Y3: Gallery
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:47pm
The Year 3 children have been learning about rocks and the rock cycle. To help show how rocks are formed and how the rock cycle works, some children at home and those in school made chocolate rocks. It was a lot of fun and very tasty.
Here is how we demonstrated the rock cycle :
Step 1 - Create some magma by melting all of the chocolate. Allow it to flow, like lava which has erupted from a volcano. Allow your lava flow to cool so that you have a solid igneous choc rock!
Step 2 - Expose your chocolate rock to the harsh conditions of the Earth’s surface, or in this case, a cheese grater! Erode your rock and turn it into chocolate ‘sediment’. Your sedimentary rock will be made up of three different sedimentary layers: chocolate sediment, cocoa pop sediment and marshmallow sediment.
Step 3 - This step requires a little more imagination than the previous steps. You cannot add enough sedimentary layers to generate enough heat and pressure to alter our ‘sedimentary rock’. We need an oven to do this for us. Fold the mixture and this misshapen feature looks quite a lot like those found in metamorphic rocks.
Step 4 - Enjoy your chocolate rocks.
Here are some pictures of some of the children at home and in school.
Date: 4th Jan 2021 @ 1:17pm
During the Autumn term, Year 3 looked at the different types of natural disasters. The whole class really enjoyed the topic with lots of children continuing their studies at home.
In English, we also wrote our own story based on a natural disaster and the book 'The Flood'.
In Geography we looked at the Earths layers, created a model of the earth and even exploded our own volcano.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:03pm
As part of World Book Day and linking to our light topic, today we made shadow puppets. We created the puppets based on a fairy tale with a twist. The children did an amazing job and enjoyed acting out the tales.
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 6:06pm
Year 3 enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age. We started our topic with a visit from Klud who told us all about our ancient ancestors. Over the term, we created cave paintings, made Stone Age stew and built Stone Age homes.
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm
Science Week 2020
This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic.
Year 1 - Animals inc Humans
Year 2 - Animals inc Humans
Year 3 - Forces and Magnets
Year 4 - States of Matter
Year 5 - Forces
Year 6 - Light
Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!
Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.
We hope you've enjoyed it!
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 3:52pm
To conclude our topic on the Ancient Greeks, Year 3 worked in groups to research and create a poster to present to the class. Each group were given a different topic to research and they used their own knowledge of what they had learnt, books and ipads to make their poster informatative. The finished posters and presentations were amazing.
Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 2:00pm
In RE, Y3 have been investigating the following question: How and why do Christians serve God?
As part of this learning, we invited Reverend Hall in to speak to the class to find out about his vocation.
We asked him:
*Why do you serve Jesus?
*How does it feel to serve God?
*Why do you serve God?
*How long have you served God for? Do you like it?
*What are the most difficult and easiest parts of your job?
*Have you ever seen God?
Reverend Hall explained that he was ordained as a vicar 50 years ago this year and next year it will 50 years since he trained to be a priest. He talked about how God spoke to him when he was 18 and said he wanted him to be a minister. Christians believe that God speaks to us in a quiet way or can help us to think what is right.
Although he is now retired, he still serves the community in churches and in schools.
Date: 17th Nov 2019 @ 7:02pm
To introduce our new learning challenge on the Ancient Greeks, we held a Greek Day.
Year 3 came in dressed as Greeks and we completed different Greek activities. Activities included making a traditional Greek head dress, writing our name and messages using the Ancient Greek alphabet and Greek food tasting The children looked fantastic and had a great day.
Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 4:29pm
To end our topic on natural disasters, today we exploded our own volcanoes. The children were amazed and loved the effects.
Date: 22nd Sep 2019 @ 9:42am
Year 3 have settled into the juniors well. In Maths, we have been looking at Place value and number lines to 1000. The children worked in pairs, finding numbers to 1000 on a number line.
They used place value cards and counters to understand the value of each digit.
On Thursday and Friday, we added and subtracted 1, 10 and 100 to a 2 and 3 digit number.
Date: 17th Jul 2019 @ 4:34pm
We had an amazing day today at Martin Mere Wetland Centre. The children saw a variety of wildlife and we even managed to feed some of the birds in the Waterfowl Gardens. After our walk, we were taken by the guides to the Wild Walk were the children identified different species of plants. We even walked to the Wetland area to look out over the wetlands. At the end of the day, the children enjoyed a play on the play area.
Date: 9th Jun 2019 @ 10:21am
The year 3 and 4 children had lots of fun in their science workshops this week. They have been creating their own digestive systems and making lava lamps; which has helped them develop their understanding of the human body and the properties of materials. Lots of fantstic results through their hard work!
The James Roby 'Tag' Rugby festival.
Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 3:50pm
Some Children were selected today to represent Lyme at the James Roby 'Tag' Rugby trophy at Newton Storm RLFC. Team Lyme did us proud scoring lots of tries and making some fantastic tackles. The children then got to meet St.Helens rugby legend James Roby and Saints Mascot Boots. Great team work Lyme!
Would you rather live in the Med?
Date: 29th Apr 2019 @ 8:27am
To begin our Learning Challenge this term 'Would you rather live in the Med?' the children in Year 3 took part in a Mediterranean food tasting. We tasted food from Italy, France, Greece and Spain. The children enjoyed the afternoon and some children found new foods that they like.
Date: 18th Feb 2019 @ 9:23am
To complete our topic on the Stone Age, year 3 performed an assembly in front of the school and their parents and carers. The performance was a great success. Well done to everyone.
Date: 12th Jan 2019 @ 9:36pm
To introduce our new topic on the Stone Age, we had a special visitor come into class and tell us all about the Stone Age. The children learned lots of interesting facts about Stone age people and how they survived. We even got to hold a Mammoths tooth.
Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 3:46pm
For our final WOW on Natural Disasters, we exploded our own volcanoes. At the end of last week we made volcanoes and today we had fun watching them erupt.
Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 4:21pm
Well done to all those children who have brought in home learning projects this term. There were some fantastic models and art work of natural disasters.
Date: 10th Dec 2018 @ 4:56pm
On Friday, Year 3 were lucky enough to be asked to plant trees in our school field. The Mersey Forest organisation and one of St Helens Park Rangers came to help us. We planted many saplings which will grow to help our environment.
Date: 29th Oct 2018 @ 9:38pm
Year 3 looked at the famous artist Claude Monet. We found out lots of interesting facts and then created our own version of Monet's garden using finger prints and a range of colours. We produced some very effective pieces of art.
What did the Greeks do for us?
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 10:02pm
To introduce the start of our Learning Challenge 'What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?' we held our very own Greek day. The children came in dressed as Ancient Greeks and throughout the day we had lots of Greek activities. To start the day we learnt the Greek alphabet, made a Greek crown and then had our very own Greek Olympics. To end the day the children tasted some Greek food. Here are some photos from the day.
Date: 13th Jun 2018 @ 4:05pm
There were some fanatstic performances from our Year 3 children on our sports day and the team spirit they showed was fanatstic! Thank you to all our parents for their support!
Date: 8th Jun 2018 @ 3:43pm
Year 3 had a fantastic time today looking at different plants in the local area with Scott the Ranger. We learnt some new plant names and how plants spread through seed dispersal.
Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 4:03pm
The Year 3 children enjoyed trying a variety of Mediterranean foods last week from Brioche from France and Chorizo from Spain to Ricotta cheese from Italy. They loved tasting and describing all the different foods, though they weren't so sure about the olives!
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 1:29pm
As a 'Final Ta Dah' to our LCC on the Stone Age the children made stewed fruit as they would have eaten at that time. They used lots of lovely berries, nuts and honey and then wrote instructions on how to make it. Most of them thoroughly enjoyed it; others were not so sure as seen in the pictures below!