Our Gallery
Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 9:02am
Thank you all the children who have sent in something they have made for our Easter competition - they are all excellent! Prizes will be delivered ASAP!
Foundation Stage's Easter Bonnet Parade (from afar!)
Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 2:35pm
A huge well done and thank you to all the children who made an Easter Bonnet and sent us their pictures!
After (very little deliberation) we decided that they were all so fantastic that everyone should get a prize! We will work on getting these to you next week.
Stay safe and have a great weekend everyone.
The week at school (from Monday 6th April, 2020)
Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 8:29pm
We are having a great time in school this week.
We have been keeping fit - by practising some dance routines, going on the trim trails, taking part in an assault course challenge as well as going on the scooters and bikes.
As it's nearly Easter - we have made Easter Nest cakes - they were yummy! We have also created some Stained Glass Window Decorations. We have made Easter Cards and motivational messages too ...
We have enjoyed the Lego Challenges too - we have created a theme park ride and a rocket so far.
All of this as well as some online learning and Maths challenges!
In After School Club - we have made pizza and enjoyed waffles with chocolate spread. We have also created some mosaic art and played games (The 5 second rule game was fun - but sometimes a little tricky!).
What we've been doing in school this week! 30.03.20-03.04.20
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 8:22pm
The children who have been in school this week have been fabulous!
Aswell as going on Century Tech, Timetable Rockstars and Spelling Frame we have done lots of dancing, playing, arts and crafts and even made a Bug Hotel.
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 1:46pm
Our topic for this half term was : How do plants and animals help each other?
The children were asked to be creative for their home learning. Well done to Charlie for creating a lovely mini garden ... I hope it makes everyone smile!
Henry has been very busy too - he has created an Animal Fact File - have a read through of all the information. He has used to lots of skills to create his fact file - English (Reading and Writing), ICT and Science. Well Done Henry.
Gavin has also created his own miniature garden ... I think it is very colourful - what do you think? Well Done Gavin.
If any other children have completed their projects - please take photos and forward them to me in school and I will update our gallery.
Many thanks.
Miss Burns
Date: 18th Mar 2020 @ 3:58pm
We have had another great session in Forest School today – even the rain didn’t put us off!
We have learnt how to use a Kelly Kettle and make a mini fire so we could have some hot chocolate – yummy! We also made badges from wood and built our own shelters – it was fun! Some of us got very muddy … the muddier the better!
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 1:24pm
Some members of our Eco Council have positioned the bird boxes they made last week around the school field - including putting two up in the Foundation Stage outside area.
Over the next few weeks and months we will be hoping to attract a wide variety of different birds to the boxes including Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Marsh Tits and Sparrows. The Eco Council will be using their 'bird spotting guide' from the RSPB to teach others about the different birds we may attract.
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 11:23am
We had a great time raising money for Sports Relief!
Check out our hula hooping skills.
Year 1 Hula Hooping for Sports Relief 2020
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 11:12am
The whole school had a brilliant time raising money for Sports Relief! Here are some action shots of our Year 1 children and their hula hooping skills!
Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 10:14am
To finish off our topic 'Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?' We have enjoyed playing a version of a ball game that the Ancient Mayans would have played called Pok-A-Tok. This game is thought to have been invented around 200 BC.
Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 4:04pm
We have had a great start to our Forest School sessions – although we didn’t escape some of the rain showers!
First of all we played a game to introduce ourselves – we had to use alliteration. Here are some of the names we used:-
Arthur Alligator
Ellie Elephant
Noah Newt
Henry Horse
Then, we played a game where we learnt all about predators and prey. We pretended to be sharks and fishes, deer and wolves and antelopes and cheetahs. After that we listened to a story all about wolves.
We have also made mini dens / shelters for a small animal.
Finally, we looked closely at some newly planted trees and we are going to observe how they grow over the next few months.
Take a look at some of our photos.
Date: 10th Mar 2020 @ 3:59pm
A huge thank you to everyone who came and took advantage of our Breakfast with Books mornings in Foundation Stage!! If you found it helpful and would like us to do something similiar again please let us know!
Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 4:34pm
Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 4:23pm
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:36pm
Last term, the Eco Team wrote a letter to Mr. Brooks to ask for his help in building some bird boxes to attach to the trees around the school in the hope that we can attract more wildlife.
This afternoon they have worked hard measuring, sawing and drilling to create a selection of boxes with three different-sized holes to attract different species of birds. Mr. Brooks talked to the children about how to attach the boxes to the trees safely and also provided a bird-spotting sheet from the RSPB.
We wlll spend some time next week looking for the best locations to position the boxes and then we can monitor the types of birds we observe.
A HUGE thank you to Mr Brooks and our Eco Team!
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:21pm
WORLD BOOK DAY - The Three Bears' Porridge
Year 5 have used the fairy tale 'Goldilocks' to investigate the idea of separating solids as part of their science topic. Goldilocks has made a mess of the kitchen ingredients and the 3 bears need to separate the mess so they could make their porridge.
The children discussed their prior learning of solids, predicted what equipment would separate which solids and decided which solids would be the hardest to separate. They were able to separate the oats successfully but now have the dilema of separating the salt and flour. A child suggested placing it in water, which we have done, to be revistied tomorrow. So the story continues...
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:03pm
As part of World Book Day and linking to our light topic, today we made shadow puppets. We created the puppets based on a fairy tale with a twist. The children did an amazing job and enjoyed acting out the tales.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:26pm
We looked at the book ‘Once Upon a Time..’ by Nick Sharratt. We were able to change the story by choosing where the princess lived, what kind of pet she had and what she wished for when a witch granted her three wishes.
We also talked about what the children would wish for. Here are some of their ideas:-
a castle
a unicorn
a really fast car
a trampoline
a brand new scooter
Peppa pig
a horse
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 10:56am
We have been celebrating World Book Day in Year 1.
Take a look at all of our costumes.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 10:32am
Our theme for World Book Day this year is 'A Twist in the Tale'. The children looked fantastic in their costumes!
We started the day with a story in assembly - 'Little Red Reading Hood' by Lucy Rowland and Ben Mantle. This story is all about a little girl who LOVES reading and when she meets a suspicious wolf disguised as a librarian she uses all the imaginative story endings she has in her mind to write a different ending to the story for Wolf. We talked about all the other traditional tales mentioned in the story and thought of some endings of our own!
Throughout the day, the children have taken part in different activities in class to promote their love of reading...
Year 1 - Our Trip to Chester Zoo
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 8:30pm
Year 1 had a wonderful day at Chester Zoo - as a start to our topic for this half term: How do plants and animals help each other?
When we arrived we took part in a workshop called "Curious Creatures". In the session we learnt all about nocturnal animals, big animals, fast animals, underwater animals and colourful animals. Year 1 even got to smell 'jaguar wee' and 'badger poo' - I think that we will remember that for a long time! Also, apparently elephants poo over 100kg every day - YUK!!!
After that we had a tour of the zoo and saw lots of animals - including the chimpanzees eating their lunch. We saw meerkats, giraffes, rhinos, monkeys, snakes, jaguars, cheetahs and many more ... but the highlight of the day was seeing the new baby elephant - it was being cared for by it's Mummy and Daddy.
It was a great day and all the children enjoyed it.
Eco-Action meeting with The Rotary Club
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 9:58am
The Eco-Action Team welcomed Phil from the Rotary Club to our meeting this week to discuss the letter sent to his committee (by Grace and Ellie) regarding replacement planters for the school field and also to talk to us about ideas for projects we could get involved in. Ian, also from the Rotary Club, came into school last week to measure the existing planters on the school field. Phil explained that the proposal to replace the planters with new wooden beams will be taken to the next committee meeting on the 17th March. If agreed, the planters will be replaced within the next few weeks.
Phil talked to us about different ideas we could get involved in with the local community, such as The Friends of Lyme Pitt, Newton Gardeners' Association and The Rotary Club's charity work. Check on the newsletter for updates of these plans!
RSE consultation for parents 02.03.20
Date: 3rd Mar 2020 @ 10:07am
From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education will be statutory in primary and secondary schools.
At Lyme we are 'an early-adopter' school, which means that we are starting to use the new curriculum this academic year. As part of the provess we have:
*Shared and discussed the curriculum and resources with staff.
*Created an RSE Policy which reflects the changes in the curriculum and how we will teach it at Lyme and shared this with staff and governors.
Last night we held a parental consulation meeting to talk about the changes, share the policy, curriculum and resources. Thank you to those who made it! We will be sending home a leaflet to explain the changes and where further information can be found. In addition to this, we will be sending out a questionnaire to gain views on our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum and any further support needed.
Any questions - please come and see Mrs. Roberts.
Tasting Coconut and our new Chalkboard Wall
Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 4:09pm
We had a coconut in our Curiosity Cube last week, and enjoyed learning about where they come from. We opened it up (with help from a hammer!) and tried eating what was inside! Some of us enjoyed it but most said it wasn't very tasty!
We've also painted the wall in our new deconstructed role-play area with chalkboard paint, so it's finally ok to write on the walls!