Whole School Gallery Items: Gallery

Fantastic displays

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:00am

Some of the fantastic displays around school!

Class Charters 2020/21

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 9:25am

This term, each class have talked about the UNCRC - the rights of the child - then discussed which are the most important to them and created their class charter. Our Rights-Respecting Ambassadors will be responsible for making sure that they are used in class. 

Send My Friend To School campaign 2020

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 9:14am

As a Rights-Respecting School we have taken part in this year's 'Send My Friend to School' Campaign again with the focus being sending ALL children to school. We have done lots of work in school about children's rights and how some children (in other countries, but also in the UK) are not able to attend school currently due to a variety of reasons - one being the current pandemic. 

We have emailed our local MP, Mr. Conor McGinn, to invite him to attend a virtual assembly in January. 


Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:00pm

A HUGE thank you to our Eco Team who have met after school for the past three weeks to dig over the new planters, get rid of the weeds, clear leaves and pick up litter.

We are looking forward to the Spring when the crocus bulbs we have planted for The Rotary Club competition begin to bloom along with the daffodils, tulips and wild flowers we have planted.

Next week is National Tree Week - we are awaiting delivery of some fruit trees and hedgerows from The Tree Council. Our Eco Team will be leading an assembly in their classes to tell everyone all about it.

Mrs. Cribb will also talking about climate change in our other assemblies next week - about the importance of unity and working together to reduce our carbon foot print.  

Another great and busy week!

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 3:33pm

A great week - despite the weather!

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:30pm

Another week at Lyme!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 12:53pm

This week in school we've been very busy as you can see! From finishing off the fantastic bottle top rainbows started before; adding more tadpoles to our pond; setting up some chain reactions using different objects; making some short stop motion videos as well as some very important reading and online learning!


Easter competition 2020

Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 9:02am

Thank you all the children who have sent in something they have made for our Easter competition - they are all excellent! Prizes will be delivered ASAP!

The week at school (from Monday 6th April, 2020)

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 8:29pm

We are having a great time in school this week.

We have been keeping fit - by practising some dance routines, going on the trim trails, taking part in an assault course challenge as well as going on the scooters and bikes.

As it's nearly Easter - we have made Easter Nest cakes - they were yummy!  We have also created some Stained Glass Window Decorations.  We have made Easter Cards and motivational messages too ... 

We have enjoyed the Lego Challenges too - we have created a theme park ride and a rocket so far.

All of this as well as some online learning and Maths challenges! 

In After School Club - we have made pizza and enjoyed waffles with chocolate spread.  We have also created some mosaic art and played games (The 5 second rule game was fun - but sometimes a little tricky!).


What we've been doing in school this week! 30.03.20-03.04.20

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 8:22pm

The children who have been in school this week have been fabulous!

Aswell as going on Century Tech, Timetable Rockstars and Spelling Frame we have done lots of dancing, playing, arts and crafts and even made a Bug Hotel.


Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 1:24pm

Some members of our Eco Council have positioned the bird boxes they made last week around the school field - including putting two up in the Foundation Stage outside area.

Over the next few weeks and months we will be hoping to attract a wide variety of different birds to the boxes including Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Marsh Tits and Sparrows. The Eco Council will be using their 'bird spotting guide' from the RSPB to teach others about the different birds we may attract.


Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:36pm

Last term, the Eco Team wrote a letter to Mr. Brooks to ask for his help in building some bird boxes to attach to the trees around the school in the hope that we can attract more wildlife.

This afternoon they have worked hard measuring, sawing and drilling to create a selection of boxes with three different-sized holes to attract different species of birds. Mr. Brooks talked to the children about how to attach the boxes to the trees safely and also provided a bird-spotting sheet from the RSPB.

We wlll spend some time next week looking for the best locations to position the boxes and then we can monitor the types of birds we observe.

A HUGE thank you to Mr Brooks and our Eco Team!



Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 10:32am

Our theme for World Book Day this year is 'A Twist in the Tale'. The children looked fantastic in their costumes!

We started the day with a story in assembly - 'Little Red Reading Hood' by Lucy Rowland and Ben Mantle. This story is all about a little girl who LOVES reading and when she meets a suspicious wolf disguised as a librarian she uses all the imaginative story endings she has in her mind to write a different ending to the story for Wolf. We talked about all the other traditional tales mentioned in the story and thought of some endings of our own!

Throughout the day, the children have taken part in different activities in class to promote their love of reading...


Eco-Action meeting with The Rotary Club

Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 9:58am

The Eco-Action Team welcomed Phil from the Rotary Club to our meeting this week to discuss the letter sent to his committee (by Grace and Ellie) regarding replacement planters for the school field and also to talk to us about ideas for projects we could get involved in.  Ian, also from the Rotary Club, came into school last week to measure the existing planters on the school field. Phil explained that the proposal to replace the planters with new wooden beams will be taken to the next committee meeting on the 17th March. If agreed, the planters will be replaced within the next few weeks.

Phil talked to us about different ideas we could get involved in with the local community, such as The Friends of Lyme Pitt, Newton Gardeners' Association and The Rotary Club's charity work. Check on the newsletter for updates of these plans!

RSE consultation for parents 02.03.20

Date: 3rd Mar 2020 @ 10:07am

From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education will be statutory in primary and secondary schools.

At Lyme we are 'an early-adopter' school, which means that we are starting to use the new curriculum this academic year. As part of the provess we have:

*Shared and discussed the curriculum and resources with staff.

*Created an RSE Policy which reflects the changes in the curriculum and how we will teach it at Lyme and shared this with staff and governors.

Last night we held a parental consulation meeting to talk about the changes, share the policy, curriculum and resources. Thank you to those who made it! We will be sending home a leaflet to explain the changes and where further information can be found. In addition to this, we will be sending out a questionnaire to gain views on our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum and any further support needed.

Any questions - please come and see Mrs. Roberts.



Date: 4th Feb 2020 @ 8:51am

During Science Week, Foundation Stage and KS1 enjoyed an exciting workshop with real life scientist Adrian Bowden! The children had a go at predicting, testing, measuring, observing, classifying and recording while taking part in different investigations.

Science Week Assembly!

Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 3:47pm

Science Week!

Today's assembly was all about Science Week! Mr Leather talked to the children about how important Science is and what life would be like without science or scientists. The children discussed what it would be like without electricity, without plastics, without modern medicines or modern engineering such as airplanes and cars.

Mr Leather performed two fun experiments for the whole school. One was called 'the floating tea bag' and the other was called 'the upside down glass'. Both were great fun and the children have been challenged to write a scientific explanation of how the experiements worked!


We look forward to hearing your answers!! 


Choir and Brass Band performing at Tesco!

Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 3:51pm

World Children's Day 2019

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 10:45am

As a Rights-Respecting School it is very important that we celebrate World Children's Day! This year the day was even more important as it celebrated 30 years since the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) were agreed.

Our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors and teachers led lots of activties in their classes to help us all to think about the rights of the child and why they are important. Each class, led by the RRS amabassadors, played some games to remind us of all the different rights - from musical chairs in Y1 to charades in Y6. Following on from this they each did a specific activty linked to the UNCRC:

*Y1 talked about their rights 

*Y2 thought about their right to an education and what they would change in their classroom or school

*Y3 discussed their right to be heard; how we listen to pupil voice in our school and ideas for helping other children to use theirs

*Y4 learned more about duty-bearers and the role adults have in making sure children access their rights

*Y5 carried out reserach in First News newspapers and watched Newsround to find current stories which link to children's rights - thinking about when children have been denied or enabled to have their rights

*Y6 investigated what other world events happened in 1989 (the year the UNCRC was agreed) and though about how these impacted on children's lives then

All children have taken part in the Send My Friend to School' campaign. This year's theme is 'unlocking education' - the children have thought about the barriers to education for some children and how we can help chnage this. We will send our ideas off to our local MP to take to Parliament. 


Our fabulous RRS team helped to lead our special assembly and created an A to Z of children's rights to help everyone to remember.


Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 10:24am

Thanks to the £4000 grant we were awarded from winning the Tesco Bags for Help scheme, the new canopy and Reading/Writing Shed are now completed in the Foundation Stage outside area! The children have been making great use of the covered spaces, especially in this recent bad weather. 

KS1 fundraising for Children in Need

Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 12:44pm

Our KS1 children had great fun on Friday raising money for Children in Need! In our team point groups, we took part in four different challenges:

*passing a balloon over and under

*trying to transfer malteasers from one bowl to another using only a straw

*moving a cookie from our forehead into our mouth by only wiggling our faces

*cup stacking

There was lots of laughing and team spirit as the children cheered each other on! School raised over £400 for the charity.


Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 3:58pm

KS2 took part in a very exciting and interactive assembly this afternoon all about being an 'Internet Legend'. smiley

We need to remember:

SHARP - think before sharing anything online

ALERT - be alert to whether things are real and to phishing (taking someone elses information); remember not to share passwords or personal details 

SECURE - always log out when using websites; make sure mobile phones have a password; use trusted websites - look for the green padlock - and use a password that has 8 characters and a symbol

KIND - be kind with what is posted online - treating others how you would like to be treated; take care with the emojis used - think about other peoples feelings; be aware of cyberbullies

BRAVE - always block, report, tell a trusted adult if something doesn't seem right


*More information can be found on https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk 

Remembrance Day assembly

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 12:41pm

Yesterday we held a Remembrance Day assembly to think about all the soldiers who have lost their lives and those who are serving their country. We talked about why we wear poppies and watched the Queen and Prince Phillip lay a poppy wreath at the Cenotaph in London. Alex and Lily from Year 6 read us two poems -  'Flanders Field' and 'For the Fallen'. At the end of the assembly we listened the 'the last post' and held our two minutes silence - all of the children behaved very respectfully - sitting quietly and using the time to remember. 




Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 9:40am

Our Eco Team were very busy yesterday! They spent some time in the afternoon picking up litter, tidying the planters on the field and clearing the pond.

30th anniversary of children's rights

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 9:12am

Our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors have been very busy planning activities to celebrate World Children's Day on Wednesday 20th November. This year it will be an extra special celebration as it marks 30 years since the United Convention on the Rights of the Child were agreed and signed.

Our ideas so far:

*our ambassadors will be  leading an assembly on the UNCRC

*they will be planning and leading activities to promote children's rights

*our teachers will be launching the 'Send My Friend to School' campaign

*we will be creating a short film of how we are continuing to learn about our rights and will share this with the community on our website and with other schools

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD