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Making Playdough

Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 4:04pm

We've been making playdough this morning with Mrs Bloxham. We used loads of different things to change the colour and smell of it! Can you make some at home?

Do burgers melt?

Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 3:58pm

In Reception we've been reading the story 'Attack of the Cheeseburgers'! Our favourite part was near the end when the rain came and melted all the burgers. But we didn't think that was possible! So today we got some burgers and poured some 'rain' (tap water because it was our first dry day in weeks!!) on them to see what would happen! Do you think they melted?

Nope! But did the buns did go soggy and fall apart. So if you are being chased by some giant cheeseburgers, running in to the rain might just save you!

Pancake Day!

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 4:23pm

We've really enjoyed making pancakes with the children in FS today! We read the instructions, got all the ingredients ready and off we went! They were really tasty!

A Promise is A Promise

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 2:21pm

In Year 1, we have listened to the story 'A Promise is A Promise'  by Robert Munsch.

We then talked about keeping promises and what makes someone trustworthy. We made our own Y1 Promise:-

* To be kind and caring to everyone.
* To say nice words to all our friends.
* To do good things and actions.
* To join in all activities and try our best.

We are going to try very hard to keep our Y1 promise.  

Stone Age

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 6:06pm

Year 3 enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age. We started our topic with a visit from Klud who told us all about our ancient ancestors. Over the term, we created cave paintings, made Stone Age stew and built Stone Age homes.

Deconstructed Roleplay

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 8:33am

Thank you to everyone who has sent in some big boxes for us (we can always use more REALLY BIG ONES!). We've changed our home corner so that the children are just using boxes and other resources to make the things they need for the their role play! On Friday they were pretending to be pirates, using the boxes as boats and making swords and outfits! Who knows what they will choose to play as today!

Year 4 - Cup string phones!

Date: 14th Feb 2020 @ 3:39pm


Today, year 4 made cup string phones. They explained how the sound travels from their mouth through the bottom of the cup, along the string and into the opposing cup. Ask your child to tell you about how they made them and what challenges they completed!

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 2:57pm

Year 6 superstars: Poppy, Jake H, Joel T, Jonah and Laylah!

Thank you for completing a home learning project for this half term. Well done! They look great!

Weather Reporters

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 4:28pm

To finish our Learning Challenge topic - Is the weather always wonderful? - Year 1 have worked in small groups to present their own weather reports.

They had to write their own short scripts and decide who was going to talk about the weather in the different parts of The United Kingdom.  Also, they showed their understanding of the weather by using a range of weather words all about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

They worked well in their teams and had great fun.

Well done Year 1!

It's all about the seasons!

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 4:17pm

Is the weather always wonderful?

Year 1 have been learning all about the different types of weather and the seasons of the year this half-term.

For their home learning they were asked to produce a creative project all about the seasons of the year.

We had some very creative designs and ideas.  Thank you to all the children (and their families) who created some wonderful home learning projects.

Henry and Gavin received a prize each for their creative designs - well done.

Take a look at our home learning - we are very creative in Y1!


Date: 10th Feb 2020 @ 4:55pm

This half term, Y1 have been developing their food technology skills in DT by designing and making fruit kebabs.

We have been:

*learning about the different food groups

*finding out how much of each food group we should eat using the Eat Well Plate

*learning about seasonailty - which fruits can we get at which times of year and where do they come from? 

*using our senses to describe the appearance, taste and texture of different fruits

*developing our data handling skills by creating a tally chart and bar graph to show which was the most and least popular fruits from our taste testing

*learning how to cut foods in different ways: the fork secure, the claw grip and the bridge hold - choosing the most appropriate one for the type of fruit being cut

*designing our own fruit kebab - thinking about fruits that we like and that would look nice when presented together

*combining our skills by making our kebab - and filming it (using clear instructions, like a cookery video) for half term's computing unit of work 

*writing an evaluation about our finished product - saying what we liked and what we would change next time

Mrs. Roberts was very impressed with how we used our knife and fork to show the different ways of cutting we had been taught. 

We had lots of fun and loved eating our fruit kebabs at the end!

Lego Robotics

Date: 4th Feb 2020 @ 3:55pm

Year 4 and 5 DT Workshop


We had a fantasic time exploring our skills for design and engineering through our DT experience day. The children learnt about motors, gears, pulleys, levers and sensors by creating a motorised lock to control water levels with sensors and their own  robotic alligators which move in response to motion.


Date: 4th Feb 2020 @ 8:51am

During Science Week, Foundation Stage and KS1 enjoyed an exciting workshop with real life scientist Adrian Bowden! The children had a go at predicting, testing, measuring, observing, classifying and recording while taking part in different investigations.

Science Week 2020!

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm

Science Week 2020

This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic. 

Year 1 - Animals inc Humans

Year 2 - Animals inc Humans

Year 3 - Forces and Magnets

Year 4 - States of Matter

Year 5 - Forces

Year 6 - Light

Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!

Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.

We hope you've enjoyed it!

Light - Investigating shadows

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 3:53pm

Y6 carried out an investigation to see 'How shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes?'

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 1:46pm

Take a look at our finished art work.

Science Week in FS

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:30am

We've been performing lots of different experiments, from the fun mentos and coke, to seeing what melts the ice the fastest! Ask us about the amazing "jumping colours" as well!

Science Experiments with Adrian!

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:18am

We've had a fantastic morning performing some different experiments with Adrian. We've been finding out about materials that float or sink! Seeing which shape rolls the best! And which material is the most "absorbent".

We've learned 5 very important scientific words: predict; test; measure; classify and observe. Can you remember what they all mean?

Science Investigation and Senses Walk

Date: 28th Jan 2020 @ 5:13pm

Year 1 - Investigation: Who will have the biggest feet?

We have worked with a partner to make predictions.  Then we have discussed why someone might have bigger feet / larger hands / long legs or smaller feet / small hands or short legs.

Year 1 – Our Senses: Five Senses Walk

We have been exploring our five senses outside.  We discussed what we could see, hear, taste, touch and smell … it was very interesting. 

Science Week Assembly!

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 3:47pm

Science Week!

Today's assembly was all about Science Week! Mr Leather talked to the children about how important Science is and what life would be like without science or scientists. The children discussed what it would be like without electricity, without plastics, without modern medicines or modern engineering such as airplanes and cars.

Mr Leather performed two fun experiments for the whole school. One was called 'the floating tea bag' and the other was called 'the upside down glass'. Both were great fun and the children have been challenged to write a scientific explanation of how the experiements worked!


We look forward to hearing your answers!! 


Science Week

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:01pm

Our investigation question for today was:

'Which objects produce the darkest shadows?'

The Human Body

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 12:03pm

For our start to Science Week we have been learning all about ‘The Human Body’.  This morning, we have sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  Then we danced to The Skelton Song.  We played ‘Simon Says’ and then played a game where we had to point to different parts of our partner’s bodies.  Miss Burns drew around Evie-Mae and we all worked together to label the different parts of the body diagram.

We have used mirrors to look closely at our facial features.  Then, we had to draw and label our facial features on a blank face template.

We have had a fun start to Science Week in Year 1.

Can you solve the mystery of the Maya?

Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 10:07am

We have been enjoying our art lesson this week. We are creating a 2D picture of the Kukulkan Temple using lots of different techniques. We will update our page once we have the finished masterpieces.


Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 2:59pm


In our Paths lessons, Year 4 have been exploring peer pressure. We've been given a number of scenarios that we may find ourselves in one day and discussed how we could resolve them. The children had lots of great ideas and tried to solve their problems by doing the right thing but also trying not to fall out with their friends. 

Well done, Y4!


Date: 20th Jan 2020 @ 8:01pm

In our PATHs lessons we have been learning all about 'Doing Turtle' and how this can help us in many situations.

We know to:-

and say 'The problem is ...'

We have also been thinking about OK Chocies and NOT OK Choices.

Today, we had to work as a team to complete the challenge: Which team could keep the balloon in the air the longest?

Team One managed 20 seconds - Well Done!  It was great fun! 

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Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD