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Forest School

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 2:17pm

Our spring Forest School sessions have started again.  This week the children were learning about new life.  They looked for the signs of new life and then they made a baby using wood slices.  They had great fun.

Making smoothies!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 4:23pm

Today, Y1 have made smoothies! They worked in groups to peel and slice their chosen fruits and vegetables - using the bridge hold to keep the food steady while they cut it. Then they used a blender to combine the flavours. We then tasted them and evaluated the product.


Knowsley Safari Park

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 3:29pm

Year 2 visited Knowsley Safari Park today as part of their current science topic - animals and their habitats. 

The children enjoyed an on foot safari, a sealion show and a birds of prey show. 

They had fun on the play equipment and ended the day with a guided coach tour. 

Patterns in Nursery

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 3:46pm

This week, in Nursery we have been making our own repeating patterns. We printed patterns using sponges and then made our own pattern towers 

Smoothie ingredient taste testing

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 4:56pm

We have had a very exciting afternoon in Y1! First we had to guess the ingredients of the shop-bought smoothies by using sight, smell and taste - we made some very good guesses! The green one made us think it had brocolli or peas in it but we were glad to find out that it was kiwi fruit and cucumber that gave it its colour! Next we listened to a song about why we should 'eat 5-a-day' - we talked about how drinking a smoothie could help us with this. After that we did a taste test of some different smoothie ingredients and decided which kind of smoothie we would like to make in our next lesson and why. Mrs. Roberts was very proud of how we all had a try of a variety of different things- even if we were unsure or hadn't tasted them before. 


Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 10:08am

We looke d at work by Kathe Kollwitz. She produced portraits to show a range of emotions and feelings of everyday people. We were inspired to create our own. 

World Book Day

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 10:03am

The children enjoyed World Book Day in Y6. They invented some fantastic superheroes and villians. Well done to Cara on winning the spoon competition.

Learning to Work.

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 9:59am

Kathryn from St Helens Chamber delivered a session to the children to make them more aware of issue they will when are are adults. The children were astonished with the amount of money that came out of their monthly budgets to just pay the bills. 

Learning to Work.

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 9:48am

The children enjoyed a workshop delivered by Irene from the St Helens Chamber. Irene's workshop was all about careers in STEM. 

New playtime equipment!

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 3:33pm

Last month our Student Council decided that they would like to raise money to buy some new equipment for playtimes to improve the activities they are taking part in. On Friday 11th February -to mark Children's Mental Health Week- we held an 'Own Clothes Day' -and raised £170. The student councillors spent some time looking online for resources that they thought they and their classmates would like. Mrs Lammond will organise a rota to make sure that the resources are used properly and fairly. 

World Book Day in Y1

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:06pm

Year 1 have had a fabulous fun-filled day - for Word Book Day we all dressed as a Super Hero or a Super Villian.

In class, we wrote sentences about the Super Hero in our story 'Super Daisy'.

We also completed 'Super Hero Maths', made our own Super Hero Cities, made masks, designed capes for Super Heroes.

Some of us used contstruction toys to create Super Hero Cities or Super Hero Vehicles. 

We shared story books with each other and the Reading Ambassadors from Y3 visited our class too. 

We finsihed the day by singing some of the songs from 'A Pocketful of Songs' by Julia Donaldson.  


Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:45pm

Today our amazing reading ambassadors supported reading events across the school. Our Year 1 and 2 children visited foundation stage to join in story and library time. 

Our Y3, 4 and 5  children supported events in Key Stage 1 and lower key stage 2. 

Our Y6 children helped to set up the story spoon competition and delivered the certificates and prizes to the classes. 



World Book Day in FS

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:34pm

For World Book Day we read the story 'Supertato' by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. The children were then able to play with the evil peas, rescue the evil pea from the jelly, play with mashed up Supertato, count the different characters and write and draw about their favourite part of the story.


Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:30pm

Wow! What an amazing response we had to our story spoon competition. Here are some photos of the fabulous entries. Thank you to everyone who took part. The children enjoyed looking at all of the wonderful creations and talking about the stories that the characters were from. 

The names of the winners will be on our newsletter. 

Well done everyone! 

Imagine That

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:22pm

Everyone had such a good time on our trip to 'Imagine That'. The children participated in a range of science and art based activities. The best part was making their on slime.

Lyme Country Park - Science Learning Walk

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 12:41pm

This morning, Year 1 have been on a Science Learning Walk - even though it was slightly wet and very muddy in places a great time was had by everyone.

We learnt some of the names of the plants in the country park - such as:-

* Scots Pine 
* Hawthorne
* Gorse
* Pussy Willow

We also talked about some of the signs of 'Spring' - like the plants turning from brown and orange colours to light green.  Also, when the natural water and puddles start to reduce this is also a sign that Spring is coming.

We listened to some of the birds tweeting and singing to each other - we even saw a robin.

Before we returned to school, we stopped by one of water features in the park and saw a cormorant - it feeds on fish and frogs.

It was a very long walk (just over 2 miles) and we climbed some big hills - including Skylark Hill (although Scott The Ranger told us he calls it Scott's Hill).  We could see a long way from the top of the hill - we saw parts of Haydock and Earlestown Town Hall.

It was great fun! 

A Pocketful of Songs

Date: 28th Feb 2022 @ 12:57pm

As this week is World Book Day ... Year 1 participated in an online learning session with Julia Donaldson.

Julia told Y1 all about her new book 'A Pocketful of Songs'.  They also joined in with some singing - The Highway Rat and Superworm were some of their favourites.

It was a fun activity.

Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 3:49pm

Lesson 1: I can investigate foods and say whether it is a fruit or a vegetable.

This week we looked at different foods and sorted them into groups: fruit and vegetable. We found out that it is a fruit if it has seeds and that we can eat some seeds (like on strawberries) but not others (like in mangoes).

Finally, we did a taste test – using adjectives to describe the taste and textures.

Children's Mental Health Week in FS

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:38pm

As part of Children's Mental Health week the children have taken part in various activities to do with how they feel.  We also read the story 'Kind' and talk about ways we could be kind to ourselves and others.  We finished off the week with a Spa day.

Children's Mental Health Week

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 2:01pm

This week has been Children's Mental Health Week. We took part in a virtual assembly PLace2Be virtual assembly and thought about who in our lives are in our support bubble - we drew them in balloons.

Today has been Own Clothes Day - the money raising will go to buying new playground equipment. This was an idea from the Student Council who think this will support children's mental health.

Y4 visit to Liverpool

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:48pm

As part of their Geography learning, Year 4 will be visited The Museum of Liverpool and The Maritime Museum this week. They took part in a workshop, ‘Gateway to the World’ at The Museum of Liverpool and then did a self-led tour at The Maritime Museum: looking at local history and the Titanic exhibitions. Each workshop support the children’s learning about: Physical Geography - the River Mersey; Human Geography -types of settlements along a river and economic activity including trade links; Locational Geography such as the location of famous rivers, seas and oceans. They also saw the River Mersey first-hand and looked at the locks at the Albert Dock as they walked between museums.

Y1 artists!

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:39pm

In art this half term, Y1 have been learning about formal elements such as line, tone and texture. They have enjoyed experimenting with different media and using a variety of artists as a stimuls for their own pieces. This week the children used their new learning of primary and secondary colours to recreate their own version of 'Numbers in Colour' by Jasper Johns.

Online Safety

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:20pm

Y1 have been thinking about how to stay safe online this week. From our Purple Mash computing learning we already know how important it is to not share our passwords with anyone apart from a trusted adult. In our lesson on Safer Internet Day we thought about what else is safe to share online and what should stay private and be kept offline. Then we thought about different scenarios and talked about how we would feel and what we would do in these situations. To finish off, we used all our knolwedge to create a list of ingredients to help Digiduck from our assembly to make 'A Kinder Internet' spell. 

Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:08pm

This Tuesday, the 8th of February, was Safer Internet Day. Our Y5 Rights-Respecting Schools and Online Safety Ambassadors delivered two assemblies- one  to KS1 and one to KS2. 

KS1 listened to a story all about Digiduck who needed advice on how to stay safe online. The children gave him advice:

  • We should NEVER share passwords with anyone (unless they are a trusted adult).
  • We should talk to a trusted adult before we click on things online - Digiduck had to pay for lots of things that he thought we free.
  • We should ALWAYS be kind online.
  • We should ALWAYS tell a trusted adult if something makes us feel uncomfortable.

KS2 talked about the devices they use and the kinds of games and apps they play on. The main theme of their assembly was being respecful online.

We agreed that we should treat people online the same as we are expected to treat them offline - with respect. We should not feel pressured into doing things that we know are not right or that make us feel uncomfortable and if we are unsure we should ALWAYS talk to a trusted adult. 


Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 12:08pm

As part of our PSHRE topic this half term Year 2 have been learning about spending and saving money.  

As part of our topic we had to raise money for a charity and held a class ballot to decide how we would do this.  Oxfam was the chosen charity that received the most votes and the children decided that they would like a hold a cake sale. 

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all of the Year 2 parents who donated cakes for this good cause and to all of the classes for buying cakes and helping Year 2 to raise funds. 

The children counted the money and they raised an AMAZING £81.55! Thank you so much! 


Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD