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Making potions and trying foods in FS

Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 3:43pm

Today to start health and well-being week we’ve been making potions to make us feel healthy and then we tried some new (and delicious!) tasty food. Ask us which we enjoyed the most!

Keeping our teeth clean in FS

Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 3:35pm

We were also visited by the dentist, who told us what it’s like when we visit and showed us how to clean our teeth properly!

Can you answer these questions-

How many times a day do we need to clean our teeth?

How long for?

Should we rinse with water at the end?

What size should our blob of tooth paste be?

A visit from the PCSOs!

Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 9:37am

We were very lucky to be visited by some of our local PCSOs in Foundation Stage this morning! They’ve been teaching us all about staying safe on the roads and Stranger Danger! We learned all about how to keep ourselves and our friends safe when we are out and about.

Arts week in Y1

Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 12:09pm

This week, as part of our arts week, children in Y1 learned about some different ways of creating art. Children looked etching, scratching and collages.  Y1 were tasked to create a variety of different art work in the style of British artist Norman Ackroyd and the famous illustrator and author Eric Carle.  Children begin to understand the processes needed in creating these types of artwork, such as, waxing, painting, designing a template, making a rough copy, finding resources and then finally creating the finished piece. Our finished artwork looks amazing and they will all be on display very soon. Amazing art year 1!

I am a Y6 child, can you get me out of here?

Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 4:34pm

To start our new topic 'I am a Y6 child, can you get me out of here?' we have enjoy a fun afternoon of orienteering.

ARTS WEEK 2019 - Collage inspired by Eric Carle

Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 9:11am

Year 1 spent the morning looking at how Eric Carle creates his pictures in his story books, They sketched mini beasts and flowers; practised collage techniques (using overlaying) to create different shades of colour; used tools in paint to create different textures and then combined these to make their finished piece. 

Dancing around the UK

Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 8:54am

During our arts week, Y1 were visited by a professional dancer and cheorographer. Following on from children’s geography work this year, we travelled around the UK looking at some styles of dancing associated with each country. Y1 learned some traditional Scottish ceildah dancing, Irish step dancing and a  Welsh group folk dance. Very impressive Y1.

How are humans different from tigers?

Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 8:47am

This week children have been learning about human and animal body’s. Y1 looked at a human skull and compared it with a rams skull. We looked at features that are the same and features that are different between each skull. Y1 then looked more closely at our own body, naming and discussing some key parts of the human body. Super science Y1!

Making Cakes in Foundation!

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:39pm

It's been a busy week as we also made some cakes too!! Ask us how they tasted!

Spanish Dancing for Foundation Stage

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:38pm

Tea Party for Team Points

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:37pm

In Reception we celebrated one of our teams getting 20 team points by having a nice relaxing tea party on the field!

Lyme’s got talent -Y1 / heats

Date: 16th Jun 2019 @ 2:15pm

Today almost all the class took part in auditions for our upcoming ‘Lyme’s got talent’ show. Those who didn’t were given the tough job as judges, scoring acts from star quality to effort. The class were very supportive to their class mates during the auditions and afterwards, to both successful performers and to those unsuccessful. In a true democratic way 19 children were whittled to 4 and then 2 acts were voted on based on their act and not popularity. I am very proud at how well the class dealt with successive and defeat, great life lessons learned. Terrific talent Y1!

Learning about volume and capacity.

Date: 16th Jun 2019 @ 2:03pm

Children in Y1 have been learning about the language of volume and capacity. Y1 learned inside and outside with a range of activities promoting  the use of mathematical language such as, full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full. Great job Y1!

What's that rumble in the jungle?

Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 4:16pm

Check out our finished frogs.

Science Week and Dino Dung!

Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 8:23am

Throughout this week, we have been celebrating science and famous scientists.

We had the treat of watching a science show and then undertook some science experiments related to our new topio- How would a zookeeper make a dinosaur happy? We began to disect dinosaur dung to find out if it was a carnivore, herbivore or an omnivore. It was a very messy job! 

Knowsley safari trip.

Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 11:09pm

Wow, what a day Y1 had on Thursday. Children learned about the differences between seals and sea lions, how giraffes take leaves from trees, how much a lion eats in a week and why some animals have coloured faces. Observing hundreds of animals, watching the sea lion show and meeting a real zoologist, Y1 have definitely made some fantastic memories that will last a lifetime. Excellent exploring Y1!

A Letter from Jill Murphy

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:46pm

In Reception we were reading the story of 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy, which we created a story map of and performed for our website (see the link below!). After doing this we decided to make a sequel to the book with Mr Bear trying to have a sleep over in our school and lots of different things happening to keep him awake. When we had finished we turned this into our own book and decided to send a copy to Jill Murphy to show her how much we loved her story and how hard we had worked on our own!

Today we received a lovely parcel in the post, with a letter from Jill Murphy telling us how much she enjoyed our writing. She also included some of her books which we are very excited to read! We are very grateful to Jill Murphy for writing back to us, take a look at the letter below in the pictures!



Y4 Assembly - Ancient Egypt

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:15pm

Year 4 Class Assembly

Today the Year 4 children delievered an amazing performance in their class assembly. They spoke loudly and clearly and sang beautifully. A brillaint showcase of all their learning.

Netball Tournament 2019

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:00pm

The Year 5 and 6 children were excellent ambassadors for our school when they attended the Netball tournement at De La Salle school last Friday. They played well and displayed excellent skills and sprotsmanship. Well done!

Science week! Exploring Darwen: Why do birds have different beaks?

Date: 10th Jun 2019 @ 7:09am

To bring our science week to a close Year 1 took part in some animal themed testing. Y1 learned about Charles Darwin, from his passion for collecting to his epic 5 year journey around the world on the ship, HMS Beagle. Children were shown a variety of birds and asked the question, why are birds beaks different? After collecting some answers children were set the open task to try and find out using an array of replica bird beaks in a variety of different simulated habitats. Y1 had lots of fun testing out all their beak theories, from eating, getting through trees, defending themselves and diving into water. At the end of the lesson Y1 were successful at matching each bird (Jay, pelican, hawk, black skimmer) to their correct habitat. Y1 fully understand how Darwin believed each animal adapts it's self to best survive in the environment it is found. Super Science Y1!


Date: 9th Jun 2019 @ 10:21am

The year 3 and 4 children had lots of fun in their science workshops this week. They have been creating their own digestive systems and making lava lamps; which has helped them develop their understanding of the human body and the properties of materials. Lots of fantstic results through their hard work!


Date: 9th Jun 2019 @ 7:44am

Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic (and slightly messy smiley)  time exploring the properties of materials; using slime, milk, bubbles and colour. They recorded what they had observed and thought carefully about the 'science' they could see happening. The children used some excellent scientific language to record their ideas.


Date: 8th Jun 2019 @ 5:40pm

To finish off a very exciting Science Week this week, all of the children took part in a Science workshop with Adrian Bowden. Foundation Stage and KS1 learned all about 'materials' while KS2 found out more about 'light and sound'. As always, the children were treated to many exciting science facts and investigations and were encouraged to join in and ask lots questions! See the individual class pages to find out what else the children have been doing in class this week!

Poison Dart Frog

Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 1:25pm


We have started to create our own Poison Dart Frogs.

We will keep you updated with our final creations.

Animals Take Over

Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 1:10pm


Year 6 enjoyed their first day back after the holidays with a visit from Lyndsey and her friends. We enjoyed holding and hearing about a range of creatures from the rainforests.

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UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD