Our Gallery
Date: 29th Oct 2018 @ 9:38pm
Year 3 looked at the famous artist Claude Monet. We found out lots of interesting facts and then created our own version of Monet's garden using finger prints and a range of colours. We produced some very effective pieces of art.
Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?
Date: 29th Oct 2018 @ 11:57am
Check out our home learning projects.
Well done Y6
Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 4:41pm
Today children read our class text 'Aliens Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman for the last time. Together we discussed other Claire Freedman stories and how we would compare this story to them. Children were excited to plan and write a book review for this text. We discussed how some children may like the story whilst others may not. Children shared their favourite parts from the story, the characters in it and the setting it takes place in. Some children also discussed their favourite illustrations from the book. Great work Yr1 you made fabulous book reviews. Claire Freedman will be happy to know Yr1 reviewed this book very highly.
The final farewell from planet Earth.
Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 4:09pm
After his 6 week visit to Lyme Primary School, it was finally time for children to say goodbye to Zorg. Children planned the afternoon building their previously designed spaceships. Children tested their ships and predicted if they would move well are not move at all. Children also begun to develop their collaborative learning skills, working and sharing together and negotiating with tools and ideas. Well done Year 1 and thankyou to all our parents who helped to support this lesson by bringing in lots of resources for us to use.
Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 10:59am
A huge well done to all the children for their incredible work this half term! Thank you to everyone who came to see the work on display in the hall.
Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 7:33pm
The children were a little bit sad in Yr 1 today, as we begin to think of ways to help Zorg return to space. Children were set the task of designing a new ship to help Zorg return home. We worked in carousel, looking for ideas in Zorg's spaceship wreckage, listing all the resources we need for our ideas, and then planning, designing and sharing our ideas for a new rocket ship. Zorg is very much looking forward to the children making their ships next week.
Year 1 love 'Aliens Love Underpants'.
Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 7:18pm
This week in year 1 children sequenced the story 'Aliens Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman. Children were challenged to find the beginning, middle and end of the story and then retell it from memory as best as they could. We had so much fun working in gorups, discussing, debating and then final agreeing on a sequence of pictures from the our class text. Great job year 1!
Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 9:36am
Have a look at some of the messages the children wanted to share about their teachers at Lyme!
Date: 3rd Oct 2018 @ 1:38pm
Year 5 had an absolutely fantastic time at Jodrell Bank yesterday! We found out lots of information and amazing facts about space, astronauts and our whole solar system. We conducted lots of experimants to investigate gravity, the impact of meteors and light, as well as trying to build circuits wearing astronaut gloves and seeing if we were healthy enough to become an astronaut. At the end of the day we loved exploring the space exhibition with all its interactive games and displays.
What did the Greeks do for us?
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 10:02pm
To introduce the start of our Learning Challenge 'What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?' we held our very own Greek day. The children came in dressed as Ancient Greeks and throughout the day we had lots of Greek activities. To start the day we learnt the Greek alphabet, made a Greek crown and then had our very own Greek Olympics. To end the day the children tasted some Greek food. Here are some photos from the day.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - The Write Stuff
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:46pm
In Y4 we have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl to help us to write descriptive sentences.
We have used the FANTASTICS emojis to track Charlie's thoughts and feelings as we moved through the initial plot; then we have tasted different kinds of chocolate to generate powerful adjectives to describe taste and design our own chocolate bar. So far, we have written sentences using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, repetition for effect, similes and adventurous vocabulary - it is really helping our writing skills to develop!
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:23pm
Last week, Y4 spent some time being archeologists, digging for Roman artefacts. We then looked closely at our discoveries to see what we could infer about the past.
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:06pm
This half term our Learning Challenge question is: Why were the Romans so powerful? To help us to find out the answer, we visited Chester on Tuesday 18th September to take part in a Roman Soldier Patrol and experience the Dewa Centre.
The Roman Soldier was incredibly strict! He took us on a walk around the streets of Chester - visiting the Roman Gardens and the Ampitheatre. We used our shields to make a 'tortoise shell', which the Roman soldiers would have used to help to protect themselves in battle.
In the Dewa Centre, we were transported back in history to the Roman times. Our discoveries helped us to understand just why the Romans are referred to as being rotten.... shared baths, 'poo sponges' and disgusting food!
We have started using our learning back in class and have written fantastic recounts about our visit - some examples are coming soon!
A fantastic start in Foundation Stage
Date: 30th Sep 2018 @ 4:36pm
Here are some pictures from the first few fantastic weeks we have had in Foundation Stage!
Date: 27th Sep 2018 @ 2:27pm
Year 1 have been learning about why sorting things can help us to organise and understand things better. Children sorted lots of different objects in many different ways and have discussed and shared their thinking for why they have sorted their objects this way. Well done Year 1!
Date: 27th Sep 2018 @ 12:09pm
This week we continued to look for a new home for our lost alien Zorg. Children spent some time exploring the country Wales and some of the things it has to offer. Children spent some time looking at and exploring leeks, Welsh rugby and even tried to write and read the name of the longest place name in the whole of the UK.
Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 12:24pm
Today we were amazed to find a space ship had crash landed in our outside area. Year 1 children welcomed Zorg to their classroom and have spent the week helping Zorg to learn about where on planet Earth he has landed.
Date: 24th Jul 2018 @ 1:39pm
Maths Board Games!
Over the last couple of days, Y5 have been working very hard creating Maths board games that show off all they have learnt this year. The board games are bright, fun and challenging! Y5 have created a range of questions that players must answer to progress in the game including fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions.
We have invited Y4 into our class today to test them out! The Y4 children have thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, learning about new mathematical content and having fun at the same time!
Here are a few pictures of our afternoon...
Date: 19th Jul 2018 @ 4:19pm
For our final topic we have been learning about animals including humans and living things in their habitats. We have had some outdoor fun by creating our own digestive system and going on an invertebrate hunt. Today we found many invertebrates in our school environment. Beware some images contain spiders.
Nursery Healthy Eating Workshop
Date: 13th Jul 2018 @ 11:27am
On Tuesday St. Helens Healthy Living team visited the nursery to deliver a Healthy Eating Workshop. We had lots of fun and found out about lots of ways to stay healthy. We played some games to get our hearts pumping, talked about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and made a healthy watermelon pizza. It was delicious.
Thanks to all the parents that attended.
Date: 6th Jul 2018 @ 11:08am
Some of the children have been working to make this information video about what bulling is and what we can do about it.
Foundation Stage hit the beach
Date: 5th Jul 2018 @ 2:45pm
We’ve had a fab day at the beach. We’ve played football, frisbee and had some races. We then had our lunch and went for a walk. It took us a long time but we finally made it to the sea. Problem was we had to be back at the coach soon! After a dash back (and a quick ice cream stop) we came back home. We had a great day and are all very tired!
Rights-Respecting Group Visit Hope Academy
Date: 4th Jul 2018 @ 12:07pm
On Thursday 14th June, four members of our Rights-Respecting Group visited Hope Academy to present to local headteachers about children's rights and to talk to them about all the work they have done on being amabassadors at Lyme. They did a fantastic job! Hopefully they will have encouraged other local primary schools to think more about the rights of the child.