Y3: Gallery
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 12:16pm
This week in French, Year 3 have used their learning from last half term to talk about the French nouns for different animals. Then they made animal masks as part of developing their understanding of French traditions, such as carnivals.
Y3's Class assembly: The Romans
Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 10:40am
Our Y3 children shared their history learning with their families today by performing a play all about The Romans. They tried so hard with learning and delivering their lines; developing thier drama skills and performing several songs - including one with sign language.
They have thoroughly enjoyed this topic - especially the unusual parts, for example using vomit rooms and shared baths! All the children can now answer the key learning question: 'What did the Romans do for us?'
Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 1:21pm
For NSPCC Number Day, Y3 took part in different activities:
*We listened to a 'number story' and a maths poem by Valerie Bloom.
*Talked about 'needs' and 'wants' linked to our rights-respecting work.
*Took part in a problem-solving challenge.
*Continued with our learning of our timetables through song and on TT Rockstars - we now LOVE going on this at home too!
Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 1:11pm
During Children's Mental Health week, we took part in lots of different activities to promote positive mental health. We enjoyed an outdoor scavenger hunt which encouraged the children to look for things which made them feel happy/relaxed in the natural environment; we talked about the benefits of being outside on our mental health. During Reward Time, we made 'breathing wands' which can be used to support us when we have uncomfortable feelings, decorated biscuits and did 'scribble art' - all activities to support positive mental health.
Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 1:05pm
Our Y3 children have been very busy this half term!
Date: 18th Jan 2023 @ 10:55am
In our reading ambassador meeting today we made plans for National Storytelling Week which will be held on the week beginning Monday 30th January. The children shared why stories and storytelling is important. They came up with ideas of events that we could do to promote a love of reading and storytelling. The ambassadors are planning to hold a whole school assembly, will be visiting classes to tell stories and they will even be telling stories on the playground at playtimes!
Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 8:11pm
As part of our English Learning, we have been reading the text "Escape from Pompeii".
This week, we have taken part in some drama activities - Conscience Alley (where we were either Tranio or Livia and had to give our reasons for leaving Pompeii). Then we worked in groups, to take part in role-play - acting out the scences from the story.
It was fun and we were able to understand how the characters in the story felt.
Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 4:12pm
Today, Y3 have experienced life as a Roman in the Roman City of Chester.
We visited the Deva Roman Discovery Centre - where we learnt about life as a Roman and how they invaded Britain.
Then, we got to march around the streets of Chester - as a Roman soldier - whilst we visited The Roman Gardens and The Ampitheatre.
It was fun!
Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 10:46am
Linked to their History learning, Year 3 have researched, designed, constructed and evaluated Roman Forts in Design Technology. They developed lots of different skills, including using nets to made 3D shapes to use in their constructions. We were so impressed with the children's team work when making their finished products. Well done, Year 3!
Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 5:09pm
Year 3 have been very busy this half - term.
Take a look at some of our Learning Walls to answer questions such as:-
RE: Why is the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) an example for Muslims?
PSHRE: What keeps us safe?
Geography: Why is the weather hard to predict?
English: We have been writing Non-Chronological Reports all about whales.
Maths: We have been extending our knowledge of addition and subtraction.
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 5:17pm
In Reward Time today ... Year 3 completed a STEM Challenge.
They worked in small teams. Each team had 10 strands of spaghetti and 8 marshmallows.
Their challenge was: Which team could build the tallest tower?
The winners were: Walid, Rihanna and Edina - great teamwork.
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 7:39pm
This half term, some children in Y3 have been using different texts about rocks and fossils and forces and magnets in Reading lessons. They have been developing fluency and using their 'evidence finding pens' to help them to find answers to comprehension questions in the texts they have been reading.
Here they are performing 'Forces of Nature' - a poem all about the force of a storm - they have learned about how the poet uses personfication and what effect this has on the reader.
Prehistoric art: Cave paintings
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 7:27pm
Year 3 have used a variety of art skills this half term when creating their Prehistoric art linked to their Stone Age learning in History:
1) Sketching native British animals
2) Blending using charcoal
3) Mixing own paints using flour, water and spices to create a 'Prehistoric pallette'
4) Using different natural resources (lentils, cous cous, bulgar wheat) to create a textured 'cave' background
5) Using original sketches to create an animal 'cave painting'
5) Using different brushes and paints to outline and colour animal image
How and Why some people serve God?
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 3:26pm
Year 3 had a special visitor today - Rev Chris Stafford came to visit us so the children could consolidate their understanding of our learning question : How and Why some people serve God?
First of all, Rev Chris explained all about the clothes he wears:-
* His cassock is black - which represents Christians believing that Jesus died on Good Friday.
* His robes are white - which represents Easter.
* His stoles (like a scarf) are all different colours to represent different parts of the Christian calendar.
* His green stole is worn most of the time.
* The purple stole represents Advent and Lent.
* The pictures on the white stole represent The Easter Story.
* The red stole is worn the least.
He showed the children the special objects that are used in Communion.
He told us that Christians believe that through the cross you travel to God.
Then, we learnt about belonging in God's family and we had a mock baptism.
Finally, Rev Chris answered lots of the children's questions.
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 2:14pm
Year 3 have had a very busy half term learning lots of things: from the The Stone Age to rocks and fossils! Have a look at our working walls!
Y3 singing and counting in French
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 7:47am
Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 4:37pm
Tongan Rugby Team Visit
Some of our students had the fantastic oppurtunity today to meet some professional Tongan rugby league players. These players will be representing Tonga in the rugby league world cup. Their first match is on Tuesday 18th October so we are very lucky that they have taken time out of their busy schedule to come and visit us.
The children were very excited and got to ask the players lots of questions. At the end of the session, the players signed posters for the children and got photographs taken with them!
We'd like to thank the players once again. The children loved it!
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:56pm
Year 3 have made Stone Age stew today using the ingredients that would have been gathered at that time: berries, honey and nuts. They wrote some fantastic instructions afterwards - thinking about the features of an instruction text they have learned about in English lessons.
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:32pm
Year 3 are doing well at learning French! Here they are singing 'The Greetings Song'!
Investigating the properties of rocks
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:29pm
Year 3 enjoyed testing different rocks to find out what their properties were before deciding which would be the most suitable to do a given job.
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:26pm
Year 3 enjoyed investigating artefacts to find out more about the Stone Age. They were really good at using their prior knolwedge to help them to infer what the object might be and how it might have been used.
Democracy in Y3: Pupil Voice groups
Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 9:35am
This week, Y3 have been talking about what democracy means ready for the election of our pupil voice groups. We worked in teams to decide what qualities would be needed to be on the following councils: Student. Eco, Reading, Rights-Respecting, Sports and Online Safety. Each member of the class made a short video (some examples are below) to share with the class - then we voted! Well done to all the children for developing their confidence to speak in front of the camera and congratulations to our newly elected councillors - more on this next week!
Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 9:36am
Sports Week 2022 - RACE FOR LIFE!
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 3:51pm
This week has been Lyme's sports week!
During the week, the children were exposed to a few sports that they may not have chance to play outside of school. One of the sports the children played was Ultimate (Ultimate Frisbee). The children loved the fast pace of the game and how they have to work as a team to get the frisbee over the line! Another sport was Orienteering. This sport was the polar opposite to ultimate frisbee. Children had to use maps to navigate around the school grounds and find a number of markers. When they found a marker, they would stamp the special pattern onto their sheet. When all of the markers had been found, the children returned to their teacher. Lastly, KS1 were introduced to Boccia. This is a game similar to bowls. However, it is played sitting down. This game is played in the paralympics at an international level. The children enjoyed the game and loved trying to get their balls as close as they could to the marker.
On Monday, Year 6 played at a football tournament were top goal scorers in the entire tournament. Unfortunately, they were knocked out on penalties in the semi-finals. This doesn't reflect how one-sided the semi-final actually was. Lyme hit the post and bar several times but again, unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side. I would like to congratulate Year 6 on their effort during the tournament and in particularly their behaviour which was fantastic throughout.
On Wednesday, we had a visit from Tara Jones and Katie Mottershead who both play for Saints women's team. Tara is also an England international and is in the squad again to play France tomorrow (on Skysports Arena, 18th June at 5.30pm). Tara and Katie were inspiring and a lot of the children were lucky enough to get their picture taken with the pair.
Lastly, the whole school took part in the race for life today. Each pupil has trained all week to perform this race and they should all be so proud. Every child that completed the race received a medal for their hard work.
Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic sport's week. We hope you enjoyed it!
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 3:35pm
Year 3 have had a great week during sports week. We have had a go at playing ultimate frisbee and orienteering as well as running or walking a daily mile every day.