipper behind. The king and Prince Charming tried the slipper on all the girls. Mrs Cribb was very sad that it didn't fit her! It did fit Ruby-Lea though, as she was Cinderella. Cinderella and Prince Charming got married and we all had a last dance.
Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 5:03pm
The children enjoyed designing and creating their Viking Longships.
Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:55pm
To start off our Learning Challenge 'Why was the Roman Empire so Powerful?' Year 4 visited the Dewa Museum in Chester. The day began with a tour around the Roman walls by a Roman solider. The children were shown the remains of the Roman theatre and were given training on how to be a Roman soldier. After lunch the children enjoyed a tour of the museum and they were shown artifacts from Roman times and experienced how a Roman Soldier lived. Here are some photos from the day.
Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:54pm
Check out our photographs of our fantastic day spent with a real life Viking.
Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:49pm
We had a fantastic time on our Ancient Greek day.
The children took part in lots of activities such as making Greek headressess, writing their name in Greek letters, creating their own mosaics, tasting some Greek food and taking part in an Ancient Greek Olympics.
Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:46pm
To complete our Roman topic, Year 4 had a day of creative art and cooking. We made a Spaghetti Bolognese which the children took home and enjoyed. Whilst the children were cooking, the others in class made Roman mosaics using real mosaic tiles. The children enjoyed the day.
Date: 19th Nov 2017 @ 2:41pm
As part of our new topic on Electricity, Year 4 had a visit from the local Fire Brigade. The firefighters gave the class a talk about the dangers of electricity and how to keep safe. They explained about the dangers of leaving appliances on overnight and how they could cause an electrical fire. Year 4 asked many questions and at the end of the talk they had a special treat and went outside to see the fire engine. We had lots of fun and the children had a go at using the fire hose and even got to sit in a fire engine.
Date: 17th Nov 2017 @ 3:43pm
In English, Y5 have been learning about how to build suspense in their writing. We have explored a story called 'Francis' which is about a girl who rows her boat into the middle of a lake and hears knocks on the bottom of the boat. We have listened to how the narrator reads the story and found where the author has built tension.
The first time we heard the story we turned the lights off and made the room really spooky. We turned our tables upside down and pretended that we were in the boat instead of Francis!
Date: 17th Nov 2017 @ 2:09pm
We have been reading the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. The children helped to make turnip soup. It was delicious!!
Date: 15th Nov 2017 @ 1:56pm
Some pupils from year 6 took part in a dodgeball competition on Friday. They all worked very hard and behaved superbly.
We won some matches and lost a few but the children thoroughly enjoyed themsevles.
Well done, Y6!
Date: 30th Oct 2017 @ 4:18pm
We had a fantastic time at our halloween disco. We really enjoyed seeing your scary and spooky costumes!
Date: 19th Oct 2017 @ 3:53pm
Take a look at the fantastic learning challenge work that pupils have been doing at home!