Our Gallery

RRS visit to Sherdley Primary School

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:15am

After the success of their presentation at the Junior Democracy Debate at the Town Hall last term, our Rights-Respecting Steering Group were invited to Sherdley Primary School in Sutton to lead an assembly. Sherdley Primary School are on their way to achieving the Silver accreditation of the RRSA and wanted our ambassadors to share what they have learned and what we have done at Lyme to embed the rights of the child into our school ethos.     The four members of our RR Steering Group who lead the assembly did so with confidence and enthusiasm - yet again being excellent representatives for Lyme and outstanding amabassadors for children's rights.

Eco Team hard at work!

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:09am

On Thursday, our hard working Eco-Team spent the afternoon digging over the planters on the school field and planting sunflowers, beans and sowing wildflower seeds with the help of Scott, Lyme Park's Ranger. 

Then they had the hard job of choosing the winning native animal drawing from each class. From the class winners, Scott will choose an overall design to include on signs in Lyme Park. Watch this space for the winning art work!

Eco competition winners

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:56am

Yesterday, the winners of the eco competition were announced in assembly. Scott, Lyme Park's Ranger, came to present the children who had drawn the winning entries with certificates and prizes. He will use the overall winning drawing as the centre-piece for the signs, with the others featured on there too.

The Eco Team were also given certificates to thank them for all their hard work.

Easter activities

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:50am

A HUGE thank you to our Student Council who organised some Easter activities during 'Friday fun-time' this week to raise money for School Fund: added to the money raised during the Easter Bingo and class raffles, over £700 was made!

Easter egg decorating competition

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:35am

Our Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors had a difficult job judging this year's Easter egg decorating competition on Friday. We were all amazed by the effort the children had put in to demonstrate one of the articles from the UN rights of the child. 

Take a look at the entries; the finalists and the top 3...they really were all eggcellent! 

Easter Bonnet Parade

Date: 5th Apr 2019 @ 11:09am

Another fantastic parade this year! We were really impressed with all the fantastic hats once again! It was a really difficult decision for Linda and Mrs Marshall to choose just a couple of favourites as they were all so good! A huge thanks to all the children and parents for taking part in the fun!

Healthy Eating with Healthy Wraps

Date: 5th Apr 2019 @ 8:01am

This half term we have looked at the topic- How do you grow your own salad? Which taught us lots about healthy eating and plants! From this, during our DT sessions we designed and created some healthy balanced wraps. Take a look at what we made!

Yoga and Positive Minds

Date: 4th Apr 2019 @ 8:36am

Over this half term Year 2 have been very lucky to have Mrs Powell- (Lucy's Mum) to come in give us a taste of yoga. We have all loved taking part in these sessions aand they have linked to our learning of PATHS. Take a look at some of our yoga learning. 

Our Lowry inspired mural.

Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 8:35pm

Over the past few weeks, Y1 have been learning about the history of our town. Inspired by our focus artist L.S. Lowry, children looked at significant buildings and structures, past and present, around our town. We learned that Newton le Willows had a significant train manufacturing factory at the Vulcan works and that George Stephenson built the Sankey Viaduct because our town used to be very boggy. Y1 then chose their favourite thing about Newton le Willows past or present and drafted their idea onto card tiles. Today children chose their favourite idea and made their clay tile by etching and carving their idea onto it. We then made a mural from our tiles which will soon be on display in our classroom. Well done Y1, marvellous mural making. 

Art inspired sentence writing.

Date: 25th Mar 2019 @ 6:17pm

Today Y1 worked hard to improve our sentence writing. Inspired by our learning challenge ‘why is L. S. Lowry so awesome’, Y1 were tasked to write sentences about their likes and dislikes from Lowry’s art. Children deepend their knowledge of orall sentence rehearsal, adding suffixes to words and adding descriptive words to make our sentences better. Children then presented their best sentences to the class and we even had some standing ovations for some truly fantastic sentences. Sensational sentences Y1.

Healthy Wraps for Foundation Stage

Date: 25th Mar 2019 @ 3:49pm

On Friday we talked about what we have been eating at home through the week! We then tried a few different vegetables and decided what to add to our wrap!

The Evil Pea in Foundation Stage!

Date: 25th Mar 2019 @ 3:36pm

When we arrived this morning we found the classroom in a complete mess, and no we hadn't just been lazy on Friday. The classroom had been turned upside (literally!) by the Evil Pea. 


Today we've been making traps and posters to catch him. Remember, some vegetables are frozen for a reason.

The Water Cycle

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:58pm

The Water Cycle

As part of our Geography topic, the water cycle, we have been learning about where water comes from, how it gets to our homes and school and why we can drink it straight from the tap. We found out that most of our water comes from reservoirs which can be dirty and definitely not drinkable. 

Year 4 were challenged to filter a beaker of dirty water and make it as clean as possible using a variety of utensils. They all really enjoyed getting messy and unbelievably managed to keep most of the water in their beakers!

Year 5 Fractions

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:43pm

Year 5 have had lots of fun converting, comparing and sequencing fractions today. They have worked in partners on practical activities, explained their thinking verbally and have shown their working out on the tables! 

Tables are now clean but their minds are full!

World Poetry Day 2019

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 1:40pm

To celebrate World Poetry Day, Mrs Roberts' Year 6 writing group have studied  the poem 'Balloons' by Sylvia Plath. We have performed it; analysed the language and discussed the poet's feelings when writing the poem. Following this, we looked in detail at candle light and a daffodil - thinking about how we could personify them in the way that Sylvia Plath does a balloon. We are really proud of the poems we have created!

Using our senses.

Date: 21st Mar 2019 @ 1:19pm

This week Y1 have been thinking about what makes a great artist. Children learned about the 5 senses and how our senses help us to understand the things around us. Following on from using sight and hearing during our Lowry visit, children today explored, taste, touch and smell. We worked in carousel to test out our noses, skin and tongues. We smelled, onions, perfume, cardamom, curry and orange juice. We tasted, mint, salty crisps and honey and we touched a lambs skull, coal, wood, and rubber.  

What's that rumble in the jungle?

Date: 18th Mar 2019 @ 9:45am

Y6 were transported to the rainforest last week and became television presenters.

The children’s task was to write a script for a nature documentary.

Ant and Dec need to watch their backs.

What's that rumble in the jungle?

Date: 18th Mar 2019 @ 9:36am

Painting our maps.

What's that rumble in the jungle?

Date: 14th Mar 2019 @ 4:55pm

We have used salt dough to create continent maps showing topography, rainforests, major rivers and countries. We are looking forward to painting them once they are dry.

The Animals Take Over Foundation Stage!

Date: 14th Mar 2019 @ 11:56am

Trying new foods in Reception

Date: 14th Mar 2019 @ 7:46am

In Reception we've been talking about Healthy Living and talking about trying some new foods. On Tuesday we decided to try some lemons! They were very "tangy, sour and delicious!".

Mark Making Workshop

Date: 13th Mar 2019 @ 1:45pm

We had lots of fun today at our Mark Making Workshop.  Thanks to all who came.



Our trip to the Lowry.

Date: 12th Mar 2019 @ 5:11pm

Wow! What a day we have had. We firstly took part in a special landscape workshop where we learned some new pencil drawing techniques from one of the Lowry's resident artists. We then tested out these techniques in the Lowry's main gallery, copying and creating our own Lowry inspired industrial landscapes in front of the real paintings. Children were amazed to find out that one of the pictures we looked at was worth over 5 million pounds. Y1 then began to make a 3d Lowry styled building back at the workshop, we will be finishing these in school. After dinner the children learned about portraits and partnered up to create their own portraits using a face template. These and our Lowry landscapes will be on display during our upcoming parents evening. We had lots of comments from Lowry staff and other schools about how well behaved the children were and how fantastic their sketchings were. Well done Y1, super proud!

Can buildings talk?

Date: 9th Mar 2019 @ 9:30pm

Y1 are getting excited about our upcoming trip to the Lowry Arts Centre in Salford. In preparation for this, Y1 were tasked with drawing a building. We then learned about how details in buildings can tell us things about them, how old they are, what it might be used for, who could live there. Children learned that Lowry also took inspiration from the details and patterns in the buildings around him. Y1 then explored the buildings around us, we looked deeper to find details that we could use in our second sketches.  Y1 all created much more detailed second pictures. Super sketching Y1.

Fraction fixing.

Date: 7th Mar 2019 @ 9:45pm

This week Y1 have been fraction problem solving. We have discussed, used and made, halves, quarters and wholes and even helped Mr. Thompson and Mr. Widowson to have their dinner. Fantastic fractions Y1.

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD