Whole School Gallery Items: Gallery


Date: 2nd May 2019 @ 4:23pm

The children had a fun time exploring angles in Magical Maths club tonight. It was the first time the year 5 children had used protractors and they did very well! The children were challeneged to find the smallest and biggest angle, with a chocolatey prize for the winner. smiley

Rights-Respecting Steeering Group's assembly: article 29

Date: 29th Apr 2019 @ 12:50pm

Following our meeting on Friday, members of the RRS Steering Group have delivered an assembly today on article 29 - 'Every child has the right to an education that develops thier abilities and talents. Education should teach them how to look after the environment'.

They have focused on educating their peers on looking after the environment:

*Plastic pollution

*Taking care of the environment


*Walk to School Week

RRS assembly 29.4.19

Children's Mental Health Week 2019

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:27am

Mrs Lammond led an assembly on Wednesday about feelings and what to do when things are worrying us.

Curriculum planning

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:23am

Members of our Rights-Respecting Steering group met last Friday 
to look at which articles from the UNCRC link to each area of our PSHE and RE curriculum. Thank you to those who helped!

RRS visit to Sherdley Primary School

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:15am

After the success of their presentation at the Junior Democracy Debate at the Town Hall last term, our Rights-Respecting Steering Group were invited to Sherdley Primary School in Sutton to lead an assembly. Sherdley Primary School are on their way to achieving the Silver accreditation of the RRSA and wanted our ambassadors to share what they have learned and what we have done at Lyme to embed the rights of the child into our school ethos.     The four members of our RR Steering Group who lead the assembly did so with confidence and enthusiasm - yet again being excellent representatives for Lyme and outstanding amabassadors for children's rights.

Eco Team hard at work!

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 10:09am

On Thursday, our hard working Eco-Team spent the afternoon digging over the planters on the school field and planting sunflowers, beans and sowing wildflower seeds with the help of Scott, Lyme Park's Ranger. 

Then they had the hard job of choosing the winning native animal drawing from each class. From the class winners, Scott will choose an overall design to include on signs in Lyme Park. Watch this space for the winning art work!

Eco competition winners

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:56am

Yesterday, the winners of the eco competition were announced in assembly. Scott, Lyme Park's Ranger, came to present the children who had drawn the winning entries with certificates and prizes. He will use the overall winning drawing as the centre-piece for the signs, with the others featured on there too.

The Eco Team were also given certificates to thank them for all their hard work.

Easter activities

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:50am

A HUGE thank you to our Student Council who organised some Easter activities during 'Friday fun-time' this week to raise money for School Fund: added to the money raised during the Easter Bingo and class raffles, over £700 was made!

Easter egg decorating competition

Date: 14th Apr 2019 @ 9:35am

Our Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors had a difficult job judging this year's Easter egg decorating competition on Friday. We were all amazed by the effort the children had put in to demonstrate one of the articles from the UN rights of the child. 

Take a look at the entries; the finalists and the top 3...they really were all eggcellent! 

Eco-Council meeting

Date: 23rd Nov 2018 @ 2:12pm

In this week's Eco-Council meeting, Scott (Lyme Park's Ranger) came to talk to us about ideas to develop the park area. He asked the group to look at a map of the park and think about how we can help him to improve the signs and encourage more people to visit.

In the Spring/Summer term he will be asking the Eco-Council to lead a competition across school to design some art work for the new signs.

Learning Challenge Exhibition

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 10:59am

A huge well done to all the children for their incredible work this half term! Thank you to everyone who came to see the work on display in the hall. 

World Teacher's Day 2018

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 9:36am

Have a look at some of the messages the children wanted to share about their teachers at Lyme!

Rights-Respecting Group Visit Hope Academy

Date: 4th Jul 2018 @ 12:07pm

On Thursday 14th June, four members of our Rights-Respecting Group visited Hope Academy to present to local headteachers about children's rights and to talk to them about all the work they have done on being amabassadors at Lyme. They did a fantastic job! Hopefully they will have encouraged other local primary schools to think more about the rights of the child.

Arts Week 2018

Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 12:14pm

Arts Week Dances

Date: 22nd Jun 2018 @ 4:10pm

Children's Rights Ambassadors Lessons June 2018

Date: 5th Jun 2018 @ 3:53pm

Members of our fabulous Rights-Respecting Steering Group have been leading lessons in their own classes this week. They have been talking about children's rights and then making leaflets to share with the whole community. Look at how many they all know!!

Rights_Respecting Steering Group lessons - Article 30 - 29.1.17

Date: 1st Feb 2018 @ 4:32pm

During the week beginning 29th January, some members of our Steering Group have taught lessons to Y1-6 about article 30 - every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family.

Nursery and Reception enjoyed an excellent session from two of our Year 6 students, who introduced them to Alice and Alex, our Rights-Respecting mascots. Alex the teddy bear will be making visits home with our Foundation Stage children to take photos linked to some of their rights - nutritious food, clean water, play, education and a clean environment.

The photographs show our teachers in the making!!

World Religions Assembly 21.12.17

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 1:54pm

Family Christmas Craft Event 20.12.17

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 1:42pm

A big thank you to our fabulous Student Council for all their help with the Family Christmas Craft Event on Monday - helping set up and tidy up aswell as selling refreshments, raffle tickets and our first edition of the school magazine.

Halloween Disco

Date: 30th Oct 2017 @ 4:18pm

We had a fantastic time at our halloween disco. We really enjoyed seeing your scary and spooky costumes!

Enterprise Fair

Date: 10th Jul 2017 @ 11:41am

Thank you to all the children and staff involved in setting up the Enterprise Fair on Friday! We raised over £600 for school fund. Congratulations to our winners  - Year 6!

Numbers Count

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 11:20am

Some of our Year 3 children have been taking part in Numbers Count since the Spring Term.

Numbers Count is a fun and exciting way for children to make accelerated progress in their Maths learning.  Each child on their Numbers Count journey receives 1 to 1 direct teaching for 40 sessions - 3 sessions per week.  

Today we have celebrated the achievements of the children who have been participating in Numbers Count with our SENCo - Miss Burns.  Some of the children's family members came to support them and to see how far they have progressed.  It was a wonderful morning to see the children's achievements and for the children to share their experiences while celebrating their success smiley.

RRS assembly 28.6.17

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 2:24pm

Well done to members of our RRS Steering Group for planning and leading the KS2 assembly this week all about articles 29 and 31!

Musical Extravaganza 28.6.17

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 1:38pm

Well done to all the children who performed in our Musical Extravaganza yesterday evening. Thank you to Mr Chadwick and Mrs Brooks for organising the event and to all the families who came along to support the children.

Arts Week 2016-17

Date: 28th Jun 2017 @ 9:12pm

Our children, and staff, have really enjoyed Arts Week so far! They have had the opportunity to practice a variety of visual arts skills, such as drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and photography.

The finished products are excellent!

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD