Y1: Gallery
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 12:07pm
In Y1, we will be making moving pictures as our first Design Technology project. We have looked at lots of children's books which contain levers, sliders and flaps. Then we had a go at making our own sliders and levers - using as split pin as a pivot.
Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 12:51pm
Maths Fun – It’s All About The Sorting
In Year One we have been thinking about how we could sort objects / items and people into different groups. This morning we worked outside to sort ourselves into different groups:-
* Boys and Girls
* Cardigans or Jumpers
* Dresses or Trousers or Shorts or Pinafores or Skirts
* Tights or Socks
* Different Hair Colours
Then, we worked in smaller groups with our friends to sort lots of objects – into different colour groups and some of us even sorted our objects into different animal groups.
It was super fun 😊!
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 1:46pm
Our topic for this half term was : How do plants and animals help each other?
The children were asked to be creative for their home learning. Well done to Charlie for creating a lovely mini garden ... I hope it makes everyone smile!
Henry has been very busy too - he has created an Animal Fact File - have a read through of all the information. He has used to lots of skills to create his fact file - English (Reading and Writing), ICT and Science. Well Done Henry.
Gavin has also created his own miniature garden ... I think it is very colourful - what do you think? Well Done Gavin.
If any other children have completed their projects - please take photos and forward them to me in school and I will update our gallery.
Many thanks.
Miss Burns
Date: 18th Mar 2020 @ 3:58pm
We have had another great session in Forest School today – even the rain didn’t put us off!
We have learnt how to use a Kelly Kettle and make a mini fire so we could have some hot chocolate – yummy! We also made badges from wood and built our own shelters – it was fun! Some of us got very muddy … the muddier the better!
Year 1 Hula Hooping for Sports Relief 2020
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 11:12am
The whole school had a brilliant time raising money for Sports Relief! Here are some action shots of our Year 1 children and their hula hooping skills!
Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 4:04pm
We have had a great start to our Forest School sessions – although we didn’t escape some of the rain showers!
First of all we played a game to introduce ourselves – we had to use alliteration. Here are some of the names we used:-
Arthur Alligator
Ellie Elephant
Noah Newt
Henry Horse
Then, we played a game where we learnt all about predators and prey. We pretended to be sharks and fishes, deer and wolves and antelopes and cheetahs. After that we listened to a story all about wolves.
We have also made mini dens / shelters for a small animal.
Finally, we looked closely at some newly planted trees and we are going to observe how they grow over the next few months.
Take a look at some of our photos.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 10:56am
We have been celebrating World Book Day in Year 1.
Take a look at all of our costumes.
Year 1 - Our Trip to Chester Zoo
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 8:30pm
Year 1 had a wonderful day at Chester Zoo - as a start to our topic for this half term: How do plants and animals help each other?
When we arrived we took part in a workshop called "Curious Creatures". In the session we learnt all about nocturnal animals, big animals, fast animals, underwater animals and colourful animals. Year 1 even got to smell 'jaguar wee' and 'badger poo' - I think that we will remember that for a long time! Also, apparently elephants poo over 100kg every day - YUK!!!
After that we had a tour of the zoo and saw lots of animals - including the chimpanzees eating their lunch. We saw meerkats, giraffes, rhinos, monkeys, snakes, jaguars, cheetahs and many more ... but the highlight of the day was seeing the new baby elephant - it was being cared for by it's Mummy and Daddy.
It was a great day and all the children enjoyed it.
Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 2:21pm
In Year 1, we have listened to the story 'A Promise is A Promise' by Robert Munsch.
We then talked about keeping promises and what makes someone trustworthy. We made our own Y1 Promise:-
* To be kind and caring to everyone.
* To say nice words to all our friends.
* To do good things and actions.
* To join in all activities and try our best.
We are going to try very hard to keep our Y1 promise.
Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 4:28pm
To finish our Learning Challenge topic - Is the weather always wonderful? - Year 1 have worked in small groups to present their own weather reports.
They had to write their own short scripts and decide who was going to talk about the weather in the different parts of The United Kingdom. Also, they showed their understanding of the weather by using a range of weather words all about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
They worked well in their teams and had great fun.
Well done Year 1!
Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 4:17pm
Is the weather always wonderful?
Year 1 have been learning all about the different types of weather and the seasons of the year this half-term.
For their home learning they were asked to produce a creative project all about the seasons of the year.
We had some very creative designs and ideas. Thank you to all the children (and their families) who created some wonderful home learning projects.
Henry and Gavin received a prize each for their creative designs - well done.
Take a look at our home learning - we are very creative in Y1!
Date: 10th Feb 2020 @ 4:55pm
This half term, Y1 have been developing their food technology skills in DT by designing and making fruit kebabs.
We have been:
*learning about the different food groups
*finding out how much of each food group we should eat using the Eat Well Plate
*learning about seasonailty - which fruits can we get at which times of year and where do they come from?
*using our senses to describe the appearance, taste and texture of different fruits
*developing our data handling skills by creating a tally chart and bar graph to show which was the most and least popular fruits from our taste testing
*learning how to cut foods in different ways: the fork secure, the claw grip and the bridge hold - choosing the most appropriate one for the type of fruit being cut
*designing our own fruit kebab - thinking about fruits that we like and that would look nice when presented together
*combining our skills by making our kebab - and filming it (using clear instructions, like a cookery video) for half term's computing unit of work
*writing an evaluation about our finished product - saying what we liked and what we would change next time
Mrs. Roberts was very impressed with how we used our knife and fork to show the different ways of cutting we had been taught.
We had lots of fun and loved eating our fruit kebabs at the end!
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm
Science Week 2020
This week all of our classes have been focussing on a science topic.
Year 1 - Animals inc Humans
Year 2 - Animals inc Humans
Year 3 - Forces and Magnets
Year 4 - States of Matter
Year 5 - Forces
Year 6 - Light
Children have been observing changes, finding patterns, classifying and identifying, researching and performing all kinds of interesting, fun and crazy experiements!
Speak to your child and ask them what they have learnt this week.
We hope you've enjoyed it!
Science Experiments with Adrian!
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:18am
We've had a fantastic morning performing some different experiments with Adrian. We've been finding out about materials that float or sink! Seeing which shape rolls the best! And which material is the most "absorbent".
We've learned 5 very important scientific words: predict; test; measure; classify and observe. Can you remember what they all mean?
Science Investigation and Senses Walk
Date: 28th Jan 2020 @ 5:13pm
Year 1 - Investigation: Who will have the biggest feet?
We have worked with a partner to make predictions. Then we have discussed why someone might have bigger feet / larger hands / long legs or smaller feet / small hands or short legs.
Year 1 – Our Senses: Five Senses Walk
We have been exploring our five senses outside. We discussed what we could see, hear, taste, touch and smell … it was very interesting.
Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 12:03pm
For our start to Science Week we have been learning all about ‘The Human Body’. This morning, we have sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Then we danced to The Skelton Song. We played ‘Simon Says’ and then played a game where we had to point to different parts of our partner’s bodies. Miss Burns drew around Evie-Mae and we all worked together to label the different parts of the body diagram.
We have used mirrors to look closely at our facial features. Then, we had to draw and label our facial features on a blank face template.
We have had a fun start to Science Week in Year 1.
Date: 20th Jan 2020 @ 8:01pm
In our PATHs lessons we have been learning all about 'Doing Turtle' and how this can help us in many situations.
We know to:-
and say 'The problem is ...'
We have also been thinking about OK Chocies and NOT OK Choices.
Today, we had to work as a team to complete the challenge: Which team could keep the balloon in the air the longest?
Team One managed 20 seconds - Well Done! It was great fun!
Date: 14th Jan 2020 @ 4:56pm
In Year 1 we have been learning all about Place Value - we have used lots of practical equipment to help us to understand 2 digit numbers.
We have made Number Maps to show our understanding.
Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 4:11pm
In Year 1 today we have been talking about The Eat Well Plate and learning which food groups we should eat more and less of. We know that to be healthy we should try and eat a balanced diet including at least 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables.
We talked about making a fruit kebab as a healthy snack. Mrs Roberts showed us some different fruits: we talked about which part we eat and where in the world they come from.
After that we tasted each one and thought about: What does it look like? What does it taste like? How does it feel? Did we like it?
Then we voted which was our favourite fruit; we used this information to create a bar graph. This will help us to decide which fruits to put in our design next week.
Is the weather always wonderful?
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 2:05pm
Year 1 have participated in ‘Round Robin’ - experiencing and identifying different types of weather. These have included:
* making it rain
* sorting & classifying different types of weather
* playing ‘cloud’ football
* creating a snowy scene
* making a ‘seasons’ plate
* exploring and making weather models.
It was great fun!
Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 4:03pm
Year 1 have been partying today - it was a super fun end to the term.
We even had a special visitor ... I bet you can't guess who? (Take a look at the photos to see ...)
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our Year 1 families.
See you in 2020 ... from, The Year 1 Team (Miss Burns, Miss Costello and Miss Parr).
Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 4:36pm
Year 1 have been learning all about life in the past for a child.
They have been busy at home too creating their home learning projects - take a look!
Well done to the Year 1's who completed this home learning.
Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 4:45pm
As part of our Learning Challenge: What was life like for a child in the past? Year 1 have been investigating objects from the past.
We have used artefacts and pictures to discuss and decide what each of the items were used for. Year 1 thought it was funny if you needed to use a 'chamber pot' - We decided bathrooms like we have today are much better!
Year 1 enjoyed being historians and finding out what the artefacts were used for.
Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 7:25pm
Today Y1 have taken part in a range of activities to celebrate World Children’s Day. Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors (Harmony and Zara) have played ‘Rights Musical Chairs’ with us. We have also talked about how every child across the world does not have the same education as us. We have created our own keys for the ‘Let’s Unlock Education for Everyone Campaign’.
Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 4:39pm
Our Learning Challenge is : What was life like for a child in the past?
Year 1 have been investigating toys from the past and toys from the present. They had to decide whether their toy was 'old' or 'new'. Then, they got chance to play with their chosen toy. We also discussed that old toys were made from wood, metal or paper whereas nowadays toys are made from materials such as plastic and you have computerised toys like an I-pad or an X-Box.
It was great fun investigating the toys!