Whole School Gallery Items: Gallery

KS1 fundraising for Children in Need

Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 12:44pm

Our KS1 children had great fun on Friday raising money for Children in Need! In our team point groups, we took part in four different challenges:

*passing a balloon over and under

*trying to transfer malteasers from one bowl to another using only a straw

*moving a cookie from our forehead into our mouth by only wiggling our faces

*cup stacking

There was lots of laughing and team spirit as the children cheered each other on! School raised over £400 for the charity.


Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 3:58pm

KS2 took part in a very exciting and interactive assembly this afternoon all about being an 'Internet Legend'. smiley

We need to remember:

SHARP - think before sharing anything online

ALERT - be alert to whether things are real and to phishing (taking someone elses information); remember not to share passwords or personal details 

SECURE - always log out when using websites; make sure mobile phones have a password; use trusted websites - look for the green padlock - and use a password that has 8 characters and a symbol

KIND - be kind with what is posted online - treating others how you would like to be treated; take care with the emojis used - think about other peoples feelings; be aware of cyberbullies

BRAVE - always block, report, tell a trusted adult if something doesn't seem right


*More information can be found on https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk 

Remembrance Day assembly

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 12:41pm

Yesterday we held a Remembrance Day assembly to think about all the soldiers who have lost their lives and those who are serving their country. We talked about why we wear poppies and watched the Queen and Prince Phillip lay a poppy wreath at the Cenotaph in London. Alex and Lily from Year 6 read us two poems -  'Flanders Field' and 'For the Fallen'. At the end of the assembly we listened the 'the last post' and held our two minutes silence - all of the children behaved very respectfully - sitting quietly and using the time to remember. 




Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 9:40am

Our Eco Team were very busy yesterday! They spent some time in the afternoon picking up litter, tidying the planters on the field and clearing the pond.

30th anniversary of children's rights

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 9:12am

Our Rights-Respecting Schools Ambassadors have been very busy planning activities to celebrate World Children's Day on Wednesday 20th November. This year it will be an extra special celebration as it marks 30 years since the United Convention on the Rights of the Child were agreed and signed.

Our ideas so far:

*our ambassadors will be  leading an assembly on the UNCRC

*they will be planning and leading activities to promote children's rights

*our teachers will be launching the 'Send My Friend to School' campaign

*we will be creating a short film of how we are continuing to learn about our rights and will share this with the community on our website and with other schools


Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 4:17pm

Thank you to our Y4 students who have led an assembly for KS2 about Diwali. They have been studying the Hindu religion this half term to find an answer to 'What might a Hindu learn from celebrating Diwali?'

Bonfire Safety Talk

Date: 22nd Oct 2019 @ 5:16pm

A BIG thank you to Helen and Darren from Newton Fire Station who delivered an assembly to Years 1 - 6 about how they can stay safe during firework season.



Date: 22nd Oct 2019 @ 8:53am

Thank you to all the children and families who created something wonderful at home as part of their Learning Challenge Curriculum topics! 

Our Year 1 children made some fabulous junk model aliens as part of their 'What would an alien think of life on Planet Earth?' geography topic.

There we some very realistic Tudor houses made by Year 2 to showcase their learning about the Great Fire of London.

Year 3 demonstrated a good understanding of natural disasters - with examples of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis made whilst Year 5 used IT skills and their creative skills to share their knowledge and understanding of space. 

Our Year 4 and 6 children have enjoyed making Roman and Viking replica models as part of their history learning.


Mental Health Superhero Competition!

Date: 14th Oct 2019 @ 8:39am

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Mental Health Superhero competition! There were so many good enteries it was hard to choose just a few winners! We are going to display the 'super' superheroes that have been made in school.

Student Voice presentation - Governor's meeting July 2019

Date: 18th Jul 2019 @ 3:59pm

Our Student Voice groups have made us all very proud this week! Members of the Student Council, Eco Team and Sports Council along with our Rights-Respecting  and Online Safety Ambassadors presented their achievements this year, as well as their plans for next year, to the whole school on Monday (this assembly was also attended by a special visitor who was assessing us for the Inclusion Quality Mark). A small group of them then presented to our governing body on Tuesday evening. Student Voice is definitely a strength at Lyme!

Transition Day

Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 10:34am

We are all having a great morning in our new classes getting to know our new teachers.


Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:14pm

Our KS2 Science Club have been experimenting with lots of different things so far: who could make the biggest bubbles; designing the fastest plane/ballon rocket; investigating what happens when jelly sweets are left in different types of liquids and chromatography using skittles! 


Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 12:07pm

Our KS1 children have beeen having great fun in Science Club so far - investigating how to make paper float, making gloop and watching what happens when vinegar and bicarbonate of soda are mixed together! 

When the Eco Team met Sir William Worsley

Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:47am

The Eco-Team were invited by Scott Lancaster, Lyme’s Park Ranger, to meet with Sir William Worsley (‘tree champion’ from The Woodland Trust) about the new trees planted in Lyme Country Park. They also took part in a tree identifcation activity which they have brought back to school to share with the other children in their role as Eco ambassadors. 


Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:23am

Mr Leather and the Sports Council launched our Health and Well-being week on Monday with an assembly all about the importance of keeping fit and healthy including a 'wake up shake up' dance routine!


Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 9:20am

Our children have take part in lots of different activties and experiences this week during our Health and Well-Being week. Yesterday, Tara Jones led an assembly about her achievements in rugby league - playing for St Helens RLFC; earning her caps for Engalnd and refererring matches. She talked to the children about aiming high to achieve the goals you want to and about not giving up - a great inspiration for our children. 

A Letter from Jill Murphy

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 4:46pm

In Reception we were reading the story of 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy, which we created a story map of and performed for our website (see the link below!). After doing this we decided to make a sequel to the book with Mr Bear trying to have a sleep over in our school and lots of different things happening to keep him awake. When we had finished we turned this into our own book and decided to send a copy to Jill Murphy to show her how much we loved her story and how hard we had worked on our own!

Today we received a lovely parcel in the post, with a letter from Jill Murphy telling us how much she enjoyed our writing. She also included some of her books which we are very excited to read! We are very grateful to Jill Murphy for writing back to us, take a look at the letter below in the pictures!




Date: 8th Jun 2019 @ 5:40pm

To finish off a very exciting Science Week this week, all of the children took part in a Science workshop with Adrian Bowden. Foundation Stage and KS1 learned all about 'materials' while KS2 found out more about 'light and sound'. As always, the children were treated to many exciting science facts and investigations and were encouraged to join in and ask lots questions! See the individual class pages to find out what else the children have been doing in class this week!

The Whittle Cup - Tag Rugby Tournament 2019

Date: 5th Jun 2019 @ 4:57pm

Today some children from Y5 and Y6 took part in the 'Whittle Cup'. This prestigious schools tag rugby tournament was hosted by St.Helens rlfc at Newton storm playing fields. Team Lyme did us proud narrowly missing out on a place in the quater finals. However the children were soon cheered up when they got to meet some of the current saints players, Luke Douglas and Adam Swift. Great work Team Lyme!

Learning Challenge Curriculum Exhibition

Date: 24th May 2019 @ 1:18pm

Thank you to the families who sent in home learning projects this half term. It is lovely to see the children working on things at home connected to their learning in class.

Reception stories

Date: 24th May 2019 @ 12:51pm

Thank you to some of our reception children who read their own stories to Y6 - they were fabulous!

Y1 Eco-Warriors

Date: 24th May 2019 @ 12:44pm

A great big thank you to our Y1 class today who helped Mrs. Roberts by doing a litter pick and some weeding of the planters on the school field - we have some very keen gardeners! 

Running for Cancer Research

Date: 20th May 2019 @ 8:11pm

Over the weekend Mrs Roberts, Mrs Jones, Mr Widdowson and Mr Devereux ran the Manchester 10K, raising a whooping £700 (plus more with gift aid!) for charity. They all did fantastic and we are all so proud of them al Lyme. We also know some of our parents and friends in the community too part and would like to say a massive Well Done to those as well!

Rights-Respecting Schools Assembly -article 29

Date: 8th May 2019 @ 8:54am

The UNCRC article for this half term is article 29 - 'Education must develop every child's personalities, abilities and talents to the full. It must develop a child's respect for human rights, their parents, other cultures and the environment.' Three members of our Rights-Respecting Steering Group planned and led an assembly on looking after the environment: plastic pollution across the world; reducing/reusing/recycling; looking after our school environment. During the assembly, the children shared some ideas of things they, and the Eco Team, will be doing over this term to help take care of our local environment and also support the wider global campaign.

Story time!

Date: 8th May 2019 @ 8:43am

Following on from World Book Day, some of the Y6 children wrote  stories about the adventures of  'Esteban the Great' (Pea Green Crayon) from the story 'The Day the Crayons Came Home'. They shared them with our Reception class on Friday - they listen really well!

Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD