Y3: Gallery


Date: 15th Jun 2022 @ 4:41pm

At our Starbooks cafe this afternoon Year 3 listened to the award winning story 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward. 

The children enjoyed hot drinks and biscuits as they discussed their favourite books.  

Then they used a wide variety of materials to make TIN TOUCANS from the story.  



Vegetable Tart

Date: 16th May 2022 @ 4:23pm

As part of our Design and Technology lesson, year 3 looked at seasonal foods from around the world. They researched the foods which can be grown in the UK and ones which we have to transport in. We then planned our Vegetable tart recipe. We tried to keep to seasonal foods from the UK but we also used vegetables from other countries. We learned the health and safety skills needed in a kitchen and then baked our tarts. The tarts looked delicious and most of the children enjoyed them.

Our Eco Action team have been busy again!

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:19pm

Representatives from our Eco Action team met after school this week to continue with the litter pick they started before the holidays - this included the entrance to Lyme Park too. They will be meeting again next week to weed the planters and to set up a mini greenhouse to grow tomatoes in.


Have a look at the photos of our beautiful planters - the fruit trees we planted last year are doing well and are covered in blossom!


Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:45pm

Today our amazing reading ambassadors supported reading events across the school. Our Year 1 and 2 children visited foundation stage to join in story and library time. 

Our Y3, 4 and 5  children supported events in Key Stage 1 and lower key stage 2. 

Our Y6 children helped to set up the story spoon competition and delivered the certificates and prizes to the classes. 




Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:30pm

Wow! What an amazing response we had to our story spoon competition. Here are some photos of the fabulous entries. Thank you to everyone who took part. The children enjoyed looking at all of the wonderful creations and talking about the stories that the characters were from. 

The names of the winners will be on our newsletter. 

Well done everyone! 

Year 5 Football Tournament

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 5:09pm

Year 5 Football Tournament 

Today, year 5 and two pupils from year 4 participated in a football tournament. The children were respectful, showed good sportsmanship, manners and displayed plenty of footballing talent. After only losing one match in the group stages, we progressed to the semi-finals. We won the semi-final match after a fantastic goal from Nathan. Unfortunately, the final didn't go the same way and the children finished in second place! However, the children should be so proud of themselves after a fantastic effort all afternoon. 

Coming second out of sixteen other schools is something to be extremely proud of!


Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 3:53pm

As part of our DT lessons, year 3 had to design and make a castle. The children brought in some packaging which they recycled and used for the features of their castle. They also made nets to create cylinders and different types of pyramids. We had some very talented children and some amazing castles. Their castles included draw bridges and turrets in their design. 

The Year of Reading

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 3:34pm

This week we had a special assembly to celebrate reading.  Each class has decorated their door to showcase their class novel and author for this half term. We have now set up a Reading Council and two ambassadors have been chosen as representatives for each class.  On Thursday we had our first meeting and came up with lots of exciting reading events that we would like to do over the coming months. 

Evie and Rosie in Key Stage 1 were excited to take home our TRENDING BOOK today - 'The Dragon with the Blazing Bottom' by Tom Fletcher. 

We can't wait to get dressed up for World Book Day that we will be celebrating on Friday 4th March. 

Chester Trip

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 3:00pm

Year 3 were very lucky to go on a school trip on Tuesday. We went to the Deva museum to learn all about the Romans as part of our history topic. Everyone was very excited to be the first class on a trip since lockdown.

We started the day with a tour around the museum by a Centurion. He told us all about the history of the Romans, how they would fight, what they ate, and how they had a bath. We all agreed that the Romans were disgusting. 

After lunch, we went on a march around Chester with a Roman solider. We had to carry a shield and chant like a Roman solider. During the walk we visited a real colosseum and learned how the Romans would protect themselves in battle. 

We had a great day and there were some very tired children on the way home. Here are some photos from the day.

Inflatable fun

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 4:12pm

As part of our KABS sessions, we were rewarded with time on a giant inflatable. The children earned this as a reward for making good choices throughout the term. Everyone had lots of fun.

Eco challenge!

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 10:24am

The Eco Action Team have been very busy over the past few weeks. Along with Mr Brooks, they have built some planters using old pallets and filled them wirth compost and bulbs ready for the Spring. The crocus bulbs were given to school by the Rotary Club as part of their campaign to eradicate polio across the world. 

The original planters were very overgrown and were in need to of a tidy up - they have weeded them ready for the Spring.

They have also carried out a litter pick on the field - especially after all the windy weather we have had recently. 

Anti-bullying Week

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 4:47pm

As part of anti-bullying week last week, year 3 discussed the types of bullying that could happen. We then talked about how we could help someone who was being bullied. The key theme to anti-bullying week was 'One Kind Word' and based on this theme, we created some posters which we will display in class.

Prehistoric Art

Date: 13th Nov 2021 @ 5:59pm

Year 3 completed their Stone Age topic with prehistoric art. They used natural ingredients such as berries and spices to create Earth colours. Next, they created a cave wall and used charcoal and paints to produce their own cave painting. Finally, they painted their hands in a style similar to the Stone age period. It was very messy but a lot of fun. 


Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 4:44pm

Today we had our first KABS session with Tommy and Dan. We learnt how to work as a team and communicate with each other.

Sports Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 8:31am

Well done to all of year 3 for participating in our sports day. You all did amazing and we had a fantastic time. Here are some pictures of the class in action. 

Arts Week

Date: 28th Jun 2021 @ 4:02pm

To end our Arts week, year 3 made puppet mice. This was linked to the story 'The dark at the top of the stairs'. The children used their skills of tone and tint to get the right colour. The finished mice looked amazing. Well done everyone!!!

Arts Week

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 2:29pm

This week has been Health and Wellbeing week and Arts week. In art, we have been learning about the artist Carl Giles and created our own cartoon picture. Here are some examples of our art work so far. 

In music, last term we learned the song 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley. We sang the song and played along with glockenspiels. We also learned how to sign the song. This week we will be learning a new song 'Bringing us Together' and also learning how to sign this song. Here are some pictures of the children signing. 

World Poetry Day

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 5:07pm

This week we have been celebrating World Poetry Day. We have done many things such as reading, performing and writing poems. Have a read of some of our examples.

World Book Day 2021

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 3:50pm

Today was World Book Day and our focused book was 'Dreamer'. The children in school and at home read the book and then we looked at endangered animals around the world. We researched why they were endangered and how many were left in the world. All the children really enjoyed learning about this and were shocked at how many animals are at the risk of becoming extinct. We then created fact files of some of the animals and created our own Dreamer story. Here are some pictures of some of the work done in school. Some of the children at home are bringing in their work to display on Monday. We also had a lovely chat with some of the children at home and played 'Who am I?'. 


Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 1:25pm

In Lyme, our children absolutely love Maths! On World Maths Day, we asked our KS2 children to tell us why.

Chocolate Rocks

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:47pm

The Year 3 children have been learning about rocks and the rock cycle. To help show how rocks are formed and how the rock cycle works, some children at home and those in school made chocolate rocks. It was a lot of fun and very tasty.

Here is how we demonstrated the rock cycle :

Step 1 - Create some magma by melting all of the chocolate. Allow it to flow, like lava which has erupted from a volcano. Allow your lava flow to cool so that you have a solid igneous choc rock!

Step 2 - Expose your chocolate rock to the harsh conditions of the Earth’s surface, or in this case, a cheese grater! Erode your rock and turn it into chocolate ‘sediment’. Your sedimentary rock will be made up of three different sedimentary layers: chocolate sediment, cocoa pop sediment and marshmallow sediment. 

Step 3 - This step requires a little more imagination than the previous steps. You cannot add enough sedimentary layers to generate enough heat and pressure to alter our ‘sedimentary rock’. We need an oven to do this for us. Fold the mixture and this misshapen feature looks quite a lot like those found in metamorphic rocks.

Step 4 - Enjoy your chocolate rocks.

Here are some pictures of some of the children at home and in school.


Natural Disasters

Date: 4th Jan 2021 @ 1:17pm

During the Autumn term, Year 3 looked at the different types of natural disasters. The whole class really enjoyed the topic with lots of children continuing their studies at home.

In English, we also wrote our own story based on a natural disaster and the book 'The Flood'. 

In Geography we looked at the Earths layers, created a model of the earth and even exploded our own volcano.


World Book Day

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:03pm

As part of World Book Day and linking to our light topic, today we made shadow puppets. We created the puppets based on a fairy tale with a twist. The children did an amazing job and enjoyed acting out the tales.

Stone Age

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 6:06pm

Year 3 enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age. We started our topic with a visit from Klud who told us all about our ancient ancestors. Over the term, we created cave paintings, made Stone Age stew and built Stone Age homes.

Science Week 2020!

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm

Science Week 2020

This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic. 

Year 1 - Animals inc Humans

Year 2 - Animals inc Humans

Year 3 - Forces and Magnets

Year 4 - States of Matter

Year 5 - Forces

Year 6 - Light

Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!

Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.

We hope you've enjoyed it!

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School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD