Our Gallery
Date: 10th Jul 2019 @ 8:00am
We had a great (if a bit wet) time at the beach! It was really fun walking to the sea, on the way we even saw some jelly fish! After tiring our legs out we had lunch but unfortunately it began to rain so we had to cut it a little short (and miss our ice creams) to come back.
We got our ice creams the next day!
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 1:13pm
This week in year 1, children have been answering and shoving problems related to money. Following on from children's work with recognising and using coins, Y1 have been looking at and using notes. Children were very excited to be rich for the day and they were fantastic at counting and using their money. Super spending Y1.
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 8:27am
Over Health and Well Being Week, we had a very exciting time when we had a massive 65ft inflatble course to master. Check out some of our pictures- we have lots more too!
Finishing off our Health and Well-Being with a healthy home grown snack!
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:24pm
Today we’ve been enjoying some mange tout that Mrs Bloxham has helped us grow in our outside area! They were really delicious and sweet and a fantastic treat to finish off our fantastic week!
Finishing off our Health and Well-Being with a healthy home grown snack!
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:24pm
Today we’ve been enjoying some mange tout that Mrs Bloxham has helped us grow in our outside area! They were really delicious and sweet and a fantastic treat to finish off our fantastic week!
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:14pm
Our KS2 Science Club have been experimenting with lots of different things so far: who could make the biggest bubbles; designing the fastest plane/ballon rocket; investigating what happens when jelly sweets are left in different types of liquids and chromatography using skittles!
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:07pm
Our KS1 children have beeen having great fun in Science Club so far - investigating how to make paper float, making gloop and watching what happens when vinegar and bicarbonate of soda are mixed together!
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 3:56pm
As part of Health and Well Being week, we had a special visit from Liam who was a scooting expert! We tried lots of different tricks. Take a look at our fun- there were some crashes but we kept on going!
Keeping your teeth clean and being safe on the road!
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 3:52pm
Throughout this week- Health and Well Being Week, we have had visits from people who keep us safe and healthy. We spoke about our oral hygiene and how to stay safe on the road.
FS Sports Day (and cooling down with some Yoga!)
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 3:38pm
What a fantastic morning we had in Foundation Stage! We had a brilliant time at Sports Day, everyone was brilliant and we are so proud of them for taking part (with a few tears).
After that we did some Yoga with Sarah which helped stretch and relax us! Ask us to show you the lotus pose we learned.
When the Eco Team met Sir William Worsley
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:47am
The Eco-Team were invited by Scott Lancaster, Lyme’s Park Ranger, to meet with Sir William Worsley (‘tree champion’ from The Woodland Trust) about the new trees planted in Lyme Country Park. They also took part in a tree identifcation activity which they have brought back to school to share with the other children in their role as Eco ambassadors.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:23am
Mr Leather and the Sports Council launched our Health and Well-being week on Monday with an assembly all about the importance of keeping fit and healthy including a 'wake up shake up' dance routine!
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:20am
Our children have take part in lots of different activties and experiences this week during our Health and Well-Being week. Yesterday, Tara Jones led an assembly about her achievements in rugby league - playing for St Helens RLFC; earning her caps for Engalnd and refererring matches. She talked to the children about aiming high to achieve the goals you want to and about not giving up - a great inspiration for our children.
Y1 assault course fun for UNICEF’s soccer aid.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:39am
Children in Y1 helped to raise money for UNICEF’s soccer aid by completing our huge 75ft inflatable assault course. A great day was had by all and Mr. Devereux and Mrs. Costello even managed to have a sneaky go.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:26am
This week year 1 have been working on improving their comprehension skills. Together we read part of our new zoo mystery 'Who ate the zookeeper?' by Dave Dutton. Children were set the task to think of a range of questions that could reveal what happened to the zookeeper. After discussing their theories children worked in pairs to collect and write down their questions in an order they would like to ask them. Children then took part in a hot seating session with a very familiar zookeeper. It took the children 40 minutes and 3 rounds of question revising, but eventually their questions lead to solving the mystery of who had eaten the zookeeper. Perfect problem solving Y1!
Year 1- Scooting for our health and wellbeing.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:15am
As part of our health and wellbeing week, children in Y1 took part in a Scooter skills lesson led by pro skateboarder Liam. Children loved learning outside and there was not a frown in site as Y1 learned some awesome skills and tricks. Superb scooting Y1!
The most exciting day in Foundation EVER!
Date: 26th Jun 2019 @ 3:46pm
Today has been the most exciting day we've had all year in Foundation Stage! We've been on the giant inflatable obstacle course (which began to deflate as we got off!).
We got a visit from some firemen who taught us how to stay safe and let us have a ride in the fire engine AND use the hose! (Remember their challenge, ask your parents if you have a fire alarm at home!).
Then in Reception we got to practise riding and performing tricks on some scooters! Liam would like to say a huge well done to all the children but especially to Lola for making up her own trick!
Visting the Dragons of China in Arts Week
Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 12:05pm
Throughout Arts Week we have had the opportunity to explore lots of different parts of the Chinese Culture. We tried different Dragon dances, sculpted a Terracotta Army and designed some Willow Patterns. Take a look at our work!
Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 11:56am
To introduce ourselves to our new topic 'How would a dinosaur make a zookeeper happy?', we went on a trip to Knowsley Safari Park to find out more about different animals and their habitats.
Making potions and trying foods in FS
Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 3:43pm
Today to start health and well-being week we’ve been making potions to make us feel healthy and then we tried some new (and delicious!) tasty food. Ask us which we enjoyed the most!
Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 3:35pm
We were also visited by the dentist, who told us what it’s like when we visit and showed us how to clean our teeth properly!
Can you answer these questions-
How many times a day do we need to clean our teeth?
How long for?
Should we rinse with water at the end?
What size should our blob of tooth paste be?
Date: 24th Jun 2019 @ 9:37am
We were very lucky to be visited by some of our local PCSOs in Foundation Stage this morning! They’ve been teaching us all about staying safe on the roads and Stranger Danger! We learned all about how to keep ourselves and our friends safe when we are out and about.
Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 12:09pm
This week, as part of our arts week, children in Y1 learned about some different ways of creating art. Children looked etching, scratching and collages. Y1 were tasked to create a variety of different art work in the style of British artist Norman Ackroyd and the famous illustrator and author Eric Carle. Children begin to understand the processes needed in creating these types of artwork, such as, waxing, painting, designing a template, making a rough copy, finding resources and then finally creating the finished piece. Our finished artwork looks amazing and they will all be on display very soon. Amazing art year 1!
I am a Y6 child, can you get me out of here?
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 4:34pm
To start our new topic 'I am a Y6 child, can you get me out of here?' we have enjoy a fun afternoon of orienteering.