Y1: Gallery


Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 12:09pm

Year 1 have had a wonderful time celebrating the theme of 'Wonderful Water'.

We have been learning all about the different ways we use water.  Then we have sang lots of songs all about water.

* It's always wet

* 8 days in the sea
* The deep blue sea
* Oh what a lovely thing to do
* Wonderful water
* Splish splash

" 8 days in the sea" was our favourite. 

Y1 Special People

Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 1:13pm

Today we have been learning about Special People in our community such as teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters and vets.  We have worked in a group to talk about what they do - then we presented our information to the rest of the class. 

Sorting Animals

Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:45pm

I can sort animals into groups.

Today, we have been learning about animals and we talked about their features.  Then, we sorted them into groups

Who is the best Queen?

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 4:20pm

Our History Learning Challenge for this half term is : Who is the best Queen?

Today, we have started to learn about what a monarch is and what a monarch does.  We know that a monarch is a person who rules a country and our monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.

Then, we worked in a group to discuss some laws - and decided whether they would be good or bad ideas.

Also, some of us were in the


Date: 19th Apr 2021 @ 4:48pm

Today, we have talked about the different roles we all have within our families and friends.  Then, we have discussed how others might see us.  We have also talked about the roles of different people within the community and how these people help us.  Then, we worked as a group to discuss these roles.

World Poetry Day

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 5:07pm

This week we have been celebrating World Poetry Day. We have done many things such as reading, performing and writing poems. Have a read of some of our examples.

World Book Day in Year 1

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 3:32pm

In Year 1, we have celebrated World Book Day by coming to school in our PJ's - it has been a fun day!

We have shared the story of "Dreamer" and talked about our dreams for a better world - take a look at some of our dreams / thoughts.

Then, we have created bookmarks - using the scenes from the story as our inspiration.

We have also talked about how we can care for our world so that we put a smile on the face of the Earth - just like the little boy in our story. 

Y1 - Victorian School

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 3:26pm

Today we have experienced life as a Victorian school child. 

We have had our hands and nails inspected to check we were clean enough for school.  We have also taken part in Victorian lessons and devotional chanting - just like Victorian school children.

Goodbye to Baby Zorg

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 2:30pm

This half term Y1 have been looking after 'Baby Zorg' - who crashed into our school building a few weeks ago.

We have been learning all about our local area and the country we live in - so we could try and help 'Baby Zorg' send a message to his Mum and Dad.

This morning, he sent us a note to tell us 'I miss home' - so today we have made some posters and messages in the hope that his Mum and Dad can come and find him - as he is waiting by the office with Mrs Marshall.

Take a look at some of our messages and posters. 

Making fruit kebabs/salads

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 3:58pm

We have had a lovely afternoon in Y1, making fruit kebabs and salads using the designs we created last week. We used our cutting skills: bridge hold, fork hold and claw grip. The children who are working at home have also made some delicious looking kebabs too!

Our next job is to write our evaluations - what we liked and what we could improve...then we can send photos of our finished products to Tescos!!

Year 1 - We are Unique

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 2:38pm

We are Unique

Today we have been thinking about the theme of "We Are Unique".

Take a look at some of our work. 

Children's Mental Health Week - Y1

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:15am

As part of our learning for Children's Mental Health Week, Y1 have been discussing how they can be kind to others and kind to themselves.

Kind to Others: 
Giving a hug
Helping others
Giving a cuddle
Playing with others
Showing respect

Kind to Themselves: 
Watching TV
Having a biscuit
Listening to music
Reading a book
Having a banana
Forgiving themselves

Take a look at some of our work. 

Children's Mental Health Week - Y1

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 6:36am


As a start to some of our learning for Children's Mental Health Week, Y1 have been discussing positive affirmations and the importance of being 'loved' and how they care / show love for others.

We have then produced posters 'I Am Loved'.

Take a look at some of our work. 

Sensory investigation: fruit tasting!

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:04am

In Year 1, we carried out a sensory investigation - using adjectives to describe the appearance, texture and taste of different fruits to help us decide what we will include in our fruit salad/kebab next week. 


Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 11:01am

Year 1 have made a great start to their online / home learning.

They have been very busy working on lots of things - including listening to the story 'The Invisible String'. working on their number bonds, finding out about life in The Arctic, learning about The Seasons, making pictures and lists about things that make us happy and things that are beautiful in the world. 

Here is just a small sample of some of the work we have been doing. 

Science - Day & Night

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 5:53pm

In our Science Lesson we have been learning all about Day and Night.

We know that we live on planet Earth and that the Earth spins around.  When the sun shines on our part of planet Earth it is daytime.  When the sun does not shine on our part of planet Earth it is nightime.

We also looked at different activities and sorted them into daytime, nightime or both. 

Sharing is Caring

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 5:48pm

In our PATHs Lesson today we have been learning that : Sharing is Caring.

Twiggle and Henrietta showed us how they share - then we played some games with our friends to show that we could share and play nicely with each other.  It was funsmiley

End of term party!

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:30pm

Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a fun filled party today! 

Why Is Jesus Special To Christmas?

Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 5:00pm

Why Is Jesus Special To Christmas?

In our RE lessons we have been learning about why Jesus is special to Christmas.  We have listened to The Nativity Story, then we have sequenced this in groups.  We have also talked about why Jesus was a special baby and why he is special to Christmas.

Today, we have looked at lots of different types of Christmas cards - then we have sorted them in to groups - Religious / Not Religious.  We were able to say why some cards had a religious picture and message and others did not.

Moving pictures: Aliens Love Underpants!

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:11pm

This half term we listened to the story 'Aliens Love Underpants', we looked carefully at how the illustrator had drawn each alien. Then we looked at some different books that contained levers and sliders. We learned how to make our own slider - by creating a slit - and levers - by using a split pin as a pivot. We designed our own moving alien picture - thinking carefully which materials we would use and writing them in a list. Using the skills we had been taught about sliders and levers, we made our designs thinking about how to make parts of our picture move. Finally we evaluated our finished products - saying what we liked about them and what we would improve; then we gave some feedback to a friend about theirs.

Human Rights Day 2020

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 4:20pm

Today is Human Rights Day. Every class in the school have had an assembly to talk about celebrating this day as the day the declaration was agreed. In Year 1, we talked about the difference between wants and needs and decided which picture card to put in each group. Then we talked about the things we need being rights - we already know that children have rights and now we know that adults to do.

We are computer programmers!

Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:13pm

We have had a great time learning about writing computer programs for the BeeBots! We used directional language to describe where we wanted the BeeBot to move to: forwards, backwards, turn left and turn right.  After that we had a go at predicting where it would move to following instructions we had been given. We know that a set of instructions for a computer is called an algorithm and that we must give each instruction clearly. If there is a problem with the instruction we must de-bug the program!

PATHs in Year 1 - Doing Turtle

Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 5:12pm

In our last few PATHs lessons we have been learning all about 'doing turtle'.  Twiggle and his friends have helped us to understand that 'doing turtle' helps you to calm - when you are feeling mad or angry.   You have to:-

* Stop 
* Count to 10
* Take a Deep Breath
* Say: The Problem Is ...
* Say: I am feeling ... 

'Doing Turtle' can help you a lot.

In our provision area we have acted out when Twiggle was upset with Henrietta and some of us have completed a jigsaw all about 'Doing Turtle'. 

Year 1 - Seasons of the Year

Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 5:06pm

In our Science lessons we have been learning all about the weather and the different seasons of the year.  We know there are 4 seasons in the year - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.  Today we have sang a song called: Seasons of the Year.  Then we have worked together to put pictures into the different seasons.  

PATHs - Year One

Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 5:00pm

In Year One, we have been learning lots through our PATHs lessons.

In our provision areas we have completed role-plays, made friendship flowers, completed feelings balloons and lots more - take a look at some of work. 

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Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
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School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD