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A right royal Christmas ball.

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 3:41pm

Year 1 celebrated Christmas in royal fashion today. Children competed in a royal tournament to be crowned Prince and Princess Charming and we even had a special visit from Father Christmas! Super competing Year 1.

Foundation Stage party!

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 1:51pm

We’ve had a fantastic day in Foundation Stage, playing party games, dancing to our favourite Christmas songs and having a visit from the big man Santa himself! 

Santa and the Cheeky Elf!

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 12:05pm

Year 2 has been rocked by 2 special arrivals! 

We were shocked to find that Ernie the Elf had made his way into school by hiding in someone's lunch box! What a cheeky elf he is!

On our party day we were practising some Christmas songs that led to the arrival of SANTA HIMSELF! He brought us some special gifts and even had time for a boogie before heading back to Rudolph who was ready for his next journey!

Our Islamic Learning

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 7:20pm

Throughout our learning of Islam this term, we learned about the 5 pillars of Islam and the beliefs Muslims have. We also learned about the Mosques and what artefacts are found inside. Each of the children then designed a prayer mat using the religious symbols and imagery out of felt. Take a look at the final outcomes.

The Landlord's Cat

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 6:59pm

This year we worked on our Christmas Play called the Landlord's Cat! The children worked so hard to learn their lines and the songs and really showed how amazing they are in front of an audience! Take a look at some of the snaps we took after the dress rehearsal! 

Finding Materials, Properties and Origins

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 6:45pm

During our topic work in Science, we have been looking at where materials come from and how we describe them. We have really enjoyed this topic and were very interested to find out we brush our teeth with chalk and that rubber comes from trees! 

As part of our learning we also experimented with slime and carried out some material hunts as part of our home learning. We also made capes using different materials. Take a look at our learning. 

Learning Challenge display

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 4:21pm

Well done to all those children who have brought in home learning projects this term. There were some fantastic models and art work of natural disasters.


Posting our letters to Father Christmas!

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 3:51pm

In Reception we wrote some letters to Father Christmas and today took them to the post box (we didn't want them to arrive late!) We are keeping our fingers crossed that we get everything we have asked for!

Do you always believe what you see?

Date: 17th Dec 2018 @ 4:27pm

Do you always believe what you see?

Well done to some of our Y6 children that have completed a home learning project. They are fantastic.


Tree Planting

Date: 10th Dec 2018 @ 4:56pm

On Friday, Year 3 were lucky enough to be asked to plant trees in our school field. The Mersey Forest organisation and one of St Helens Park Rangers came to help us. We planted many saplings which will grow to help our environment.

Tree planting with the Mersey Forest.

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 3:31pm

This morning children in year 1 took part in a tree planting session run by the Mersey Forest Organisation. Children worked in pairs digging holes and planting over 50 saplings. Year 1 then wrote fantastic thankyou letters which we will be emailing across to the Mersey Forest Organisation over the weekend. Well done Year 1, super hard work!

A special visitor in Foundation Stage!

Date: 4th Dec 2018 @ 9:17am

We came into a great big mess in Foundation Stage this morning, but the children didn’t make it (for a change!). Instead we discovered that we’ve got our own special Elf! He’s come to watch over us and check we are all being good (which we all are anyway except Mrs Bloxham) and trying our hardest.


Update 19/12/18: We came in to school to find the Elf had taken all the pens away (because we keep leaving the lids off them!) At the end of the day we went on a hunt to find him. We followed the trail of pens to find that he had left the pens for us on the big play ground and a message!

Eco-Council meeting

Date: 23rd Nov 2018 @ 2:12pm

In this week's Eco-Council meeting, Scott (Lyme Park's Ranger) came to talk to us about ideas to develop the park area. He asked the group to look at a map of the park and think about how we can help him to improve the signs and encourage more people to visit.

In the Spring/Summer term he will be asking the Eco-Council to lead a competition across school to design some art work for the new signs.

Stay and Play in Foundation Stage

Date: 20th Nov 2018 @ 12:51pm

Old toy sale for Pudsey.

Date: 16th Nov 2018 @ 4:15pm

After learning about the BBC Children in need appeal, children in Year 1 and 2 decided to set up a last minute 'unloved toy shop' in aid of the charity. Thank you to all the children and families who all pulled together and donated toys and books for the shop. Key stage 1 raised a fantastic £50.00, which will be donated to this years appeal alongside the schools own clothes day donations. All unsold donations will be donated this weekend to Willowbrook Hospice.


Halloween Disco

Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 3:56pm

Having a boogie at the Halloween Disco.

Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?

Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 3:46pm

Take a look at our finished Viking Longships.

Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?

Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 3:25pm

We really enjoyed our DT day. We were very busy creating Viking Longboats.

Halloween Disco

Date: 8th Nov 2018 @ 7:35pm

Here a few snaps of us having a good time at the Halloween disco! It was rather SPOOKtacular! 

Toy exploration.

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 3:58pm

Today in year 1, children spent time looking at, using and discussing old and new toys. It was extremely interesting to hear children talk about how they thought their toys worked. Some children thought spinning tops were an early form of bottle flipping, and some children thought our stick and hoop game was some kind of instrument. After 30 mins of exploration, the uses of these toys were finally revealed. I have a feeling when we write our comparisons, later this week, that new toys may be the overwhelming winners. Great exploring Year 1.

Foundation Stage’s Autumn Walk

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 2:16pm

We had a fantastic time walking around the local area, looking at how the leaves are changing and falling off the trees. We got to see some different animals but the highlight was getting to stroke Dolly’s horse at the stables, so thank you Dolly and Mum!

Why did Cinderella not use a hoover?

Date: 2nd Nov 2018 @ 4:08pm

Today children thought about the tough job poor Cinderella had, cleaning her step mum's house. We looked at ways Cinderella could have speeded up her tasks. We replaced our broom with a brush and found this much easier. We then decided to use a hoover, which was definitely the quickest way to clean our carpet. Children were asked, why does Cinderella not just use a hoover? After a class discussion the children began to understand that the story of Cinderella was a long time ago, and unfortunately hoovers or vacuum cleaners were not invented. Year 1 then looked at other old items and what new items had replaced them, from old tin baths and carts to modern day cars and indoor bathrooms. Great understanding Year 1!

Singing in Nursery

Date: 2nd Nov 2018 @ 11:47am

We’ve got some fantastic singers in Nursery, don’t you agree?

Halloween in Foundation Stage!

Date: 2nd Nov 2018 @ 11:02am

We’ve had a fantastic day celebrating Halloween in Foundation Stage. The children all look fantastic (and scary!). We’ve played party games, showed off our best dance moves and eaten a sweet (or two).

Happy Halloween!

Date: 31st Oct 2018 @ 9:39pm

Today year 1 loved learning about halloween traditions from around the world. Children discussed the recent Disney movie 'Coco' and made Mexican style masks representitive of the things they regard as special to their own life. 

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UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD