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Science Week

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:01pm

Our investigation question for today was:

'Which objects produce the darkest shadows?'

The Human Body

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 12:03pm

For our start to Science Week we have been learning all about ‘The Human Body’.  This morning, we have sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  Then we danced to The Skelton Song.  We played ‘Simon Says’ and then played a game where we had to point to different parts of our partner’s bodies.  Miss Burns drew around Evie-Mae and we all worked together to label the different parts of the body diagram.

We have used mirrors to look closely at our facial features.  Then, we had to draw and label our facial features on a blank face template.

We have had a fun start to Science Week in Year 1.

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 10:07am

We have been enjoying our art lesson this week. We are creating a 2D picture of the Kukulkan Temple using lots of different techniques. We will update our page once we have the finished masterpieces.


Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 2:59pm


In our Paths lessons, Year 4 have been exploring peer pressure. We've been given a number of scenarios that we may find ourselves in one day and discussed how we could resolve them. The children had lots of great ideas and tried to solve their problems by doing the right thing but also trying not to fall out with their friends. 

Well done, Y4!


Date: 20th Jan 2020 @ 8:01pm

In our PATHs lessons we have been learning all about 'Doing Turtle' and how this can help us in many situations.

We know to:-

and say 'The problem is ...'

We have also been thinking about OK Chocies and NOT OK Choices.

Today, we had to work as a team to complete the challenge: Which team could keep the balloon in the air the longest?

Team One managed 20 seconds - Well Done!  It was great fun! 

Place Value in Action

Date: 14th Jan 2020 @ 4:56pm

In Year 1 we have been learning all about Place Value - we have used lots of practical equipment to help us to understand 2 digit numbers.

We have made Number Maps to show our understanding. 


Fruit tasting!

Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 4:11pm

In Year 1 today we have been talking about The Eat Well Plate and learning which food groups we should eat more and less of. We know that to be healthy we should try and eat a balanced diet including at least 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables.

We talked about making a fruit kebab as a healthy snack. Mrs Roberts showed us some different fruits: we talked about which part we eat and where in the world they come from.

After that we tasted each one and thought about: What does it look like? What does it taste like? How does it feel? Did we like it?

Then we voted which was our favourite fruit; we used this information to create a bar graph. This will help us to decide which fruits to put in our design next week.

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 4:07pm

The Mayans were one of the first civilsations to discover chocolate. To start our new topic we have had a great afternoon tasting a range of chocolates.

Ancient Greek showcase

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 3:52pm

To conclude our topic on the Ancient Greeks, Year 3 worked in groups to research and create a poster to present to the class. Each group were given a different topic to research and they used their own knowledge of what they had learnt, books and ipads to make their poster informatative. The finished posters and presentations were amazing.

Is the weather always wonderful?

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 2:05pm

Year 1 have participated in ‘Round Robin’ - experiencing and identifying different types of weather.  These have included:

* making it rain
* sorting & classifying different types of weather 

* playing ‘cloud’ football
* creating a snowy scene
* making a ‘seasons’ plate
* exploring and making weather models. 
It was great fun!

A Special Visitor

Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 4:03pm

Year 1 have been partying today - it was a super fun end to the term.

We even had a special visitor ... I bet you can't guess who?   (Take a look at the photos to see ...)

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our Year 1 families.

See you in 2020 ... from, The Year 1 Team (Miss Burns, Miss Costello and Miss Parr). 

Choir and Brass Band performing at Tesco!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 3:51pm

It’s been snowing?!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 2:56pm

The children were very excited to find it had been snowing in a Foundation Stage! They of course knew it wasn't cold enough for snow and we showed them the 'fake' snow Mrs Bloxham had got. They loved the feeling of it and talking about how strange it was to feel warm 'snow'. You can get your own in most shops and have a white Christmas without the cold!

It’s been snowing?!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 2:56pm

The children were very excited to find it had been snowing in a Foundation Stage! They of course knew it wasn't cold enough for snow and we showed them the 'fake' snow Mrs Bloxham had got. They loved the feeling of it and talking about how strange it was to feel warm 'snow'. You can get your own in most shops and have a white Christmas without the cold!

FS Nativity

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 12:01pm

What a fantastic time we had performing our Nativity 'The Bossy King' for parents and family this week! Don't forget to order your DVD if you want before we finish for Christmas, they make fantastic presents!!

And we had some juice and biscuits afterwards to unwind, because we deserved it!

Home Learning

Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 4:36pm

Year 1 have been learning all about life in the past for a child.

They have been busy at home too creating their home learning projects - take a look!

Well done to the Year 1's who completed this home learning.

Visit from Reverend Hall

Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 2:00pm

In RE, Y3 have been investigating the following question: How and why do Christians serve God? 

As part of this learning, we invited Reverend Hall in to speak to the class to find out about his vocation.

We asked him:

*Why do you serve Jesus? 

*How does it feel to serve God?

*Why do you serve God?

*How long have you served God for? Do you like it?

*What are the most difficult and easiest parts of your job?

*Have you ever seen God?

Reverend Hall explained that he was ordained as a vicar 50 years ago this year and next year it will 50 years since he trained to be a priest. He talked about how God spoke to him when he was 18 and said he wanted him to be a minister. Christians believe that God speaks to us in a quiet way or can help us to think what is right.

Although he is now retired, he still serves the community in churches and in schools.

Investigating Artefacts

Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 4:45pm

As part of our Learning Challenge: What was life like for a child in the past?  Year 1 have been investigating objects from the past.

We have used artefacts and pictures to discuss and decide what each of the items were used for.  Year 1 thought it was funny if you needed to use a 'chamber pot' - We decided bathrooms like we have today are much better!

Year 1 enjoyed being historians and finding out what the artefacts were used for. 

FS World Children's Day

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:45pm

We were very lucky to have some of our Rights Respect Ambassadors to come and teach us about our rights in FS. After talking about them with us they challenged us to draw some pictures to illustrate them. We chose to do "the right to be heard" and "the right to an education". We drew pictures of us talking to our friends or parents, and pictures of us in school (we need to practise drawing Mrs McDemott and Mr Widdowson, our arms do not come out of our legs!)


Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:18pm

The children enjoyed looking at some World War 2 artefacts this afternoon. They were trying to work out what the objects were and what they could be used for. They had some brilliat ideas which we will explore going forward in our histoiry lessons.

World Children's Day 2019

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 10:45am

As a Rights-Respecting School it is very important that we celebrate World Children's Day! This year the day was even more important as it celebrated 30 years since the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) were agreed.

Our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors and teachers led lots of activties in their classes to help us all to think about the rights of the child and why they are important. Each class, led by the RRS amabassadors, played some games to remind us of all the different rights - from musical chairs in Y1 to charades in Y6. Following on from this they each did a specific activty linked to the UNCRC:

*Y1 talked about their rights 

*Y2 thought about their right to an education and what they would change in their classroom or school

*Y3 discussed their right to be heard; how we listen to pupil voice in our school and ideas for helping other children to use theirs

*Y4 learned more about duty-bearers and the role adults have in making sure children access their rights

*Y5 carried out reserach in First News newspapers and watched Newsround to find current stories which link to children's rights - thinking about when children have been denied or enabled to have their rights

*Y6 investigated what other world events happened in 1989 (the year the UNCRC was agreed) and though about how these impacted on children's lives then

All children have taken part in the Send My Friend to School' campaign. This year's theme is 'unlocking education' - the children have thought about the barriers to education for some children and how we can help chnage this. We will send our ideas off to our local MP to take to Parliament. 


Our fabulous RRS team helped to lead our special assembly and created an A to Z of children's rights to help everyone to remember.


Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 10:24am

Thanks to the £4000 grant we were awarded from winning the Tesco Bags for Help scheme, the new canopy and Reading/Writing Shed are now completed in the Foundation Stage outside area! The children have been making great use of the covered spaces, especially in this recent bad weather. 

World Children's Day

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 7:25pm

Today Y1 have taken part in a range of activities to celebrate World Children’s Day.  Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors (Harmony and Zara) have played ‘Rights Musical Chairs’ with us.  We have also talked about how every child across the world does not have the same education as us.  We have created our own keys for the ‘Let’s Unlock Education for Everyone Campaign’.


Toys in the Past

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 4:39pm

Our Learning Challenge is : What was life like for a child in the past?

Year 1 have been investigating toys from the past and toys from the present.  They had to decide whether their toy was 'old' or 'new'.  Then, they got chance to play with their chosen toy.  We also discussed that old toys were made from wood, metal or paper whereas nowadays toys are made from materials such as plastic and you have computerised toys like an I-pad or an X-Box.  

It was great fun investigating the toys!

Viking Longships

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 3:44pm

Take a look at our finished Viking Longships.

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UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
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Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD