Whole School Gallery Items: Gallery


Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:54pm

A marvellous, mathematical time was had by all across the school today as we exhibited our 'Crazy Rockstar' hairstyles all in aid of an amazing cause; the NSPCC. The children looked FABULOUS and had obviously put a lot of effort into creating their styles. They also took part in many maths related games and activities as well as a national times table competition on Times Table Rockstars.

Our newly appointed maths ambassadors treated us to an assembly with some fun competitions.

Thank you everyone for your support - we raised £140 for the NSPCC. 

National Storytelling Week

Date: 5th Feb 2025 @ 4:30pm

This week is National Storytelling week and our Reading Ambassadors have been very busy visiting classes to share a love of stories and storytelling. 

In a special assembly we spoke about stories that have passages into magical worlds and characters that have special superpowers.  Our Reading Ambassadors hope to inspire children to take part in our REIMAGINE YOUR WORLD competition which is the theme for National Storytelling Week this year.  



Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 11:45am

It had been fantastic to see the confidence of the children in the different performances over THE Christmas period in our EY and KS1 nativities and KS2 carol concert.


Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 11:37am

Thank you to our Student Council and Miss. Evans for organising an excellent Christmas Craft afternoon - it was very well attended and lots of fun was had!


Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 11:34am

We had a lovely day on celebrating our achievement of PATHS Model School Status. Mrs. Reid and the Year 5 B's Buddies led an assembly in which school were presented with our special plaque by the Mayor, Councillor Jeanette Banks, and Lisa from the PATHS Team.

Our Early Years and KS1 children loved having a dance with our other special guest, Twiggle the Turtle, and played some party games which included the other characters from their PATHS lessons. Our KS2 classes enjoyed watching the film 'Inside Out' which is all about different feelings and emotions. Each class also took part in their weekly PATHS lessons too.

Mrs. Reid and the team have worked incredibly hard to embed PATHS into our everyday school life and as one of only a handful of schools in the authority with Model School Status we are INCREDIBLY proud!

Sea Cadets

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 1:24pm

PO Ratcliffe and Sergeant Ratcliffe from Newton Le Willows Sea Cadets visited us this week. They talked all about what is on offer at Sea Cadets which starts from age 9. They also collected the beautiful poppy display created by Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Meakin with the children in our after school club - this will go on display as part of the Community Poppy Appeal. 

Young Carers Awareness Day

Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 11:54am

This week our children have been involved in some workshops with Tanya and Sophie from Young Carers. They led an assembly about the role of a young carer and then delivered a workshop in each class from Year 1 to Year 6 about how we care for each other. As the Mayor, Councillor Jeanette Banks, has nominated Young Carers as her charity this year, she joined us to talk about the importance of the work of this charity.

Harvest Festival

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 6:46pm

Today, Reverend Chris came into school to lead an assembly - all about Harvest Festival.

We have also collected items as part of our Harvest Festival - these donations will be delivered to our local foodbank so that people in our community can benefit.

World Mental Heath Day

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:32am

This week Mrs. Reid led an assembly about the importance of looking after our mental health. We all took part in 'Yellow Day' to think about this and to raise money for Young Minds - a charity which supports children and young people. Thank you for your donations - £168 was sent to support this much needed cause. 

Student Council visit to the Town Hall

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:28am

Miss. Evans and Mrs. Squires took our Student Council to the Town Hall this week to find out more about St. Helens, the local history of the area and the role of the council. They met the Mayor and enjoyed cakes in the parkour and a tour of the building. The feedback from the children was very positive - the particularly liked finding out more about where they live and getting to sign a special book in that 'will be there forever'!

MacMillan Bake Sale

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 1:12pm

Our fantasic Lyme community raised £300 for Macmillan by holding a Bake Sale and a raffle. 

Rights-Respecting Ambassadors Assembly- September

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 1:11pm

The ambassadors led an assembly this week to promote their role and about article 12: the right to be listened to. 

Judo assembly

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 1:08pm

Anthony delivered an assembly to promote his Judo Club and encourage the children to join our after school clubs after the holidays. 

Road Safety workshop

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 1:04pm

Mel from the Road Safety Team came to deliver an assembly to the whole school on how to stay safe near the roads. 

AUTUMN TERM 1 - After School Clubs

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 11:10am

This half term, the children have been enjoying these after school clubs:

  • Football
  • Gardening Club
  • Yoga and Mindfulness
  • Seasonal arts annd crafts


Y6 vs Staff Football Match.

Date: 26th Jul 2024 @ 12:37pm

To mark the Euros this year, the year 6 children took on some of the staff in our own football match. England might not have brought the cup home but the staff certainly did. 

Summer Term Achiever's awards

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 2:59pm

Well done to this term's award winners who have demonstrated excellent knowledge, skills, understanding and progress across all the different curriculum areas. 

Brass Band Concert at the Town Hall

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 2:49pm

Members of our Brass Band and Y4 class performed at the Town Hall this week. They joined Valley Brass to share several pieces of muisc with a large audience, including the Mayor and her Consort. 

Brass Band visit to the Town Hall

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 2:12pm

Members of our Brass Band visited the Town Hall this afternoon where they had lunch with the Mayor and her Consort. During their time there they found out lots of information about local history and then played a piece of music. What a fantastic experience!

Lyme's Got Talent

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 11:15am

We held class auditions this half term for Lyme's Got Talent. Our finalists competed last night in front of a full house of families and our four judges - the Mayoress, Councillor Jeanette Banks, and her consort, Councillor David Banks, along with Ann and Pauline from Business for Youth.  The winners received a voucher and trophy kindly donated by Business for Youth.                 

All of the children were excellent - showing confidence and enjoyment in their performance. The judges had the very difficult decision to choose the winners:

1st place: Jacob and Aleksander 

2nd place: Rihanna

3rd place: Kaitlin 

Pupil Leadership presentation for the Governing Body

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 9:27am

Our pupil leadership groups have been fantastic again this year. They have been involved in a variety of different roles across school including decision-making and leading assemblies. This week, representatives presented to the Governing Body on this year's achievements and the impact their role has had on the school and on them individually. 

Summer Fayre

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 4:16pm

This year's Summer Fayre was fantastic! Members of our school community enjoyed lots of different activities and stalls - even the weather didn't spoil it!

Euro Day

Date: 24th Jun 2024 @ 4:19pm

During our Euro day, we 'travelled' to six different countries in Europe using our special passports. We took part in a range of fun activities and had our passports stamped. Here are some comments and photographs from the day:

  • My favourite country was Spain because we drew funny faces in the style of Picasso.
  • I liked going to the Netherlands because I liked painting with my fingers.
  • I enjoyed visiting Scotland because we played Tug of War.
  • My favourite country was Italy as we built towers using cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows.

Mayor and Mayoress' visit

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 4:18pm

We were delighted to have a visit from the Mayor, Lynn Clarke, and Mayoress, Hayley Clarke, this week. They were accompanied by Mayor's Cadet, Emily, who is a former Lyme pupil and the daughter of our Chair of Governors, Caroline Unsworth. They presented this week's achievement certificates and Headteacher's awards during our celebration assembly and talked to the children about how they serve the community in their roles. After assembly, 
our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors talked about our recent reaccreditation of the UNICEF gold award and how they are teaching our community about children's rights. Members of The Singing Stars showed off our art display, including playground mural, and talked about our recent Artsmark Award. Madam Mayor was keen to hear about our PATHs curriculum and how we are hoping to be awarded model school status this year - our B's Buddies spoke about their role in using PATHs during break and lunchtimes to support other children. Some of our Y5 pupil gave our visitors a tour around school giving children from each class the chance to ask them some questions.
Madam Mayor commented that: 'The children were an absolute credit to the school and had lots of interesting questions for us.'


Date: 4th Apr 2024 @ 9:37am

Thank you to the Eco Team and all the children who came to Gardening Club over the Easter holidays. They were very busy bees: creating plant pots and bird houses; preparing the planters; cleaning up the pond area or a nauture garden; planting some fruits and vegetables; creating 3 new bug hotels and planting lots of wild flowers to help maintain and attract our local wildlife. We were all exhausted after two days of very hard work but are looking forward to seeing our results over the next months. 

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD