Y1: Gallery
Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 3:43pm
Y1 have worked hard this week thinking about how to write instructions for our friends to get from one place to another. Some of us were 'robot pirates' and some of us were 'programmers' - we had to use the instructions forwards, backwards, left and right to guide the pirates to the treasure.
Then we used this language to move a toy from a starting point to different locations on a treasure map.
Next week we will be using the Bee-Bots - writing algorithims and using them to program the Bee-Bots to travel around our maps.
KS1 fundraising for Children in Need
Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 12:44pm
Our KS1 children had great fun on Friday raising money for Children in Need! In our team point groups, we took part in four different challenges:
*passing a balloon over and under
*trying to transfer malteasers from one bowl to another using only a straw
*moving a cookie from our forehead into our mouth by only wiggling our faces
*cup stacking
There was lots of laughing and team spirit as the children cheered each other on! School raised over £400 for the charity.
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 9:18pm
Today Y1 have experienced life as a Victorian school child.
They have had their nails and hands inspected to check they were clean enough for school. Unfortunately, it was clear to see some children had spent the morning cleaning out the scullery, up a chimney or down the mine! After promising they would be cleaner tomorrow Ma’am allowed them into class.
Did you know Victorian children paid a penny to come to school?
They have also taken part in Victorian lessons (the 3Rs and Drill). Some children had to spend time in the Dunce’s corner. They also joined in with devotional chanting – just like Victorian school children. The children now know that:-
Children should be seen and not heard.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Some of the children said they would like school to be more like a Victorian school because they worked hard.
A Message for Baby Zorg's Mum and Dad
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 12:10pm
Year 1 have been taking care of Baby Zorg for the last few weeks - ever since he crash landed his spaceship on our school field.
Today he told us that he was missing his Mum and Dad. Here are some picture messages for his Mum and Dad. We hope that his Mum and Dad will be able to come and find him - here on Planet Earth so that he can go back home with his Mum and Dad.
Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 3:53pm
Today Y1 have been undertaking some geography fieldwork.
They have explored our local area to find the answers to the following questions:-
How many people visit the local shop (Sam's shop)?
When is the busiest time in the local shop (Sam's shop)?
We worked in a small group and went for a walk along Lyme Street - where we found out that every street has a name sign. Then, we did a survey outside the local shop to find the answers to our questions.
We found out:-
31 people visited the shop.
The busiest time was at 2.00 pm and the quietest time was at 1.15pm.
We had lots of fun! Miss Burns, Miss Costello and Miss Parr were very proud of us as we are great ambassadors for our school. Well done Year 1.
Design Technology - Moving Pictures
Date: 22nd Oct 2019 @ 9:07am
Year 1 have worked very hard making a moving picture of an alien to help Zorg the alien settle in on Planet Earth.
After looking at some children's books containing levers and sliders we had a go at making our own - the children were fabulous! Then we designed our own, choosing the materials we wanted to make our finished product attractive and fit for purpose and selecting whether we wanted to use a lever or a slider.
Next week we will be ordering the stages of our designing, making and evaluating process and writing our own evaluations.
Baby Zorg knows he is in England
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 2:31pm
This week we have been learning a little more about The United Kingdom so we can send a message to Baby Zorg's mum and dad.
We have been able to use a map and a globe to identify the four countries of The United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We have also been able to name their capital cities - London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.
Then we have used directional language such as near, far, next to, up, down, left and right to describe the position of the countries. Some of us used a big map to help us ... it was fun!
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 2:23pm
This week in Year 1 we have been working together to listen to the story of 'Aliens Love Underpants'.
After we had listened to the story we had to work together to sequence the events in the story - so that we knew the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Alien Spaceship Lost - Crash Landing at Lyme
Date: 17th Sep 2019 @ 7:46pm
Year 1 came in to school today to find out that an alien spaceship had been seen in the sky above St Helens.
Mrs Cribb needed Y1 to investigate as when she came into school she heard a big bang outside! Year 1 explored the school field and found evidence of the spaceship crash ... then Miss Burns read a letter to us that had been written in an alien language. It was from Mr and Mrs Zorg. It said:-
Greetings Earthlings
Can you help us? Our son Baby Zorg was out exploring in his spaceship and has not come home. If you see him can you help him find his way home?
From, Mr and Mrs Zorg
Year 1 have decided they need to take care of Baby Zorg and will help him find his way home by learning all about our local area so they can send a message to Mr and Mrs Zorg!
Date: 17th Sep 2019 @ 7:32pm
Year 1 have been investigating maths problems today.
They worked in groups to solve a problem using their number bonds to 10. Some children used practical equipment to help them.
Great teamwork and problem solving Year 1.
Date: 8th Sep 2019 @ 3:56pm
Year 1 have had a fabulous first few days in their new class. They have been so brilliant that all the class were 'achievers' for being 'superstars' in our Achievement Assembly on Friday. They also had the best attendance - so SAM (School Attendance Matters) the Monkey will be in Y1 next week too.
They have been learning lots of new routines and understanding what it is like to be in Key Stage One. In their learning they have been exploring the continuous provision areas as well as counting (in our Maths) and understanding the importance of sharing through our PATHs lessons.
Miss Burns, Miss Costello and Sue are looking forward to the year ahead.
Thank You Year 1 for a great first week!
Date: 22nd Jul 2019 @ 10:40pm
Today Y1 learned about why the UK has more hours of sun in the summer than we do in the winter (A whopping 9 hours more each day). Y1 explored how our shadows move throughout the day and how to record data and interpret data from a table and a pictograph. Children recorded their shadows throughout the day, marking their new positions each time and making prediction as to where they thought their shadow would be next. Y1 then explored how planet Earth moves using globes and replica suns. Sensational science Y1!
Date: 15th Jul 2019 @ 3:48pm
Today Y1 were tasked with gathering and recording data to help them to answer questions. Our learning question was, what lives in our school? and then children used the data they collected to answer, which is the most common insect in our school? Y1 had lots of fun exploring and investigating the many mini habitats in our fabulous school grounds. Children looked on bark, under stones, in soil and in the sky. Y1 also performed the tree shake test, placing white trays under branches and gently shaking them to see who is living on them. Y1 discovered that we have many ant nests and that ants were the most common insect. We also discovered beetles, grasshoppers, butterflies, and some interesting things in our school pond. Great investigating Y1.
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 1:13pm
This week in year 1, children have been answering and shoving problems related to money. Following on from children's work with recognising and using coins, Y1 have been looking at and using notes. Children were very excited to be rich for the day and they were fantastic at counting and using their money. Super spending Y1.
Y1 assault course fun for UNICEF’s soccer aid.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:39am
Children in Y1 helped to raise money for UNICEF’s soccer aid by completing our huge 75ft inflatable assault course. A great day was had by all and Mr. Devereux and Mrs. Costello even managed to have a sneaky go.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:26am
This week year 1 have been working on improving their comprehension skills. Together we read part of our new zoo mystery 'Who ate the zookeeper?' by Dave Dutton. Children were set the task to think of a range of questions that could reveal what happened to the zookeeper. After discussing their theories children worked in pairs to collect and write down their questions in an order they would like to ask them. Children then took part in a hot seating session with a very familiar zookeeper. It took the children 40 minutes and 3 rounds of question revising, but eventually their questions lead to solving the mystery of who had eaten the zookeeper. Perfect problem solving Y1!
Year 1- Scooting for our health and wellbeing.
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 12:15am
As part of our health and wellbeing week, children in Y1 took part in a Scooter skills lesson led by pro skateboarder Liam. Children loved learning outside and there was not a frown in site as Y1 learned some awesome skills and tricks. Superb scooting Y1!
Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 12:09pm
This week, as part of our arts week, children in Y1 learned about some different ways of creating art. Children looked etching, scratching and collages. Y1 were tasked to create a variety of different art work in the style of British artist Norman Ackroyd and the famous illustrator and author Eric Carle. Children begin to understand the processes needed in creating these types of artwork, such as, waxing, painting, designing a template, making a rough copy, finding resources and then finally creating the finished piece. Our finished artwork looks amazing and they will all be on display very soon. Amazing art year 1!
ARTS WEEK 2019 - Collage inspired by Eric Carle
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 9:11am
Year 1 spent the morning looking at how Eric Carle creates his pictures in his story books, They sketched mini beasts and flowers; practised collage techniques (using overlaying) to create different shades of colour; used tools in paint to create different textures and then combined these to make their finished piece.
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 8:54am
During our arts week, Y1 were visited by a professional dancer and cheorographer. Following on from children’s geography work this year, we travelled around the UK looking at some styles of dancing associated with each country. Y1 learned some traditional Scottish ceildah dancing, Irish step dancing and a Welsh group folk dance. Very impressive Y1.
How are humans different from tigers?
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 8:47am
This week children have been learning about human and animal body’s. Y1 looked at a human skull and compared it with a rams skull. We looked at features that are the same and features that are different between each skull. Y1 then looked more closely at our own body, naming and discussing some key parts of the human body. Super science Y1!
Date: 16th Jun 2019 @ 2:15pm
Today almost all the class took part in auditions for our upcoming ‘Lyme’s got talent’ show. Those who didn’t were given the tough job as judges, scoring acts from star quality to effort. The class were very supportive to their class mates during the auditions and afterwards, to both successful performers and to those unsuccessful. In a true democratic way 19 children were whittled to 4 and then 2 acts were voted on based on their act and not popularity. I am very proud at how well the class dealt with successive and defeat, great life lessons learned. Terrific talent Y1!
Learning about volume and capacity.
Date: 16th Jun 2019 @ 2:03pm
Children in Y1 have been learning about the language of volume and capacity. Y1 learned inside and outside with a range of activities promoting the use of mathematical language such as, full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full. Great job Y1!
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 11:09pm
Wow, what a day Y1 had on Thursday. Children learned about the differences between seals and sea lions, how giraffes take leaves from trees, how much a lion eats in a week and why some animals have coloured faces. Observing hundreds of animals, watching the sea lion show and meeting a real zoologist, Y1 have definitely made some fantastic memories that will last a lifetime. Excellent exploring Y1!
Science week! Exploring Darwen: Why do birds have different beaks?
Date: 10th Jun 2019 @ 7:09am
To bring our science week to a close Year 1 took part in some animal themed testing. Y1 learned about Charles Darwin, from his passion for collecting to his epic 5 year journey around the world on the ship, HMS Beagle. Children were shown a variety of birds and asked the question, why are birds beaks different? After collecting some answers children were set the open task to try and find out using an array of replica bird beaks in a variety of different simulated habitats. Y1 had lots of fun testing out all their beak theories, from eating, getting through trees, defending themselves and diving into water. At the end of the lesson Y1 were successful at matching each bird (Jay, pelican, hawk, black skimmer) to their correct habitat. Y1 fully understand how Darwin believed each animal adapts it's self to best survive in the environment it is found. Super Science Y1!